Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

What’s odd jc456 bripat9643 is that these globalists can’t ever tell us how “immigrants” improve and enhance America for Americans…they can’t tell us how many “immigrants” are too many immigrants….All they can ever say is “shut up racist”….Why do you globalists do this? Why can’t you sell us on your lunacy? How did you get to the point where you believe America should be the dumping ground for the worlds human trash?
Do you believe a poet named Emma Lazarus wrote America’s forever immigration policy
The demofks don’t know illegal from legal!!
Given how "adults" have put us on the precipice of disintegration, I don't think allowing 18 year olds to vote should be an issue.

The "adults" should be ashamed.
more evidence you are a demofk. you are for open borders as well. wow.
Do you think Mollie Tibbetts wishes you globalists would have pushed your government to do it’s job and treat the invasion as the EMERGENCY it is?
How about the other Americans who have been maimed, raped and murdered by those cherished pet humans that make you FEEL oh so good inside?
View attachment 877151

Her and the hundreds of thousands that have been raped and murdered by Americans. Being raped and murdered isn't what's really important to you. Tying that issue to the immigration issue is what you find important.
Her and the hundreds of thousands that have been raped and murdered by Americans. Being raped and murdered isn't what's really important to you. Tying that issue to the immigration issue is what you find important.
I'm not sure I understand you..... If others are committing atrocities against the weak and vulnerable, it's okay if everybody does it?

That IS what you just said, is it not?
What’s odd jc456 bripat9643 is that these globalists can’t ever tell us how “immigrants” improve and enhance America for Americans…they can’t tell us how many “immigrants” are too many immigrants….All they can ever say is “shut up racist”….Why do you globalists do this? Why can’t you sell us on your lunacy? How did you get to the point where you believe America should be the dumping ground for the worlds human trash?
Do you believe a poet named Emma Lazarus wrote America’s forever immigration policy

I've known a lot of immigrants in my day. And a lot of Americans. The good immigrants vs the bad Americans is 10 to 1. (for the immigrants).
I'd trade 1 immigrant for 10 of our own trash any day.

I guarantee you that if you flooded Chicago with a million illegals, put them in the black ghetto's of Chicago, within 5 years, the houses would be fixed up. The crime rates would go down. The gangs would disappear. And it would be somewhat safe to live there.
Her and the hundreds of thousands that have been raped and murdered by Americans. Being raped and murdered isn't what's really important to you. Tying that issue to the immigration issue is what you find important.
We know illegals don’t belong here, and we know you don’t care
I've known a lot of immigrants in my day. And a lot of Americans. The good immigrants vs the bad Americans is 10 to 1. (for the immigrants).
I'd trade 1 immigrant for 10 of our own trash any day.

I guarantee you that if you flooded Chicago with a million illegals, put them in the black ghetto's of Chicago, within 5 years, the houses would be fixed up. The crime rates would go down. The gangs would disappear. And it would be somewhat safe to live there.
The Liberty City Riots in Miami weren't about the Insurance Salesman.

They were about the Mariel Boatlift. Blacks in the City were complaining that they were taking Welfare Money away from the local Black Population. Maybe they were. Who knows?

But that's what the riots were about. Period.

Miami is the only Major City in the USA to have a Republican Mayor. And that is because of all the immigrants.

The people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc, etc have heard REAL communists in REAL communist Countries and they know what communism sounds like.

It sounds like the dimocrap SCUM Party

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.

Say Jim, don't you find it interesting how the least wise someone is the more likely they're to support the Democracks?

One has to ponder why anyone older than 40s or 50s still supports them. Usually brains are fully developed by the age of 30, but sometimes not at all.
Ramaswamy's proposal has a lot of merit. America requires that 18 year olds meet qualifications to drive or join the military, or to attend college.

Why not voting?

Further, moving the age to 21 makes sense. We don't allow 18 year olds to drink or smoke cigarettes or even grass legally. If they can't be trusted to do shots of jagermeister and smoke marlboros, why should they be trusted to decide who the president is going to be?
You will happily let them fight and possibly die for you though, AMIRIGHT!
This isn't about a ban.
It's like getting into college.
They have to have standards before you can register, so the same should be for the right to vote.

This is like getting a driver's license.
You have to prove you're responsible and capable of driving safely before you get one.

You should be able to prove you're responsible and capable before you vote.
You can't be a vegetable or unable to understand English to be able to vote.
You should also love your country and be able to prove it.....or you can't vote.

Best way I know to prove this is to take similar tests like the ones we took when I volunteered for Special Forces.
If you can't pass that then you don't have the mental acuity to be on an SF A Team.

Same thing goes for gun ownership or voting.
You should have to prove you're not a complete nutter before you can own a gun or vote.
So, you're conflating constitutional rights and privileges, because reasons? Are they really rights when they can be stripped away because reasons? :dunno:
Her and the hundreds of thousands that have been raped and murdered by Americans. Being raped and murdered isn't what's really important to you. Tying that issue to the immigration issue is what you find important.
Lib Logic:
”Since Americans rape and kill Americans daily, we shouldn’t deprive Mexico’s people of the same opportunity.”
I've known a lot of immigrants in my day. And a lot of Americans. The good immigrants vs the bad Americans is 10 to 1. (for the immigrants).
I'd trade 1 immigrant for 10 of our own trash any day.

I guarantee you that if you flooded Chicago with a million illegals, put them in the black ghetto's of Chicago, within 5 years, the houses would be fixed up. The crime rates would go down. The gangs would disappear. And it would be somewhat safe to live there.
An American is allowed in the country and has equal opportunities within the borders, the illegals are not. You truly hate the term illegal, right
Sorry, no right is absolute! If we have background check for gun owners should be the same for "voters" real or imaginary
It's this kind of stupidity by that prick Vivek which has caused him to have his ass kicked in debates & polling.

Soon, no one will know whether or not he even has a pulse & no one will give a shit whether he does or doesn't.

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