Republican Hispanic Crusade

Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
If one wishes to deport American citizens, one is a traitor plain and simple, and when one acts on it, one will feel the hammer.
Who said anyone wanted to deport American citizens? It is the illegals, not their children. If they want to take them back to the hell hole, it is their choice; and who/whom are we to break up families? It is their choice!
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
as many as it takes to keep his parents from being deported?
Get this freaking bullshit

when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children

who the hell speaks that way? sounds like something that American hating Obama would say though
What is the matter lefties? You don't like a bunch of people who aren't going to buy into your PC bullsh**!
Get this freaking bullshit

when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children

who the hell speaks that way? sounds like something that American hating Obama would say though
And when you consider that sending them back will only put them with others that speak the same language, making it easier to get through school, and where everyone smells the same so they wont feel left out because they don't shower, its really doing them a favor.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
as many as it takes to keep his parents from being deported?

one has to keep in mind these are the very same left-wingers with an APPALLING level of tolerance for the OBSCENE rates of young Black men dying on the streets of cities they run; so there IS NO AMOUNT OF CARNAGE to innocent Americans, no amount of rape, murder, robbery....etc the PANDERING PROGRESSIVE DOUCHEBAGS wont rationalize or try to turn around and paint others as bigots over, for a pandering left-wing DOUCHEBOTTLE IN SEARCH OF VOTES
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.
"Americans in every way" except that they are in the Country illegally? You almost gotta laugh. What about the word illegal don't lefties understand?
Sorry, but I know better than to bleev you bigots are only opposed to illegal immigrants.

Prove it Sparky!
The bigots tip their hand in situations like their opposition to letting Syrian refugees legally come here.

No one is fooled the fearmongering and pants shitting is only about illegals.

Same bullshit, different century.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.
emotion logical fallacy like this?
when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.
emotion logical fallacy like this?
when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children
I never said that.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.

except it isnt a fallacy; real people are dying, at the hands of people who arent supposed to be here in the first place;

at the hands of people who ADMIT they were taking advantage of a LIBERAL SANCTUARY CITY POLICY when the killer went to San Francisco
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.

Here's some butt hurt for you fool...

Statistics show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population

Justice attorney J. Christian Adams called illegal crime a, "wave of staggering proportions."

Statistics show illegals commit 13.6 percent of all crimes in the U.S., 12 percent of murder convictions, 20 percent of kidnappings, 16 percent of drug trafficking.

Illegals commit thousands of sexual assaults, domestic violence assaults, and DUI's each year.

Between 2008 and 2014 in Texas immigrants (legal and illegal) committed 611,234 crimes including nearly 3,000 homicides.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.
emotion logical fallacy like this?
when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children
I never said that.

but others did and you are defending that position. so if that "bullshit doesnt work" on you call out everybody doing it, not just the side you disagree with
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.

Here's some butt hurt for you fool...

Statistics show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population

Justice attorney J. Christian Adams called illegal crime a, "wave of staggering proportions."

Statistics show illegals commit 13.6 percent of all crimes in the U.S., 12 percent of murder convictions, 20 percent of kidnappings, 16 percent of drug trafficking.

Illegals commit thousands of sexual assaults, domestic violence assaults, and DUI's each year.

Between 2008 and 2014 in Texas immigrants (legal and illegal) committed 611,234 crimes including nearly 3,000 homicides.

I see the point is sailing six miles above your head.

I have no doubt your ancestor European immigrants of the 19th century also committed more than their fair share of crimes (see previously posted nativist cartoons).

I going to pretend that if you put those two brain cells of yours to work, you could figure out why, even if it is beyond your capacity to figure out why that fact defeats your argument.
How can Republicans consider themselves to be patriotic when they advocate putting their knees on the chest and hands on the throats of children who are American in every way except for a piece of paper.

Excerpts from:
President Obama Drops The "U" Word On The Republican Party
Tue Sep 15, 2015

>> “This whole anti-immigrant sentiment that’s out there in our politics right now is contrary to who we are. Because unless you are a Native American, your family came from someplace else,” Mr. Obama said. “Don’t pretend that somehow 100 years ago the immigration process was all smooth and strict. That’s not how it worked.” The grandparents and great-grandparents of politicians taking a hard line on immigration, he said, were also “somehow considered unworthy or uneducated or unwashed.”

“When I hear folks talking as if somehow these kids are different from my kids or less worthy in the eyes of God, that somehow they are less worthy of our respect and consideration and care, I think that’s un-American,” Mr. Obama said.

>> ...the President managed to tie immigration, patriotism and religious faith together and frame it as an indictment of the Republican platform. With one carefully timed, barbed phrase he baited the entire Republican field, including the blowhard idiot with the orange hair, into responding, while turning the Republican meme of his "otherness" on its head and serving it up to them on a cold dish. If you don't think the right is already churning up its outrage meter...

What the fuck? This guy has a scorched earth strategy turning political opponents into enemies of the state. He is a tyrant.
Illegals have killed, raped, robbed, maimed more Americans than lost their lives on 9/11 where do your loyalties lie? I think we know.

I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.

Here's some butt hurt for you fool...

Statistics show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population

Justice attorney J. Christian Adams called illegal crime a, "wave of staggering proportions."

Statistics show illegals commit 13.6 percent of all crimes in the U.S., 12 percent of murder convictions, 20 percent of kidnappings, 16 percent of drug trafficking.

Illegals commit thousands of sexual assaults, domestic violence assaults, and DUI's each year.

Between 2008 and 2014 in Texas immigrants (legal and illegal) committed 611,234 crimes including nearly 3,000 homicides.

I see the point is sailing six miles above your head.

I have no doubt your ancestor European immigrants of the 19th century also committed more than their fair share of crimes.

I bet if you put those two brain cells of your to work, you could figure out why.

ACCUSING people from LONG AGO guilty of crimes without a shred of evidence, people you dont even know, from across the Internet........................ to make a point that isnt even coherent, much less intellectually honest
and you just made a comment about somebody elses intelligence????????
I'm sure a nativist of the 19th century was decrying that more people were killed, raped, robbed, and maimed by European garbage than had been killed at Antietam.

Same bullshit, different century.

I'm sorry the question makes you feel ashamed of yourself. We are still waiting for an answer, how many daughters have to die in their father's arms, how many Americans have to be sacrificed on the alter of illegal aliens?
Appeal to emotion logical fallacy

That bullshit doesn't work on me.

Same bullshit, different century.

Here's some butt hurt for you fool...

Statistics show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population

Justice attorney J. Christian Adams called illegal crime a, "wave of staggering proportions."

Statistics show illegals commit 13.6 percent of all crimes in the U.S., 12 percent of murder convictions, 20 percent of kidnappings, 16 percent of drug trafficking.

Illegals commit thousands of sexual assaults, domestic violence assaults, and DUI's each year.

Between 2008 and 2014 in Texas immigrants (legal and illegal) committed 611,234 crimes including nearly 3,000 homicides.

I see the point is sailing six miles above your head.

I have no doubt your ancestor European immigrants of the 19th century also committed more than their fair share of crimes.

I bet if you put those two brain cells of your to work, you could figure out why.

ACCUSING people from LONG AGO guilty of crimes without a shred of evidence, people you dont even know, from across the Internet........................ to make a point that isnt even coherent, much less intellectually honest
and you just made a comment about somebody elses intelligence????????
I see you are completely ignorant of American history. This explains so much!

Are you a recent immigrant? Is this why you don't know our history?

Allow me to elucidate:

The first groups of immigrants to suffer systematic discrimination as criminal populations were the Irish and Germans, who began arriving on the East Coast in great numbers during the 1820’s. While many German immigrants moved westward and took up farming, the Irish tended to congregate in major East Coast cities. For example, new arrivals in New York settled in Lower Manhattan, which quickly became notorious for gangs that preyed on both residents and visitors. Law-enforcement officials often refused to act against Irish criminals when their victims were fellow Irish. There were, however, frequent arrests of Irish immigrants. At one point prior to the U.S. Civil War, the Irish made up nearly 60 percent of the inmates of New York City jails; however, most of them had been arrested for petty crimes such as public drunkenness.


Organizations known as tongs that had originated in China as mutual-aid societies were imported to the United States and soon existed in nearly every American Chinatown. The tongs opened saloons, gambling houses, opium dens, and brothels, often smuggling from China young women, many of whom were abducted or enticed with false promises of opportunities in America. In response to what was perceived as a threat to public order, American citizens lobbied the U.S. Congress to take some action. In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which established strict quotas that limited the entry of certain racial and ethnic groups and stopped most Chinese immigration.
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