Republican and Democratic Legacies Weighed, Guess Who Wins?


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
When it boils down to historical contributions to the United States, both parties should be examined critically through a lens and while both parties have made mistakes, history records that Republicans have contributed far less than Democrats. Witness recorded history and how it views these accomplishments and failures. I'm sure that there will be disagreement over this list but history rarely lies.

Republican Wrongdoing in History

    • Republican Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham admitted to receiving approximately $2.4 million in bribes and resigned. (Holy smokes! A Republican criminal who resigned his office! That hasn't happened since Nixon! Do you suppose we can get Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, DeLay, and all the many other criminals to resign too?) Duke Cunningham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      (2005; Bush/43)
Democratic Wrong doing in History

  1. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
    (1860-; Lincoln) Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Newport sex scandal
    (1919; Wilson)
  3. Department of Justice tax scandal
    (1951-52; Truman) The Tax Thieves of 1951
  4. Adam Clayton Powell expelled from Congress and reelected anyway
    (1967; Johnson/36) Powell v. McCormack | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
  5. Richard Daley: dead people voting Richard Daley - Facts & Summary -
  6. Richard Daley: 1968 Democratic Convention riots "Shoot to Kill. . . Shoot to Maim"
  7. Vietnam: napalm Napalm in Vietnam War - The Vietnam War
  8. Tongsun Park scandal
    (1977-80; Carter) 'Koreagate' Figure Tied To Oil-for-Food Scandal (
  9. Abscam (1980; Carter) Jersey Hustle: The real-life story of Abscam
Republican Financial Disasters

  1. Post-Civil War Panic
    (1865-69) Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Crisis of the Gilded Age
    (1873; Grant) The Gilded Age []
  3. Grant's Last Panic
    (1884; Arthur)
  4. Northern Pacific Comer
    (1901; McKinley) A Popular History of Minnesota
  5. The Knickerbocker Trust Panic
    (1907; Teddy Roosevelt) Panic of 1907 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. The Great Wall Street Crash & ensuing Great Depression
    (1929; Hoover) Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Facts & Summary -
  7. Reaganomics
    (1981-92) Reaganomics []
  8. George W. Bush
    (2000-08) The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
Democratic Financial Disasters

Grover Cleveland and the Ordeal of 1893-95

Republican Felonius Behavior
  1. Draft Riots
    (1863; Lincoln)The New York draft riots of 1863
  2. The Salary Grab Act
    (1873; Grant) Salary Grab Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. Sherman's genocide
    (1869-; Grant)
  4. Reconstruction
    (1866-77) SparkNotes: Reconstruction (1865–1877): Grant’s Presidency: 1869–1876
  5. Gilded Age (1878-89), also known as the era of the robber barons The Gilded Age: Scandal and Corruption (1870 - 1896) - AP Wiki
  6. Wounded Knee
    (1890; Benjamin Harrison) Massacre At Wounded Knee, 1890
  7. Prohibition (1919; Wilson) Prohibition in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. Harold Carswell withdrew his Supreme Court nomination saying "I yield to no man . . . in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy."
    (1970; Nixon) G. Harrold Carswell; Rejected for U.S. High Court
  9. Swine Flu
    (1976; Ford) 1976 swine flu outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  10. Enron
    (2001-02; Bush/43) Behind the Enron Scandal - TIME
Democratic Felonius behavior

  1. Grover Cleveland's love child (1884, 1888, and 1892)Prohibition in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Spanish Flu
    (1918; Wilson) The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations---E. McBean (Swine Flu Expose)
  3. Internment of Japanese Americans
    (1940s; Roosevelt/32) Japanese-American Internment []
  4. Jim Crow laws Jim Crow Museum: Origins of Jim Crow
  5. The Bay of Pigs
    (1961; Kennedy) Bay of Pigs Invasion - Cold War -
  6. Republican persecution and impeachment of Bill Clinton for receiving blow jobs (1997-98) The Impeachment Trial of President William Jefferson Clinton
Republican Historical Accomplishments

  1. Emanicipation
    (186?; Lincoln)
  2. Brown v. Board of Education
    (1954; Eisenhower)
  3. Title IX, other Nixon achievements
  4. National Park System
Democratic Historical Accomplishments
  1. Feminist movement of 1880s & '90s
  2. Gibson Girls
    (1890s; Cleveland)
  3. Feminist movement of 1910s (Wilson), culminating in women's emancipation
  4. League of Nations
  5. Social Security
  6. New Deal
  7. G.I. Bill
  8. United Nations
  9. Medicare
  10. Medicaid
  11. Civil Rights movement
  12. Feminist movement of 1960s (Kennedy, Johnson)
  13. Youth movement of 1960s
    (Kennedy, Johnson)
  14. Great Society
    (1960s; Johnson)
  15. Clean Air Act
  16. Clean Water Act
  17. Environmental Protection Agency
  18. The sexual revolution
    (1960s; Johnson)
  19. Balanced budget
    (1998; Clinton)
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You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people
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You almost gotta laugh, the democrat activists admit that the outing of republican Grover Cleveland's "love child " is their worse example of "felonious behavior" but FDR's executive order that placed American citizens in concentration camps only comes out as #3
Harding personally had NOTHING to do with Teapot Dome

What a list!


SOooooooooooooo much fail
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Missed the Civil War as well.
You almost gotta laugh, the democrat activists admit that the outing of republican Grover Cleveland's "love child " is their worse example of "felonious behavior" but FDR's executive order that placed American citizens in concentration camps only comes out as #3

It's in date order.
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Missed the Civil War as well.

I believe the list is based on which party is in the White House. I'm not sure that's the most accurate way of scoring this but perhaps with the law of averages, better things happen when Democrats are in office. Not necessarily endorsing this list but I think that's the point.
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Missed the Civil War as well.

I believe the list is based on which party is in the White House. I'm not sure that's the most accurate way of scoring this but perhaps with the law of averages, better things happen when Democrats are in office. Not necessarily endorsing this list but I think that's the point.

Just another bullshit partisan list, like the list of Chickenhawk Hall of Shame so popular a few years back.
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You omitted FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Not to mention sacrificing 2,500 soldiers and civilians at Pearl Harbor to have a reason to get the U.S. involved in WWII Europe. To the knowledge of no one else but his cronies in his cabinet. Not even Admiral Husband Kimmel was in on the orchestration. Read more in...

by Robert Stinnett.
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Yes, but I left out the fact Republicans kept us safe except for 9/11, and no American cities were destroyed during the last presidency except for New Orleans.
When it boils down to historical contributions to the United States, both parties should be examined critically through a lens and while both parties have made mistakes, history records that Republicans have contributed far less than Democrats. Witness recorded history and how it views these accomplishments and failures. I'm sure that there will be disagreement over this list but history rarely lies.

Republican Wrongdoing in History
  1. Civil War profiteering
    (1861-65; Lincoln)
  2. The Crédit Mobilier scandal
    (1864; Lincoln)
  3. Black Friday
    (September 24, 1869; Grant)
  4. Sanborn contract scandal
    (1874; Grant)
  5. The Whiskey Ring scandal
    (1875; Grant)
  6. Bribery
    (1876; Grant)
  7. Star Route fraud
    (1876-82; Garfield)
  8. The Teapot Dome scandal
    (1921-22; Harding)
  9. Joe McCarthy and HUAC
    (1953-57; Eisenhower)
  10. Vietnam
    (1957-74; Eisenhower)
  11. John Connally milk money scandal
    (1971; Nixon)
  12. Spiro Agnew
    (1973; Nixon)
  13. Nixon jewelry scandal (1974)
  14. Watergate
    (1972-74; Nixon)
  15. "Debategate" and October surprise
    (1980; Reagan)
  16. Illegal mining of Nicaraguan harbors
    (1983-84; Reagan)
  17. William Casey convicted of insider trading
    (1983; Reagan)
  18. Iran-contra
    (1986-87; Reagan)
  19. John Tower
    (1987; Reagan)
  20. Savings & loan scandal and Keating Five
    (1980-88; Reagan)
  21. Mario Biaggi and Wedtech
    (1988; Reagan)
  22. Jim Wright ethics violations
    (1989; Bush/41)
  23. Harken Energy scandal
    (1990; Bush/41; protagonist is Bush/43)
  24. Tailhook scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  25. BCCI scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  26. Iraq, fraudulent initiation of war with (2000-present; Bush/43)
  27. Traficant scandal; Torricelli bribery
    (2002; Bush/43)
  28. Downing Street memo
    (2002; Bush/43)
  29. Forgery of yellowcake "evidence"
    (2002; Bush/43)
  30. Abu Ghraib
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  31. Bombing Fallujah with white phosphorus
    (2003?; Bush/43)
  32. Tom Delay first reprimanded for numerous ethics violations, finally indicted
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  33. Bush administration payment of conservative columnists to write favorably about Bush policies
    (2005; Bush/43)
  34. Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed, wire fraud and Indian gambling fraud
    (2005; Bush/43)
  35. Republican Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham admitted to receiving approximately $2.4 million in bribes and resigned. (Holy smokes! A Republican criminal who resigned his office! That hasn't happened since Nixon! Do you suppose we can get Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, DeLay, and all the many other criminals to resign too?)
    (2005; Bush/43)
Democratic Wrong doing in History

  1. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
    (1860-; Lincoln)
  2. Newport sex scandal
    (1919; Wilson)
  3. Department of Justice tax scandal
    (1951-52; Truman)
  4. Adam Clayton Powell expelled from Congress and reelected anyway
    (1967; Johnson/36)
  5. Richard Daley: dead people voting
  6. Richard Daley: 1968 Democratic Convention riots
  7. Vietnam: napalm
  8. Tongsun Park scandal
    (1977-80; Carter)
  9. Abscam (1980; Carter)
Republican Financial Disasters

  1. Post-Civil War Panic
  2. Crisis of the Gilded Age
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Grant's Last Panic
    (1884; Arthur)
  4. Northern Pacific Comer
    (1901; McKinley)
  5. The Knickerbocker Trust Panic
    (1907; Teddy Roosevelt)
  6. The Great Wall Street Crash & ensuing Great Depression
    (1929; Hoover)
  7. Reaganomics
  8. George W. Bush
Democratic Financial Disasters

Grover Cleveland and the Ordeal of 1893-95

Republican Felonius Behavior
  1. Draft Riots
    (1863; Lincoln)
  2. The Salary Grab Act
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Sherman's genocide
    (1869-; Grant)
  4. Reconstruction
  5. Gilded Age (1878-89), also known as the era of the robber barons
  6. Wounded Knee
    (1890; Benjamin Harrison)
  7. Prohibition (1919; Wilson)
  8. Harold Carswell withdrew his Supreme Court nomination saying "I yield to no man . . . in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy."
    (1970; Nixon)
  9. Swine Flu
    (1976; Ford)
  10. Enron
    (2001-02; Bush/43)
Democratic Felonius behavior

  1. Grover Cleveland's love child (1884, 1888, and 1892)
  2. Spanish Flu
    (1918; Wilson)
  3. Internment of Japanese Americans
    (1940s; Roosevelt/32)
  4. Jim Crow laws
  5. The Bay of Pigs
    (1961; Kennedy)
  6. Republican persecution and impeachment of Bill Clinton for receiving blow jobs (1997-98)
Republican Historical Accomplishments

  1. Emanicipation
    (186?; Lincoln)
  2. Brown v. Board of Education
    (1954; Eisenhower)
  3. Title IX, other Nixon achievements
  4. National Park System
Democratic Historical Accomplishments
  1. Feminist movement of 1880s & '90s
  2. Gibson Girls
    (1890s; Cleveland)
  3. Feminist movement of 1910s (Wilson), culminating in women's emancipation
  4. League of Nations
  5. Social Security
  6. New Deal
  7. G.I. Bill
  8. United Nations
  9. Medicare
  10. Medicaid
  11. Civil Rights movement
  12. Feminist movement of 1960s (Kennedy, Johnson)
  13. Youth movement of 1960s
    (Kennedy, Johnson)
  14. Great Society
    (1960s; Johnson)
  15. Clean Air Act
  16. Clean Water Act
  17. Environmental Protection Agency
  18. The sexual revolution
    (1960s; Johnson)
  19. Balanced budget
    (1998; Clinton)


Dumb ass so I can destroy you

Piece by piece
When it boils down to historical contributions to the United States, both parties should be examined critically through a lens and while both parties have made mistakes, history records that Republicans have contributed far less than Democrats. Witness recorded history and how it views these accomplishments and failures. I'm sure that there will be disagreement over this list but history rarely lies.

Republican Wrongdoing in History
  1. Civil War profiteering
    (1861-65; Lincoln)
  2. The Crédit Mobilier scandal Crédit Mobilier - Facts & Summary -
    (1864; Lincoln)
  3. Black Friday
    (September 24, 1869; Grant) The “Black Friday” Gold Scandal, 145 Years Ago - History in the Headlines
  4. Sanborn contract scandal
    (1874; Grant) On This Day: May 23, 1874
  5. The Whiskey Ring scandal
    (1875; Grant) On This Day: March 18, 1876
  6. Bribery
    (1876; Grant) Ulysses S. Grant presidential administration scandals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. Star Route fraud
    (1876-82; Garfield) On This Day: March 25, 1882
  8. The Teapot Dome scandal
    (1921-22; Harding) Graft and Oil: How Teapot Dome Became the Greatest Political Scandal of Its Time | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
  9. Joe McCarthy and HUAC
    (1953-57; Eisenhower) HUAC - Cold War -
  10. Vietnam
    (1957-74; Eisenhower) The Causes of the Vietnam War
  11. John Connally milk money scandal
    (1971; Nixon) The Truth about John Connally - Texas Monthly
  12. Spiro Agnew
    (1973; Nixon) Spiro T. Agnew, Point Man for Nixon Who Resigned Vice Presidency, Dies at 77
  13. Nixon jewelry scandal (1974) Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. Watergate
    (1972-74; Nixon) Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  15. "Debategate" and October surprise
    (1980; Reagan)
  16. Illegal mining of Nicaraguan harbors
    (1983-84; Reagan) Setback for Contras : CIA Mining of Harbors 'a Fiasco'
  17. William Casey convicted of insider trading
    (1983; Reagan) The Case for a Conspiracy
  18. Iran-contra
    (1986-87; Reagan)
  19. John Tower
    (1987; Reagan) John Tower's Rocky Road
  20. Savings & loan scandal and Keating Five
    (1980-88; Reagan)
  21. Mario Biaggi and Wedtech
    (1988; Reagan)
  22. Jim Wright ethics violations
    (1989; Bush/41)
  23. Harken Energy scandal
    (1990; Bush/41; protagonist is Bush/43)
  24. Tailhook scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  25. BCCI scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  26. Iraq, fraudulent initiation of war with (2000-present; Bush/43)
  27. Traficant scandal; Torricelli bribery
    (2002; Bush/43)
  28. Downing Street memo
    (2002; Bush/43)
  29. Forgery of yellowcake "evidence"
    (2002; Bush/43)
  30. Abu Ghraib
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  31. Bombing Fallujah with white phosphorus
    (2003?; Bush/43)
  32. Tom Delay first reprimanded for numerous ethics violations, finally indicted
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  33. Bush administration payment of conservative columnists to write favorably about Bush policies
    (2005; Bush/43)
  34. Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed, wire fraud and Indian gambling fraud
    (2005; Bush/43)
  35. Republican Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham admitted to receiving approximately $2.4 million in bribes and resigned. (Holy smokes! A Republican criminal who resigned his office! That hasn't happened since Nixon! Do you suppose we can get Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, DeLay, and all the many other criminals to resign too?)
    (2005; Bush/43)
Democratic Wrong doing in History

  1. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
    (1860-; Lincoln)
  2. Newport sex scandal
    (1919; Wilson)
  3. Department of Justice tax scandal
    (1951-52; Truman)
  4. Adam Clayton Powell expelled from Congress and reelected anyway
    (1967; Johnson/36)
  5. Richard Daley: dead people voting
  6. Richard Daley: 1968 Democratic Convention riots
  7. Vietnam: napalm
  8. Tongsun Park scandal
    (1977-80; Carter)
  9. Abscam (1980; Carter)
Republican Financial Disasters

  1. Post-Civil War Panic
  2. Crisis of the Gilded Age
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Grant's Last Panic
    (1884; Arthur)
  4. Northern Pacific Comer
    (1901; McKinley)
  5. The Knickerbocker Trust Panic
    (1907; Teddy Roosevelt)
  6. The Great Wall Street Crash & ensuing Great Depression
    (1929; Hoover)
  7. Reaganomics
  8. George W. Bush
Democratic Financial Disasters

Grover Cleveland and the Ordeal of 1893-95

Republican Felonius Behavior
  1. Draft Riots
    (1863; Lincoln)
  2. The Salary Grab Act
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Sherman's genocide
    (1869-; Grant)
  4. Reconstruction
  5. Gilded Age (1878-89), also known as the era of the robber barons
  6. Wounded Knee
    (1890; Benjamin Harrison)
  7. Prohibition (1919; Wilson)
  8. Harold Carswell withdrew his Supreme Court nomination saying "I yield to no man . . . in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy."
    (1970; Nixon)
  9. Swine Flu
    (1976; Ford)
  10. Enron
    (2001-02; Bush/43)
Democratic Felonius behavior

  1. Grover Cleveland's love child (1884, 1888, and 1892)
  2. Spanish Flu
    (1918; Wilson)
  3. Internment of Japanese Americans
    (1940s; Roosevelt/32)
  4. Jim Crow laws
  5. The Bay of Pigs
    (1961; Kennedy)
  6. Republican persecution and impeachment of Bill Clinton for receiving blow jobs (1997-98)
Republican Historical Accomplishments

  1. Emanicipation
    (186?; Lincoln)
  2. Brown v. Board of Education
    (1954; Eisenhower)
  3. Title IX, other Nixon achievements
  4. National Park System
Democratic Historical Accomplishments
  1. Feminist movement of 1880s & '90s
  2. Gibson Girls
    (1890s; Cleveland)
  3. Feminist movement of 1910s (Wilson), culminating in women's emancipation
  4. League of Nations
  5. Social Security
  6. New Deal
  7. G.I. Bill
  8. United Nations
  9. Medicare
  10. Medicaid
  11. Civil Rights movement
  12. Feminist movement of 1960s (Kennedy, Johnson)
  13. Youth movement of 1960s
    (Kennedy, Johnson)
  14. Great Society
    (1960s; Johnson)
  15. Clean Air Act
  16. Clean Water Act
  17. Environmental Protection Agency
  18. The sexual revolution
    (1960s; Johnson)
  19. Balanced budget
    (1998; Clinton)
When it boils down to historical contributions to the United States, both parties should be examined critically through a lens and while both parties have made mistakes, history records that Republicans have contributed far less than Democrats. Witness recorded history and how it views these accomplishments and failures. I'm sure that there will be disagreement over this list but history rarely lies.

Republican Wrongdoing in History
  1. Civil War profiteering
    (1861-65; Lincoln)
  2. The Crédit Mobilier scandal
    (1864; Lincoln)
  3. Black Friday
    (September 24, 1869; Grant)
  4. Sanborn contract scandal
    (1874; Grant)
  5. The Whiskey Ring scandal
    (1875; Grant)
  6. Bribery
    (1876; Grant)
  7. Star Route fraud
    (1876-82; Garfield)
  8. The Teapot Dome scandal
    (1921-22; Harding)
  9. Joe McCarthy and HUAC
    (1953-57; Eisenhower)
  10. Vietnam
    (1957-74; Eisenhower)
  11. John Connally milk money scandal
    (1971; Nixon)
  12. Spiro Agnew
    (1973; Nixon)
  13. Nixon jewelry scandal (1974)
  14. Watergate
    (1972-74; Nixon)
  15. "Debategate" and October surprise
    (1980; Reagan)
  16. Illegal mining of Nicaraguan harbors
    (1983-84; Reagan)
  17. William Casey convicted of insider trading
    (1983; Reagan)
  18. Iran-contra
    (1986-87; Reagan)
  19. John Tower
    (1987; Reagan)
  20. Savings & loan scandal and Keating Five
    (1980-88; Reagan)
  21. Mario Biaggi and Wedtech
    (1988; Reagan)
  22. Jim Wright ethics violations
    (1989; Bush/41)
  23. Harken Energy scandal
    (1990; Bush/41; protagonist is Bush/43)
  24. Tailhook scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  25. BCCI scandal
    (1991; Bush/41)
  26. Iraq, fraudulent initiation of war with (2000-present; Bush/43)
  27. Traficant scandal; Torricelli bribery
    (2002; Bush/43)
  28. Downing Street memo
    (2002; Bush/43)
  29. Forgery of yellowcake "evidence"
    (2002; Bush/43)
  30. Abu Ghraib
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  31. Bombing Fallujah with white phosphorus
    (2003?; Bush/43)
  32. Tom Delay first reprimanded for numerous ethics violations, finally indicted
    (2003-05; Bush/43)
  33. Bush administration payment of conservative columnists to write favorably about Bush policies
    (2005; Bush/43)
  34. Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed, wire fraud and Indian gambling fraud
    (2005; Bush/43)
  35. Republican Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham admitted to receiving approximately $2.4 million in bribes and resigned. (Holy smokes! A Republican criminal who resigned his office! That hasn't happened since Nixon! Do you suppose we can get Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, DeLay, and all the many other criminals to resign too?)
    (2005; Bush/43)
Democratic Wrong doing in History

  1. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
    (1860-; Lincoln)
  2. Newport sex scandal
    (1919; Wilson)
  3. Department of Justice tax scandal
    (1951-52; Truman)
  4. Adam Clayton Powell expelled from Congress and reelected anyway
    (1967; Johnson/36)
  5. Richard Daley: dead people voting
  6. Richard Daley: 1968 Democratic Convention riots
  7. Vietnam: napalm
  8. Tongsun Park scandal
    (1977-80; Carter)
  9. Abscam (1980; Carter)
Republican Financial Disasters

  1. Post-Civil War Panic
  2. Crisis of the Gilded Age
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Grant's Last Panic
    (1884; Arthur)
  4. Northern Pacific Comer
    (1901; McKinley)
  5. The Knickerbocker Trust Panic
    (1907; Teddy Roosevelt)
  6. The Great Wall Street Crash & ensuing Great Depression
    (1929; Hoover)
  7. Reaganomics
  8. George W. Bush
Democratic Financial Disasters

Grover Cleveland and the Ordeal of 1893-95

Republican Felonius Behavior
  1. Draft Riots
    (1863; Lincoln)
  2. The Salary Grab Act
    (1873; Grant)
  3. Sherman's genocide
    (1869-; Grant)
  4. Reconstruction
  5. Gilded Age (1878-89), also known as the era of the robber barons
  6. Wounded Knee
    (1890; Benjamin Harrison)
  7. Prohibition (1919; Wilson)
  8. Harold Carswell withdrew his Supreme Court nomination saying "I yield to no man . . . in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy."
    (1970; Nixon)
  9. Swine Flu
    (1976; Ford)
  10. Enron
    (2001-02; Bush/43)
Democratic Felonius behavior

  1. Grover Cleveland's love child (1884, 1888, and 1892)
  2. Spanish Flu
    (1918; Wilson)
  3. Internment of Japanese Americans
    (1940s; Roosevelt/32)
  4. Jim Crow laws
  5. The Bay of Pigs
    (1961; Kennedy)
  6. Republican persecution and impeachment of Bill Clinton for receiving blow jobs (1997-98)
Republican Historical Accomplishments

  1. Emanicipation
    (186?; Lincoln)
  2. Brown v. Board of Education
    (1954; Eisenhower)
  3. Title IX, other Nixon achievements
  4. National Park System
Democratic Historical Accomplishments
  1. Feminist movement of 1880s & '90s
  2. Gibson Girls
    (1890s; Cleveland)
  3. Feminist movement of 1910s (Wilson), culminating in women's emancipation
  4. League of Nations
  5. Social Security
  6. New Deal
  7. G.I. Bill
  8. United Nations
  9. Medicare
  10. Medicaid
  11. Civil Rights movement
  12. Feminist movement of 1960s (Kennedy, Johnson)
  13. Youth movement of 1960s
    (Kennedy, Johnson)
  14. Great Society
    (1960s; Johnson)
  15. Clean Air Act
  16. Clean Water Act
  17. Environmental Protection Agency
  18. The sexual revolution
    (1960s; Johnson)
  19. Balanced budget
    (1998; Clinton)


Dumb ass so I can destroy you

Piece by piece

Well I'll have the rest for you tomorrow. I installed some new malware software on my computer and I must have configured it wrong since it wiped out my history files. I'll generate sources, I'm just not sure if they are original to my post, but they will be authentic to my case.
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Yes, but I left out the fact Republicans kept us safe except for 9/11, and no American cities were destroyed during the last presidency except for New Orleans.

New Orleans? The City run by Democrats in the State run by Democrats?
You missed Communist Democrat Spies giving the bomb to the USSR and China

You missed FDR turning over Eastern Europe to the fucking Communists and handing China to the fucking Communists resulting in the murder of well over 100 million people

Missed the Civil War as well.

I believe the list is based on which party is in the White House. I'm not sure that's the most accurate way of scoring this but perhaps with the law of averages, better things happen when Democrats are in office. Not necessarily endorsing this list but I think that's the point.

The point seems to be.....

... don't vote Republican and don't vote Democrat.

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