Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

At least he is not into Japanese Fecal Porno like somebody else we all know.

At least give the Japanese some credit. It only took one man to end communism in Japan before it started.

Assassination of Inejirō Asanuma - Wikipedia

Why haven't Democrats implemented that?
Good question. It's been on the table for more than a decade and it works. Most illegals will self-deport within 6 months.

No one actually wants to stop illegals . They are liars. Trump employed hundreds of them at his hotels and resorts over the past 30 years. You fight and attack each other rather than calling BS on the politicians.
Good question. It's been on the table for more than a decade and it works. Most illegals will self-deport within 6 months.

No one actually wants to stop illegals . They are liars. Trump employed hundreds of them at his hotels and resorts over the past 30 years. You fight and attack each other rather than calling BS on the politicians.

Trump only employed hundreds? That's nothing! President Biden has brought jobs to hundred of thousands of illegals, even children.

They happily toil away in the brothels, massage parlors, strip joints, the drug dens....etc.
If an amendment that states, "shall not be infringed.", can still allow states to enforce a minimum age purchase a handgun, certainly the states could could raise the age of voting. Can't really have it both ways.
Ramaswamy's proposal has a lot of merit. America requires that 18 year olds meet qualifications to drive or join the military, or to attend college.

Why not voting?

Further, moving the age to 21 makes sense. We don't allow 18 year olds to drink or smoke cigarettes or even grass legally. If they can't be trusted to do shots of jagermeister and smoke marlboros, why should they be trusted to decide who the president is going to be?
Okay, no guns for anyone under 21. How about that?
“He would raise the minimum voting age to 25, from 18, unless U.S. citizens passed a citizenship test, or served in the military.” ibid

The right’s war on democracy continues.
He knows repubs are losing the youth vote and wants to raise the voting age. Simple as that
So expand E verify and fine employers who hire illegals and quit dicking around with vanity walls.

Good question. It's been on the table for more than a decade and it works. Most illegals will self-deport within 6 months.

No one actually wants to stop illegals . They are liars. Trump employed hundreds of them at his hotels and resorts over the past 30 years. You fight and attack each other rather than calling BS on the politicians.
Hold on…didn’t you lefties cry and protest when Trump ordered iCE raids…didn’t you and AOC call for the abolishment of iCE?
Didn’t you shut down government for a record period when Trump wanted more funding to implement a more aggressive immigration policy?
Haven’t Democrats voted down e-verify Bills several times?
18 year olds are stupid. I can confidently say this as a former 18 year old.

Under federal law, the minimum age to buy a handgun from a licensed dealer is 21. But the age limit drops to 18 if the gun is being purchased from a private, unlicensed seller, which could be a neighbor or someone online, or at gun show.
surada and Democrats own CA, AZ, NV, NM and much of TX all thanks to their cherished illegal trespassers.
Why would implement such a thing?
They don't want to solve the problem. They are liars... or stupid. Trump wants a 2 billion dollar wall with his name on it or his face on Mt Rushmore.

These people are trash.
Ramaswamy's proposal has a lot of merit. America requires that 18 year olds meet qualifications to drive or join the military, or to attend college.

Why not voting?

Further, moving the age to 21 makes sense. We don't allow 18 year olds to drink or smoke cigarettes or even grass legally. If they can't be trusted to do shots of jagermeister and smoke marlboros, why should they be trusted to decide who the president is going to be?

That the US calls itself the "land of the free" and doesn't let 18 year olds be adults.... well... it's like North Korea calling itself a "People's Republic"

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