Republica attacks Obama's daughters, calling them "sluts".

If nothing wrong was said why did she take her post down, and publicly apologize, even saying she'd learned her lesson?
They really shouldn't be used as Obama's props. They don't shine a good light on him as a Parent. they acted all bored and not very mannered. Pretty much mirroring their dad, he acts the same way

Remember how they claimed Sarah Palin was using her kids as Props? oh Sarah isn't Obama doing the same thing?
No he isn't, he's the president. His kids are front and center and should be there. Palin was using her kids as props, she used a clothing fund to dress them all up and take them to campaign stops. She was clawing her way to the top, even over McCain. :lol:
The longer this thread continues, the more Communists/Progressives will prove what dishonest hypocrites they are. I sense PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) lunacy coming on any minute. I mean my God, the despicable cretins even viciously attacked her handicapped child. They'll prove my point for me. Stay tuned.
After she was 20, you were free to attack Chelsea for flashing her pussy in public......wait she didn't
You were free to attack her for drunken brawls......wait she didn't
You were free to attack her for Gettin preggers out of wedlock....wait she didn't

What an ass you are.
The problem with conservatives is a misplaced sense of equivalencies

17 yr old pregnant Bristol Palin is the same thing as calling 10 year old Amy Carter ugly

Criticizing Bush girls for flashing their pussy is the same thing as calling Chelsea Clinton a dog

Criticizing a Palin family brawl is the same thing as calling the Obama girls bar sluts

So attacking the families of politicians is OK as long as you approve of the attack. Got it. What an ass you are. And again, Archie Bunker, you show your overt misogyny.
Once again the concept of equivalencies go right over your head

You didn't make that point, you made mine that you're a flaming hypocrite in oh, so many ways. You can't get a point if it bites you in the ass. We know that because points continually bite you in the ass and you continue to not get them.

Gotcha pal

Drinking Palin brawls are the same thing as teenagers rolling their eyes at a lame turkey pardon
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?
Genetics suggest that the mating of two attention sluts is likely to result in production of proper replacements (a new generation!).

So where's the beef?
I don't believe the term 'Slut' was ever used. So the OP is of course lying again. He expressed how he didn't feel their attire was very classy. But personally, i feel his criticism wasn't a very classy move. Next time, he should just keep it to himself.

That being said, it was very tame compared to the awful insults Democrats used to hurl at the Bush daughters. They often actually used terms like 'Slut' and 'Whore' when referring to Bush's daughters. So Democrats can spare us the faux outrage. No one's buying it.

Can you tell me a paid Democrat staffer who criticized the Bush Twins?

And by the way point out that Twins broke the law... Have you got a Democrat staffer criticizing the Bush twins attire...

We don't play that game. go look it up yourself. good grief are you people just so frikken petty now you cant critizised their clothes. you hypocrites

Yes, they are dishonest hypocrites. This was very tame compared to their awful attacks on the Bush, Palin, and Romney children. Their faux outrage is incredibly lame.

So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing.
The longer this thread continues, the more Communists/Progressives will prove what dishonest hypocrites they are. I sense PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) lunacy coming on any minute. I mean my God, the despicable cretins even viciously attacked her handicapped child. They'll prove my point for me. Stay tuned.

Actually it was the Hard Right who brought up Palin...

So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing?
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?

The Leftoids are only satisfied when someone who disagrees with them is thoroughly destroyed. They want the woman to lose her job, her home, her career, her friends...everything. At that point, they may finally leave her alone.
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
Her imagery:
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
The Leftoids are only satisfied when someone who disagrees with them is thoroughly destroyed. They want the woman to lose her job, her home, her career, her friends...everything. At that point, they may finally leave her alone.
She doesn't have to lose anything. She apologized, but she did so so that she wouldn't lose everything, which is still an open question.
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?

Hey you have no problem with abusing teenaged girls, that is it... The Hard Right are so blinded by hatred at this moment you find this behaviour acceptable...

Everyone should know what the GOP are like and let them judge... The RW here have defended this behaviour thus condoning it......

I Keep Asking:
So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing?
THIS THREAD should be deleted

there was nothing in there calling them, sluts

no honor in what they post on here.

That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
The Leftoids are only satisfied when someone who disagrees with them is thoroughly destroyed. They want the woman to lose her job, her home, her career, her friends...everything. At that point, they may finally leave her alone.
She doesn't have to lose anything. She apologized, but she did so so that she wouldn't lose everything, which is still an open question.

She apologised for the post and reaction it caused not to the girls themselves...
That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
The Leftoids are only satisfied when someone who disagrees with them is thoroughly destroyed. They want the woman to lose her job, her home, her career, her friends...everything. At that point, they may finally leave her alone.
She doesn't have to lose anything. She apologized, but she did so so that she wouldn't lose everything, which is still an open question.

She apologised for the post and reaction it caused not to the girls themselves...
Yes I saw that, but it's implied, and I would not be surprised if through non-public channels she apologized to the girls as well. Things like that are very often done.
That is true, Stephanie. I read the article and there was never a single mention of that word used. Only the title of the story which is false reporting and someone should be confronted about it. Reporting lies is a non story. Thread should be deleted. Agreed.
What do you think the description of them at a bar related to?

You know, I understand why so many of you on the left are outraged about what this idiot woman wrote. I get it, really. As I stated before, she was out of line. She apologized, as she should have. But that is not enough. It never is for partisans, of any stripe. So you all will post back and forth, the left in their fabricated outrage, the right with their what's-the-big-deal-look-what's-been-said-about-Republican-kids bullshit. All for nothing. Nothing except an interpretation of an insignificant woman's words taken to their extreme. Yes, their extreme. Be honest with yourselves. She didn't call them sluts, she wrote, "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar."

Now, unless you people are saying any woman sitting at a bar is a slut, this whole tale of anger and outrage has been spun from whole cloth.

Or is that what you folks so outraged by what Ms. Lauten wrote are saying? Are all women who sit at a bar sluts?
The Leftoids are only satisfied when someone who disagrees with them is thoroughly destroyed. They want the woman to lose her job, her home, her career, her friends...everything. At that point, they may finally leave her alone.
She doesn't have to lose anything. She apologized, but she did so so that she wouldn't lose everything, which is still an open question.

She apologised for the post and reaction it caused not to the girls themselves...

You are a pathetic hack. Here is her apology:

I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager. After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no pace in my heart. Furthermore, I’d like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience.[/i]

GOP Staffer Elizabeth Lauten Apologizes for Vicious Attack on Sasha Malia Obama - Moderate Voice

This is not an "I'm sorry I was caught" or "I'm sorry that anyone was offended" Liberal-style aplogy.
Last edited:
Well, considering that the Obama daughters are getting sniped at for doing nothing other than having an expression at a ridiculous WH tradition, and everytime that the Bush twins had comments made about them, they actually DID something to bring discredit upon themselves.

Nope.................the person who wrote that should lose their job.
What an ass you are.
The problem with conservatives is a misplaced sense of equivalencies

17 yr old pregnant Bristol Palin is the same thing as calling 10 year old Amy Carter ugly

Criticizing Bush girls for flashing their pussy is the same thing as calling Chelsea Clinton a dog

Criticizing a Palin family brawl is the same thing as calling the Obama girls bar sluts

So attacking the families of politicians is OK as long as you approve of the attack. Got it. What an ass you are. And again, Archie Bunker, you show your overt misogyny.
Once again the concept of equivalencies go right over your head

You didn't make that point, you made mine that you're a flaming hypocrite in oh, so many ways. You can't get a point if it bites you in the ass. We know that because points continually bite you in the ass and you continue to not get them.

Gotcha pal

Drinking Palin brawls are the same thing as teenagers rolling their eyes at a lame turkey pardon

The problem with conservatives is a misplaced sense of equivalencies

17 yr old pregnant Bristol Palin is the same thing as calling 10 year old Amy Carter ugly

Criticizing Bush girls for flashing their pussy is the same thing as calling Chelsea Clinton a dog

Criticizing a Palin family brawl is the same thing as calling the Obama girls bar sluts

So attacking the families of politicians is OK as long as you approve of the attack. Got it. What an ass you are. And again, Archie Bunker, you show your overt misogyny.
Once again the concept of equivalencies go right over your head

You didn't make that point, you made mine that you're a flaming hypocrite in oh, so many ways. You can't get a point if it bites you in the ass. We know that because points continually bite you in the ass and you continue to not get them.

Gotcha pal

Drinking Palin brawls are the same thing as teenagers rolling their eyes at a lame turkey pardon


I think that word does not mean what you think it means

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