Republican Education Cuts Killing America's Economic Competitiveness


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Rep. Mike Honda: Republican Education Cuts Killing America's Economic Competitiveness

Democrats believe investments in transportation, infrastructure, energy and education are the key to a sustainable high-growth economy. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke supported this position in recent testimony to the House Budget Committee, saying that "wise investments in education, including community colleges and on-the-job training, are essential to lowering unemployment."

Republicans, in stark contrast, have proposed unprecedented cuts to education spending in recent resolutions. Not only are Republicans ignoring what the Federal Reserve is telling us, they are ignoring what recent scores on international competitiveness demonstrate: Investments in education are the key to our economic competitiveness.

Making America's kids dumber is the key to improving the economy, who educated those Repugs?
Granny says, "Mean! mean, mean, mean - dem politicians bein' just plain mean...
Meanest budget cuts
From heating for the poor to removing unexploded landmines, the budget compromise takes the ax to some very worthy programs.
Community health centers

Community health centers serve about 20 million people at 7,000 locations around the country. They primarily cater to those without health insurance. Under the budget deal agreed to by Congress Thursday, the centers would see their funding slashed by $600 million for the remainder of 2011.

A Democrat staffer on the Senate Appropriations Committee said the cuts aren't as bad as they seem. In fact, he said that under the sweeping health care legislation passed last year, the centers will actually see a $400 million increase in funding.

But a spokesman for the agency that oversees the centers said money from the health care bill comes with restrictions, and the centers will have to make adjustments to their programs as a result of the cuts.

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Thread should be retitled "Americas Education System Kills American Competitiveness".

Also, the NEA is in charge of education not the Fed.

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