Republican Hispanic Crusade

"Americans in every way" except that they are in the Country illegally? You almost gotta laugh. What about the word illegal don't lefties understand?
considering that the majority of robberies are by those associated with democrats, as well as car jackings, murders, gun violations etc... I would have to assume that the left does not understand the word illegal at all.
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
The Last Yankee, surrounded by immigrant children:

See, over a century ago, your own ancestors were being vilified by nativists as scum, rapists, welfare leeches, thieves, murderers, and human garbage.

Real Americans were going to be outbred by the human garbage that were your ancestors, and real Americans would become extinct in the 20th century.

That's the exact same pants shitting fear we see in the modern day nativist.

And yet, America was not destroyed. America became greater and greater, until it became the greatest nation that has ever existed.

So if the nativists were dead wrong then, they are just as idiotically wrong now.
The Nazis of Germany were preaching that the Wunder Volk would beat easily the mongrel nations of the USSR and the USA.

If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
Neither option is an option.

But our FEMA-Walmart camps for your . . . what, Boss . . . oh, yeah, secret . . . disregard the last, wunderkind, about the Walmart rec centers.
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
Neither option is an option.

But our FEMA-Walmart camps for your . . . what, Boss . . . oh, yeah, secret . . . disregard the last, wunderkind, about the Walmart rec centers.
not sure what you are talking about, Im not on welfare and I don't have 20 kids from different fathers so I don't shop at wal-mart
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
Neither option is an option.

But our FEMA-Walmart camps for your . . . what, Boss . . . oh, yeah, secret . . . disregard the last, wunderkind, about the Walmart rec centers.

one should never smoke meth before posting....................................^^^^^^
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.
Face it, pants shitters. Deep down inside, what you are really afraid of is the darkies will infect your gene pool.

Get in touch with your inner stormtrooper.

"They're not sending their best."
If you support illegals you are a traitor plain and simple.
Hmmm. I guess 80 percent of Americans are traitors then...

there you go using that dishonest meme again. what stupidity
I have backed it up many, many times. 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

But like I said a moment ago, this isn't really just about illegals. I know better than that.
How can Republicans consider themselves to be patriotic when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children who are American in every way except for a piece of paper.

Excerpts from:
President Obama Drops The "U" Word On The Republican Party
Tue Sep 15, 2015

>> “This whole anti-immigrant sentiment that’s out there in our politics right now is contrary to who we are. Because unless you are a Native American, your family came from someplace else,” Mr. Obama said. “Don’t pretend that somehow 100 years ago the immigration process was all smooth and strict. That’s not how it worked.” The grandparents and great-grandparents of politicians taking a hard line on immigration, he said, were also “somehow considered unworthy or uneducated or unwashed.”

“When I hear folks talking as if somehow these kids are different from my kids or less worthy in the eyes of God, that somehow they are less worthy of our respect and consideration and care, I think that’s un-American,” Mr. Obama said.

>> ...the President managed to tie immigration, patriotism and religious faith together and frame it as an indictment of the Republican platform. With one carefully timed, barbed phrase he baited the entire Republican field, including the blowhard idiot with the orange hair, into responding, while turning the Republican meme of his "otherness" on its head and serving it up to them on a cold dish. If you don't think the right is already churning up its outrage meter...


Millions of us have figured out Obama is UnAmerican and now we see you are too. You both care more for Illegal immigrants than your OWN fellow country men and women.. and Obama must be proud to have you as his Useless tool
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
Neither option is an option.

But our FEMA-Walmart camps for your . . . what, Boss . . . oh, yeah, secret . . . disregard the last, wunderkind, about the Walmart rec centers.
not sure what you are talking about, Im not on welfare and I don't have 20 kids from different fathers so I don't shop at wal-mart
Dummy. I know multi millionaires who shop at Walmart and the other discount stores.
the parents of the vile spawn are not citizens.
So you will keep the vile spawn, you wuss? See, that is why the rest of America is not afraid of the nativists and nationalists. You are all wusses.
what do you mean I will keep the evil spawn?
let the parents take them back to hell when they are deported. or set up donations for the left to send in money to support the cockroach infestation
Neither option is an option.

But our FEMA-Walmart camps for your . . . what, Boss . . . oh, yeah, secret . . . disregard the last, wunderkind, about the Walmart rec centers.
not sure what you are talking about, Im not on welfare and I don't have 20 kids from different fathers so I don't shop at wal-mart
Dummy. I know multi millionaires who shop at Walmart and the other discount stores.
you're lying
you're too stupid to know a millionaire

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