Republican Hispanic Crusade

The children are not the fault of the GOP, they are the fault of their uneducated, unwashed, un-American uncaring parents that come here and plop them out.
No one is blaming the children, for they are citizens and that won't change. Ever.
none of that matters, their parents are not citizens so the decision has to be made by them. leave the vile spawn behind or take them back to the third world hell hole.
No such decision will be made by them or for them. The kids stay, the family stays, and you smile out of your ass. Watch out for freewill when you do.
until we have an American congress and President, then the filthy bastards can get the hell out of the country.
although, I will miss driving through the puddles in front of the bus stops when it rains.
Free bath, its my little way of saying welcome to America you filthy animals.
Im just nice like that.
How can Republicans consider themselves to be patriotic when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children who are American in every way except for a piece of paper.

what would the Left do if it didnt have the ability to ignorantly appeal to people's emotions over logic and common sense?????
How can Republicans consider themselves to be patriotic when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children who are American in every way except for a piece of paper.

what would the Left do if it didnt have the ability to ignorantly appeal to people's emotions over logic and common sense?????
Not only that but, how can those cockroaches claim to care about their spawn if they are willing to use them in such a way.
The children are not the fault of the GOP, they are the fault of their uneducated, unwashed, un-American uncaring parents that come here and plop them out.
No one is blaming the children, for they are citizens and that won't change. Ever.
none of that matters, their parents are not citizens so the decision has to be made by them. leave the vile spawn behind or take them back to the third world hell hole.
No such decision will be made by them or for them. The kids stay, the family stays, and you smile out of your ass. Watch out for freewill when you do.

i love the way y ou act all confident and shit
you exist, they exist, only at the largesse of people not yet pissed off enough. but you are getting them closer to something you wont be able to be so smug about; that you really dont want, that you cant handle
imawhosure and freewill, experts of the false equivalency.

Grow up, ima.

Jake, the pretend conservative who doesn't know a winning issue when it bites him in the derriere!

Polls say that THIS ONE issue is going to be a driver in this election, because people are pissed. I don't care if you stick your head in the sand, doesn't bother me in the least. It isn't going away, and more and more people are jumping on board.

You might want to screw your countrymen, but we do not!
I love lefty propaganda. Notice, they could care less how the rest of the country thinks, or what the law says we should be doing. It is all about how they FEEL, today, tomorrow, next week, and next year.

Law and order, what is that? They just do what they want, then demand we do it too.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11

I love lefty propaganda. Notice, they could care less how the rest of the country thinks, or what the law says we should be doing. It is all about how they FEEL, today, tomorrow, next week, and next year.

Law and order, what is that? They just do what they want, then demand we do it too.
notice how the two big issues with the commie left right now are making it so illegals can vote legally for more free stuff, and taxing the rich more to pay for the additional free stuff?
and the right is greedy.
The Left's sanctimonious pontification on illegals is laughable. It's really all about PANDERING FOR VOTES TO MOSTLY HISPANICS WHO SNUCK NI ALREADY, and SCREWING literally MILLIONS OF ALL RACES and nationalities waiting patiently IN LINE to come there LEGALLY, THE RIGHT WAY, in the actual immigration system
until we have an American congress and President, then the filthy bastards can get the hell out of the country.
although, I will miss driving through the puddles in front of the bus stops when it rains.
Free bath, its my little way of saying welcome to America you filthy animals.
Im just nice like that.

Same bullshit, different century.

Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from over a century ago:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.


The German and Irish immigrant, stealing the ballot box:

"Americans in every way" except that they are in the Country illegally? You almost gotta laugh. What about the word illegal don't lefties understand?
Today, it's Muslims. Yesterday, it was Catholics and Mormons:


"They bring crime. They're rapists."

STATUE OF LIBERTY - "Mr. Windom, if you are going to make this island a garbage heap, I am going back to France."

"Americans in every way" except that they are in the Country illegally? You almost gotta laugh. What about the word illegal don't lefties understand?
Sorry, but I know better than to bleev you bigots are only opposed to illegal immigrants.
How many American citizens need to be killed and raped by illegals before liberals stop defending them?
That is a loaded question fallacy.

Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.
In your opinion.

One, give us good stats and sources.

Two, per capita, what have the citizens done to the immigrants?

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