Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

any one person who enters our country illegally is an emergency. A curtain on fire in a home is an emergency, doesn't need to be the whole structure on fire to declare an emergency.

NOT!!!!! A few million illegals coming here does not constitute an emergency. If it was, you'd be on the border trying to stop them.

But here you sit, behind the keyboard screaming the sky is falling.

Stop letting the media and the politician convince you that the sky is falling.
NOT!!!!! A few million illegals coming here does not constitute an emergency. If it was, you'd be on the border trying to stop them.

But here you sit, behind the keyboard screaming the sky is falling.

Stop letting the media and the politician convince you that the sky is falling.
It does to us so fk off
If it's such a huge emergency, what are you personally doing about it, beside whining about it on a political forum?
I follow law, I work and pay bills. Government doesn’t pay me to do nothing like you!
I follow law, I work and pay bills. Government doesn’t pay me to do nothing like you!

Until I retired, I constantly paid the government for the privilege to work.

But let's get back to the subject. If you actually thought this was an emergency, you'd get a job with the border patrol and help secure the border.
Until I retired, I constantly paid the government for the privilege to work.

But let's get back to the subject. If you actually thought this was an emergency, you'd get a job with the border patrol and help secure the border.
Is that our job is to go to the border and fight? Or do our taxes pay for our government to protect us? Why are you okay with open borders. Open borders means no country.

Looks like some folks took up the onus to speak at the capital and they were mostly arrested and jailed. Why? It's within the constitution. Or, again, are you not for the US as a country?
Is that our job is to go to the border and fight? Or do our taxes pay for our government to protect us? Why are you okay with open borders. Open borders means no country.

Looks like some folks took up the onus to speak at the capital and they were mostly arrested and jailed. Why? It's within the constitution. Or, again, are you not for the US as a country?

LMAO.. Whining about Biden's border policy, but still waiting on Biden? If Biden is the one creating the "emergency," then why TF are you waiting on him?
How many here have allowed the media and talking points to convince you that illegal immigration is now an emergency?

And for those who think it's an emergency, what have you done personally to help with this emergency?

He hates/fears ALL immigrants and “dark people.” He’s a scumbag and an admitted coward.

NOT!!!!! A few million illegals coming here does not constitute an emergency. If it was, you'd be on the border trying to stop them.

But here you sit, behind the keyboard screaming the sky is falling.

Stop letting the media and the politician convince you that the sky is falling.
What’s odd jc456 bripat9643 is that these globalists can’t ever tell us how “immigrants” improve and enhance America for Americans…they can’t tell us how many “immigrants” are too many immigrants….All they can ever say is “shut up racist”….Why do you globalists do this? Why can’t you sell us on your lunacy? How did you get to the point where you believe America should be the dumping ground for the worlds human trash?
Do you believe a poet named Emma Lazarus wrote America’s forever immigration policy

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
I actually see nothing wrong with 14 year old teenagers voting, many have more common sense about politics than many adults I know.
NOT!!!!! A few million illegals coming here does not constitute an emergency. If it was, you'd be on the border trying to stop them.

But here you sit, behind the keyboard screaming the sky is falling.

Stop letting the media and the politician convince you that the sky is falling.
Do you think Mollie Tibbetts wishes you globalists would have pushed your government to do it’s job and treat the invasion as the EMERGENCY it is?
How about the other Americans who have been maimed, raped and murdered by those cherished pet humans that make you FEEL oh so good inside?
Given how "adults" have put us on the precipice of disintegration, I don't think allowing 18 year olds to vote should be an issue.

The "adults" should be ashamed.
Are you speaking of the voters in ALL blue shitholes whom have voted their communities, cities and states into disgusting, dirty, dangerous, diverse, divided, dependent super shitholes?
Those “adults”?
Do you think Mollie Tibbetts wishes you globalists would have pushed your government to do it’s job and treat the invasion as the EMERGENCY it is?
How about the other Americans who have been maimed, raped and murdered by those cherished pet humans that make you FEEL oh so good inside?
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To the fk yours truly, it was mollie’s own fault cause she didn’t go to the border and keep the evil fker out

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