Republica attacks Obama's daughters, calling them "sluts".

Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Assuming this is true, it's a real deviation from what has been generally accepted as a place you don't go in attacking the president. The kids, with a few exception have been considered out of bonds but the GOP has decided to set a new low in American politics.
Remind us how the liberals did not attack Bush's daughters.

Another stupid comment, and of course an echo since most RWers can't think for themselves. Two wrongs make it right? Is that your play? Pity, that's all you clones have.
Oh look -- another mindless, partisan, bigoted lie from Whatcknut.
Nowhere in the article she posted did the author make such a claim.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.

Agreed, The RW here are on to personal insults now...

I asked again to make it straight:
So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing?
You are all saying it exists...
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
Except for Hazel. She simply lied.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.

The media did that... They were asking a question to Palin about contraception?

I asked again to make it straight:
So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing?
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
You realize of course that had nothing to do with being the Bush girls father being a Republican if President Obama's kids tied to buy beer while being underage they would not have been arrested either.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
You realize of course that had nothing to do with being the Bush girls father being a Republican if President Obama's kids tied to buy beer while being underage they would not have been arrested either.

Have you proof of that?
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.

The media did that... They were asking a question to Palin about contraception?

I asked again to make it straight:
So you have a link to a Democratic staffer who criticized Bush, Palin, and Romney children for what they are wearing?
I never claimed a Democratic staffer did you keep trying to make the weak arguement that somehow because it was a Republican staffer that somehow makes it worse than when it's just the media. A staffer saying something in an e-mail even something as insulting and stupid as this while it may get a lot of play on message boards it does not get the same attention or have the same impact as something said on nationally broadcast tv or radio show. As an example I give you Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke comment if some staffer had written that in an e-mail no one would know her name today but the impact was far different when it was said on his nationall radio show.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
You realize of course that had nothing to do with being the Bush girls father being a Republican if President Obama's kids tied to buy beer while being underage they would not have been arrested either.

Have you proof of that?
Common sense is all that is needed for proof of that children of the rich and powerful both Democrat and Republican always get breaks the rest of us would not.
Why does no one here recognize that the title of article on the OP is a lie, and thus, by extension, she who posted OP is a liar?
Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
You realize of course that had nothing to do with being the Bush girls father being a Republican if President Obama's kids tied to buy beer while being underage they would not have been arrested either.

Have you proof of that?
Common sense is all that is needed for proof of that children of the rich and powerful both Democrat and Republican always get breaks the rest of us would not.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.

When did it become a crime to roll your eyes, look bored and wear clothes some people don't like?

It's a crime to drink alcohol under the age of 21. The bush girls were busted for that crime more than once. So yes, their crimes.

I also included the extended bush family. One bush was busted for stealing a prescription pad from a doctor and forging his name to get prescription drugs. I could list the many crimes of people in the bush family but I really don't care enough to look. If you want to know about all the crimes of members of the bush family I'm sure it's easy to find in a simple search. Just use any search engine. My preference is Bing.

I don't excuse anyone for needlessly attacking children of the president. I don't care what party you're in.

I also don't approve of special treatment for politician's kids. The way the bush girls and extended family have gotten through the years. As I said, that's my problem with the bush family. They break the law and there's no consequences. While children of people who aren't politicians have to face the fullest extent of the law.

You can fake outrage if you want but all I see is partisan hypocrisy.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.

When did it become a crime to roll your eyes, look bored and wear clothes some people don't like?

It's a crime to drink alcohol under the age of 21. The bush girls were busted for that crime more than once. So yes, their crimes.

I also included the extended bush family. One bush was busted for stealing a prescription pad from a doctor and forging his name to get prescription drugs. I could list the many crimes of people in the bush family but I really don't care enough to look. If you want to know about all the crimes of members of the bush family I'm sure it's easy to find in a simple search. Just use any search engine. My preference is Bing.

I don't excuse anyone for needlessly attacking children of the president. I don't care what party you're in.

I also don't approve of special treatment for politician's kids. The way the bush girls and extended family have gotten through the years. As I said, that's my problem with the bush family. They break the law and there's no consequences. While children of people who aren't politicians have to face the fullest extent of the law.

You can fake outrage if you want but all I see is partisan hypocrisy.
I'm seeing the exact same thing.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...

When the media reported the many crimes of the bush girls and extended family, the gop went nuts. They claimed that children are off limits. That people shouldn't be attacking the bush family. They did the same with the palin family.

Now they're doing what they said shouldn't be done. Or was it they just meant that it shouldn't have been done on republicans?

If they weren't hypocrites they would be saying that what this gop staffer did was wrong. Instead they're either defending it or making excuses for it.

They are the most dishonest and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.
What are the many crimes your referring to? Outside of trying to buy beer while being 19 instead of 21 I don't recall any and Bristol Palins big crime was being a pregnant teen. Yes the right is being hypocritical for doing this to the Obama children but so is the left for claiming outrage over the attacks on the Obama kids while they had no problem with it when it was a Republicans kids.

When did it become a crime to roll your eyes, look bored and wear clothes some people don't like?

It's a crime to drink alcohol under the age of 21. The bush girls were busted for that crime more than once. So yes, their crimes.

I also included the extended bush family. One bush was busted for stealing a prescription pad from a doctor and forging his name to get prescription drugs. I could list the many crimes of people in the bush family but I really don't care enough to look. If you want to know about all the crimes of members of the bush family I'm sure it's easy to find in a simple search. Just use any search engine. My preference is Bing.

I don't excuse anyone for needlessly attacking children of the president. I don't care what party you're in.

I also don't approve of special treatment for politician's kids. The way the bush girls and extended family have gotten through the years. As I said, that's my problem with the bush family. They break the law and there's no consequences. While children of people who aren't politicians have to face the fullest extent of the law.

You can fake outrage if you want but all I see is partisan hypocrisy.
Talk about the children of Presidents.......Bush 41s son engaged in torture and lied to start a war that killed 5000 people
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.

Here's some perspective for you.

My niece got caught drinking at the same age as the bush girls. The difference was that the police arrested my niece. She had to go to court and pled guilty to the charge of drinking under age. She had to do community service for a year and not even be in the company of a person who was drinking or drunk until she was 21 years old. So if she was a designated driver for a drunk friend and got caught, she would have gone to jail. She didn't violate the conditions and when she turned 21 she was in the clear.

I would be willing to bet the same thing didn't happen to the bush girls. In fact, I'm sure it didn't. The fact that they were caught drinking more than once is confirmation of it.

That's one of my problems with what happened. Why is it that they get special treatment and my niece had to go through all that garbage because she got caught drinking under age? If the bush girls had been treated the same way as every other person under 21, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.

When I was 19 Jimmy Carter was president and the drinking age laws had not been changed to 21 years old. By the time reagan changed the laws for all the states by refusing transportation money if they didn't increase the drinking limit, I was already over 21 years old. I wasn't breaking any laws when I drank at the age of 19.

My personal belief on drinking, if a person is old enough to be sent off to sacrifice their life for our nation, they're old enough to drink.
You realize of course that had nothing to do with being the Bush girls father being a Republican if President Obama's kids tied to buy beer while being underage they would not have been arrested either.

I don't give a damn if their last names were Obama or bush.

I don't believe children of politicians should get special treatment. I'll be even more specific. I don't believe ANYONE should get special treatment. Either it's illegal for all or none. Either all face the same consequences or no one faces consequences.

I will point out that your problem is that the Obama girls have not been busted for such behavior. In fact beyond rolling their eyes and looking bored, their behavior has been very respectful and polite throughout their father's presidency. The same was with Chelsea. We never heard about her breaking the drinking laws or anything close to the escapades of the bush family.

I will also point out that I don't think there's a teenager who has not ever rolled their eyes or looked bored.

None of it deserves any of the media attention it's getting now. If that gop woman had not been so petty, this non story wouldn't be in the press now.

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