Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

An American is allowed in the country and has equal opportunities within the borders, the illegals are not. You truly hate the term illegal, right

You're dodging my point because you can't refute it. Most Mexicans and south Americans make better citizens than most blacks. Better than a lot of whites as well.

Apparently the information you have about these people stems from fake news. I've known them, been friends with them, worked with them and lived around them most of my life. And until you have, then all you've got is regurgitated MSM and political talking points to spew about them.

Not to mention the fact that you're trying to make enemies out of countries that are on our side of the world, that are connected to the USA. Trying to make enemies out of people who are mostly trying to escape socialism, poverty, crime & drugs. Wanting to come here to work and provide for their families.
If they were mostly bad people, wanting to come here to pillage and plunder, I'd be on the border sniping those fuckers before they even stepped in the Rio.
I've known a lot of immigrants in my day. And a lot of Americans. The good immigrants vs the bad Americans is 10 to 1. (for the immigrants).
I'd trade 1 immigrant for 10 of our own trash any day.

I guarantee you that if you flooded Chicago with a million illegals, put them in the black ghetto's of Chicago, within 5 years, the houses would be fixed up. The crime rates would go down. The gangs would disappear. And it would be somewhat safe to live there.
That’s a neat feel-good theory you got there… far removed from reality but a neat theory nonetheless.
How many “Americans” do you see at this link?
Lib Logic:
”Since Americans rape and kill Americans daily, we shouldn’t deprive Mexico’s people of the same opportunity.”

Except for the fact that most immigrants are decent, law abiding folks. They come here because they're told they can, by people who know they can. The proof is that they are allowed to come here and nothing much happens to them when they do. If if they were all lined up and shot, those down there (who profit from them coming here) would still tell them they can come.
Except for the fact that most immigrants are decent, law abiding folks. They come here because they're told they can, by people who know they can. The proof is that they are allowed to come here and nothing much happens to them when they do. If if they were all lined up and shot, those down there (who profit from them coming here) would still tell them they can come.
Except for the fact that most immigrants are decent, law abiding folks. They come here because they're told they can, by people who know they can. The proof is that they are allowed to come here and nothing much happens to them when they do. If if they were all lined up and shot, those down there (who profit from them coming here) would still tell them they can come.
Why do you continue to lie after someone shows you the truth and the data?
Who do you think populates our jails in prisons… Who do you think is on welfare at a 63% clip… Who do you think has destroyed our public education institutions… Who do you think has destroyed our healthcare system… Who do you think has destroyed blue-collar trade work?

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

That’s a neat feel-good theory you got there… far removed from reality but a neat theory nonetheless.
How many “Americans” do you see at this link?

It's not a theory, dude. I've lived it. Seen it with my own eyes.

Yeah, there's bad people in every country, every race, religion and sex. That's a human nature trait.
Why do you continue to lie after someone shows you the truth and the data?
Who do you think populates our jails in prisons… Who do you think is on welfare at a 63% clip… Who do you think has destroyed our public education institutions… Who do you think has destroyed our healthcare system… Who do you think has destroyed blue-collar trade work?

The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

From your link: There has been much rhetoric from the left and the open-borders, pro-illegal immigration lobby suggesting that illegal immigrants pose no threat to the safety and security of this nation and commit less crimes than their American Citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

That bold line is utter BS. No one is saying they're all saints and angels.
It's not a theory, dude. I've lived it. Seen it with my own eyes.

Yeah, there's bad people in every country, every race, religion and sex. That's a human nature trait.
Globalist Lib Logic:
’I know of these few people….to make my FEELZ I pretend they represent the rule and not the exception.’
From your link: There has been much rhetoric from the left and the open-borders, pro-illegal immigration lobby suggesting that illegal immigrants pose no threat to the safety and security of this nation and commit less crimes than their American Citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

That bold line is utter BS. No one is saying they're all saints and angels.
Be honest….from what part of Mexico do your roots lie Gustavo?
From your link: There has been much rhetoric from the left and the open-borders, pro-illegal immigration lobby suggesting that illegal immigrants pose no threat to the safety and security of this nation and commit less crimes than their American Citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

That bold line is utter BS. No one is saying they're all saints and angels.
Why do you continue to lie after someone shows you the truth and the data?
Who do you think populates our jails in prisons… Who do you think is on welfare at a 63% clip… Who do you think has destroyed our public education institutions… Who do you think has destroyed our healthcare system… Who do you think has destroyed blue-collar trade work?
You're dodging my point because you can't refute it. Most Mexicans and south Americans make better citizens than most blacks. Better than a lot of whites as well.
I'm not dodging shit, I ain't following you into a rabbit hole of stupid.
Why do you continue to lie after someone shows you the truth and the data?
Who do you think populates our jails in prisons… Who do you think is on welfare at a 63% clip… Who do you think has destroyed our public education institutions… Who do you think has destroyed our healthcare system… Who do you think has destroyed blue-collar trade work?

Black people.
It's this kind of stupidity by that prick Vivek which has caused him to have his ass kicked in debates & polling.

Soon, no one will know whether or not he even has a pulse & no one will give a shit whether he does or doesn't.
We know! Without cheating, the democrat Party would just vanish

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