Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

The attack on voting continues within the repub party.
Says the party which took away all checks and balances to assure that elections are legit and not fraught with cheating.

Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue.
Young voters are the most inexperienced, gullible and naive, so naturally, the democrats want every young person they can find because as folks get older and smarten up, they become conservative.

Democrats are all about raising a generation of brainwashed morons to keep themselves in power no matter what the cost to the nation because they know they cannot win in a straight up, fair election.
That the US calls itself the "land of the free" and doesn't let 18 year olds be adults.... well... it's like North Korea calling itself a "People's Republic"
it’s true but it’s been changing, 18 year olds change drink, can’t buy tobiacco b many states, can’t buy a gun, can’t even rent a car
it’s true but it’s been changing, 18 year olds change drink, can’t buy tobiacco b many states, can’t buy a gun, can’t even rent a car
Yeah, but they sure as shit can help elect communists like Obama to the White House.
Do you even read what you type and think about it? Why would anyone be a "victim" of making America great again?

You people really are deranged. :laughing0301:
Make America Great Again could be, and once was an inspiring sentement. Unfortunately, the phrase has been hijacked and bastardized to have no meaning other than to identify those that use it as members of the trump cult. MAGA now means unquestioning support of trump regardless of any laws he breaks, or lies he tells. If his cult members had any integrity, they would be ashamed.
Good question. It's been on the table for more than a decade and it works. Most illegals will self-deport within 6 months.

No one actually wants to stop illegals . They are liars. Trump employed hundreds of them at his hotels and resorts over the past 30 years. You fight and attack each other rather than calling BS on the politicians.
The answer is because Democrats want illegals to flood into this country.
Or 28 year olds
Or 38 year olds
Or 48 year olds
Or 58 year olds
Or 68 year olds
Or 78 year olds
Or 88 year olds
Or 98 year olds
But 108 year olds, them you can trust.
Here's an 81 year old I don't trust:

Hold on…didn’t you lefties cry and protest when Trump ordered iCE raids…didn’t you and AOC call for the abolishment of iCE?
Didn’t you shut down government for a record period when Trump wanted more funding to implement a more aggressive immigration policy?
Haven’t Democrats voted down e-verify Bills several times?
Nope. Trump didn't fine employers .
Hold on…didn’t you lefties cry and protest when Trump ordered iCE raids…didn’t you and AOC call for the abolishment of iCE?
Didn’t you shut down government for a record period when Trump wanted more funding to implement a more aggressive immigration policy?
Haven’t Democrats voted down e-verify Bills several times?

They don't want to solve the problem. They are liars... or stupid. Trump wants a 2 billion dollar wall with his name on it or his face on Mt Rushmore.

These people are trash.

Nope. Trump didn't fine employers .
You, Unkotare and the rest of the globalist lefties aren’t fooling anybody with the load of shit you spew on this subject.
‘but but but…..We swear, we don’t want more illegals and ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a “vanity wall“ to divide us from Mexico, we want anyone who says the word "asylum" to be set free among the American public, we want to provide illegals with safe havens/sanctuary, we want to give illegals the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 20-40 million illegals here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want all Mexicans to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want more wetbacks and open borders.’
Nope. Trump didn't fine employers .
of course he did, those that were found to be guilty of illegally hiring illegal fact he was able to get the largest penalty in history

Historic $95M Fine Issued Against Company for Hiring Undocumented Workers​

October 4, 2017

Joey Xiden took office and reversed course, and now made it ok for employers to hire illegal immigrants, as part of his surge the border, open border policies.

Biden Dismantles the Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants​

A new memo from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on worksite enforcement of immigration laws garnered some media and political attention because it prohibits ICE from conducting worksite raids for illegal aliens. But the memo is more than just the latest in a series of anti-immigration-enforcement directives by this administration. Rather, it represents the Left’s rejection of the very concept of illegal employment.
Worksite Enforcement: The Strategy to Protect the American Labor Market, the Conditions of the American Worksite, and the Dignity of the Individual


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