Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old cowardly losers and weaklings like brokeLOSER add anything positive to my country? Do LOSERS like him appreciate or even understand America?

So illegal entry is equal to lawful entry? Wow slick , that’s really something.

Your ignorance to the actual subject is noted
Ramaswamy's proposal has a lot of merit. America requires that 18 year olds meet qualifications to drive or join the military, or to attend college.

Why not voting?

Further, moving the age to 21 makes sense. We don't allow 18 year olds to drink or smoke cigarettes or even grass legally. If they can't be trusted to do shots of jagermeister and smoke marlboros, why should they be trusted to decide who the president is going to be?

But you're fine with letting them go to war for you!
Yep, see his posts, he’s referring to illegal aliens
Have you actually read his posts? Any of them? Every last one is about hate and fear based on skin color. Go on, find a post that doesn't have "dark people" or the like in it.
Have you actually read his posts? Any of them? Every last one is about hate and fear based on skin color. Go on, find a post that doesn't have "dark people" or the like in it.
Hate is a hard word for people invading a country doing damage to fellow Americans

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
Ballot harvesting after the polls have closed is an attack on voting. Sending ballots in the name of MailIn voting when the voter or their power of attorney has not requested then is an attack on voting.

Dead voters and incompetent voters’ NAMES continue to vote blue.
Hate is a hard word for people invading a country doing damage to fellow Americans
I don't see anyone here defending illegal immigration. Peruse that son of a BITCH'S posting history and tell me you come to any other conclusion than that he is a dickless, cowardly racist. I think you've got more sense than that.
I'd rather have blacks vote than a POS nutter like you.
The problem is most of them haven't had decent upbringing.
Their morals and principles are shot.
Many of them can be too easily misled or bought by race hustlers like Al Sharpton.
Most of the cities that are falling apart are run by Blacks, yet they think they can get away with casting aspersions on whites.
Many gays are the same way.
It's difficult to expect morals and principles from some guy who likes jiggling his privates around children.
Amazingly racist. Wow
I don't see anyone here defending illegal immigration. Peruse that son of a BITCH'S posting history and tell me you come to any other conclusion than that he is a dickless, cowardly racist. I think you've got more sense than that.
Funny, you seem to be attacking him in general and not a filtered response, you know he's referring to illegal immigrants. And there are most demofks in here defending illegal entry into my country. I expected more from you, to recognize the defined reasoning as illegal entries. The problem with immigration is some people don't want to call them illegal. That sir is a fact! So, missing the adjective of illegal in front of immigrant is disinformation.

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