Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

‘but but but…..We swear, we don’t want more illegals and ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a “vanity wall“ to divide us from Mexico, we want anyone who says the word "asylum" to be set free among the American public, we want to provide illegals with safe havens/sanctuary, we want to give illegals the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegals here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want all Mexicans to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want more wetbacks and open borders.’
Who are you pretending to quote, lying loser?
If you think so, quote any actual posts from me, you lying sack of shit.
Lets cut to the chase.
Answer these very simple questions….grab your sack…READY?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve and enhance America?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our public education?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our healthcare system?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our social service programs?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders have a positive affect on employment and housing opportunities for blacks?

Should we build and defend a wall?
Should we pass laws that make it easier to locate and arrest illegals?
Should we pass laws that fast track deportations?
Should we end ALL sanctuary bullshit?
Should we provide free healthcare for thirdworlders?
Should we stop this bullshit asylum bullshit?

Don’t be scared…don’t hack the context…don’t create spin and semantics…..SACK UP and answer the questions to affirm your position.

(pay attention ladies and gentlemen…watch this)

Lets cut to the chase.
Answer these very simple questions….grab your sack…READY?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve and enhance America?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our public education?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our healthcare system?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our social service programs?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders have a positive affect on employment and housing opportunities for blacks?

Should we build and defend a wall?
Should we pass laws that make it easier to locate and arrest illegals?
Should we pass laws that fast track deportations?
Should we end ALL sanctuary bullshit?
Should we provide free healthcare for thirdworlders?
Should we stop this bullshit asylum bullshit?

Don’t be scared…don’t hack the context…don’t create spin and semantics…..SACK UP and answer the questions to affirm your position.

(pay attention ladies and gentlemen…watch this)

jc456 cowardly losers and weaklings like brokeLOSER add anything positive to my country? Do LOSERS like him appreciate or even understand America?

NO cowardly losers and weaklings like brokeLOSER add anything positive to my country? Do LOSERS like him appreciate or even understand America?

There you go people…That’s the affirmation of Unkotare’s position, he knows he can’t answer the questions without damaging his FEELZ or his credibility.
I’ll copy and paste this anytime he claims he’s not a globalist lefty.


The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
They only want angry old white guys stinking of piss to vote.
Didn’t angry old white guys build the greatest nation the world had ever seen in a short 150 years doing it their way?
Just because YOU are old, angry, and white doesn't mean you deserve ANY credit for what anyone else has ever done, loser. And men AND women of ALL sorts built my great nation. You're a coward and a weakling. Did cowards and weaklings build this great nation?
Just because YOU are old, angry, and white doesn't mean you deserve ANY credit for what anyone else has ever done, loser. And men AND women of ALL sorts built my great nation. You're a coward and a weakling. Did cowards and weaklings build this great nation?
I’m in my 40’s…hardly old and damn grateful for my whiteness.

And men AND women of ALL sorts built my great nation
NEGATIVE….America was built by white men. Teaching otherwise is another misleading lie from ignorant, programmed FEELZ based educators. You should teach children to give praise to those old white guys who gifted them the nation they mooch off of today.

You're a coward and a weakling.
ANYTIME a nutless, globalist lefty calls me a coward or weakling I’m reassured that my positions are on point. Thanks for the affirmation.
They only want angry old white guys stinking of piss to vote.
The repubs know the upcoming generations don't want to vote for them. repubs want to return to the "bad old days."

I have heard repubs say only property owners should get a vote. Now this....with our current USSC. I can see a couple of them going along with these crazy ideas.

Clarence Thomas would support these restrictions. He and his insurrectionist wife are discusting.
I’m in my 40’s…hardly old and damn grateful for my whiteness.

NEGATIVE….America was built by white men. Teaching otherwise is another misleading lie from ignorant, programmed FEELZ based educators. You should teach children to give praise to those old white guys who gifted them the nation they mooch off of today.

ANYTIME a nutless, globalist lefty calls me a coward or weakling I’m reassured that my positions are on point. Thanks for the affirmation.
Unky is a crazy fuck but he has got your number.
Lets cut to the chase.
Answer these very simple questions….grab your sack…READY?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve and enhance America?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our public education?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our healthcare system?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders improve the effectiveness of our social service programs?
IN GENERAL….do thirdworlders have a positive affect on employment and housing opportunities for blacks?

Should we build and defend a wall?
Should we pass laws that make it easier to locate and arrest illegals?
Should we pass laws that fast track deportations?
Should we end ALL sanctuary bullshit?
Should we provide free healthcare for thirdworlders?
Should we stop this bullshit asylum bullshit?

Don’t be scared…don’t hack the context…don’t create spin and semantics…..SACK UP and answer the questions to affirm your position.

(pay attention ladies and gentlemen…watch this)

I heard it cost 5 billion for a wall and 150 billion to support illegals.

They should explain what is cheaper

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
Its also bad for the country when you elect leftist neo-fascist corporate puppets into power by manipulating the emotional voters.

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