Republican Ideology through History

Tea Baggers do not care about history and or facts. They just to Zeig Heil a leader that sheep herds them around so they do not have to think for themselves.


No parry is out now , its Cains turn.

Or maybe Romeny or sara short and simple or oh hell maybe the donnald
Tea Baggers do not care about history and or facts. They just to Zeig Heil a leader that sheep herds them around so they do not have to think for themselves.


People who compare any group of Americans - other than American Nazis - to the Nazis should be dismissed by everyone as a total asshole. Sadly, these days, it appears that it has become acceptable to mock the deaths of millions of innocent people for political point scoring.

You may be a 'liberal', you may be 'middle class', you are a most assuredly a fucking idiot.
Tea Baggers do not care about history and or facts. They just to Zeig Heil a leader that sheep herds them around so they do not have to think for themselves.


People who compare any group of Americans - other than American Nazis - to the Nazis should be dismissed by everyone as a total asshole. Sadly, these days, it appears that it has become acceptable to mock the deaths of millions of innocent people for political point scoring.

You may be a 'liberal', you may be 'middle class', you are a most assuredly a fucking idiot.
You're just being racist.


(Wait for it - you just know it's coming. ;))
[If anyone decides to counter this factual history please provide substantive information. Blanket statements will be considered irrelevant. Ad hominem statements are not counterpoints.]
Get this...An unsubstantive text wall of progressive/socialist back patting and sphincter licking propaganda, coupled with the blaming of republicans for everything bad that's happened for the last 90 years, needs to be refuted with substantive information.

Whatta dick! :lmao:

Interestingly I did a search of his text......................

This is what I found.

Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy
So we have not only progressive/socialist propaganda, but plagiarized progressive/socialist propaganda.

How did I just know this was the case. :lol:
[If anyone decides to counter this factual history please provide substantive information. Blanket statements will be considered irrelevant. Ad hominem statements are not counterpoints.]
Get this...An unsubstantive text wall of progressive/socialist back patting and sphincter licking propaganda, coupled with the blaming of republicans for everything bad that's happened for the last 90 years, needs to be refuted with substantive information.

Whatta dick! :lmao:

Interestingly I did a search of his text......................

This is what I found.

Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy

Where on that link is this found?

I just went to it and its not there that I can find.

Are you lying?
The reason the Twelve year Great Depression lasted as long as it did was because of FDR and his policies. The members of his "Brain Trust" made a special, "under the radar" trip to the Soviet Union in 1927, which included a special one on one conversation with Joseph Stalin. Needless to say, they were deeply impressed by the "Soviet Miracle" they were shown. When they were suddenly thrust into power some six years later they tried to empress those parts of the "Soviet Miracle" down onto the American Economic System. The result was the formation of collective farms across the American Southwest, the bankrupting of the Wendell Wilkie run Southern Company eletric utility, and of course the trial of the Schechter Brothers, immigrant wholesale Kosher butchers from Brooklyn for of all things, violating New Deal Regulations by letting their customers pick out which chickens they wanted slaughtered. Then there was the 1937 Undistributed Profits Tax which precipitated the "Little Recession Inside The Great Depression". Roosevelt boasted to the people about his not intending to stop experimenting with the American Economy until things began to improve. As a result business stopped expanding, stopped spending, stopped developing new products and simply sat by waiting to see which segment of the economy Roosevelt would destroy next.

We are seeing exactly the same things happen today, Open your eyes, take whatever you're.....

It's mislabeled too, it's not the Great Depression, its the FDR Depression
Get this...An unsubstantive text wall of progressive/socialist back patting and sphincter licking propaganda, coupled with the blaming of republicans for everything bad that's happened for the last 90 years, needs to be refuted with substantive information.

Whatta dick! :lmao:

Interestingly I did a search of his text......................

This is what I found.

Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy

Where on that link is this found?

I just went to it and its not there that I can find.

Are you lying?

Get this...An unsubstantive text wall of progressive/socialist back patting and sphincter licking propaganda, coupled with the blaming of republicans for everything bad that's happened for the last 90 years, needs to be refuted with substantive information.

Whatta dick! :lmao:

Interestingly I did a search of his text......................

This is what I found.

Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy

Where on that link is this found?

I just went to it and its not there that I can find.

Are you lying?

I copied the entire text and used bing. Page two.

The only liar here is you, just for the record.
President Coolidge policies of less Government, paying down the debt and lower taxes (except for the tariff) is why the the economy grew.
A quote from President Coolidge in 1928;
"Four times we have made a drastic revision of our internal revenue system, abolishing many taxes and substantially reducing almost all others. Each time the resulting stimulation to business has so increased taxable income and profits that a surplus has been produced".

He worked to reduce the role of government in the economy. It lead to business growth. It helped the regular ordinary citizen to become more wealthy.

It was the Federal Reserves central role in credit expansion that Stock prices became highly inflated during the period's of 1927 - 1929.
It was also loan's to stockbrokers. Once again Federal Government interference.

President Hoover became President in 1929 and he was a Republican Progressive just like Teddy Roosevelt was. Once again the idea of Government control.
He passed the Federal Reserve Act.
The Federal Reserves action's was a major contributor of the crash in 1929.
A lot of the crash was due to panic and rumors and the ticker tape could not keep up with the transactions. No one could be sure what prices were being paid.
It was not President Coolidge's ideology that caused the stock market crash. It was President Hoover's Federal Reserve Act that helped lead to it.

And blaming the Republicans for the housing bubble is not true.
It was President Clinton's administration that stared the downfall of Fanny and Freddy Mae ,with the poor who could not afford the homes and Democrats who continually stopped all the regulations that the Republicans wanted to pass.
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President Coolidge policies of less Government, paying down the debt and lower taxes (except for the tariff) is why the the economy grew.
A quote from President Coolidge in 1928;
"Four times we have made a drastic revision of our internal revenue system, abolishing many taxes and substantially reducing almost all others. Each time the resulting stimulation to business has so increased taxable income and profits that a surplus has been produced".

He worked to reduce the role of government in the economy. It lead to business growth. It helped the regular ordinary citizen to become more wealthy.

It was the Federal Reserve's central role in credit expansion that Stock prices became highly inflated during the period's of 1927 - 1929.
It was also loans to stockbrokers.
President Hoover became President in 1929 and he was a Republican Progressive just like Teddy Roosevelt was. Once again the idea of Government control.

^^Print this out. Read it. Learn it!
Sorry I meant to put this up as evidence that it was the Dem's who blocked any Regulations to Fanny and Freddy.

[ame=]Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Coveri - YouTube[/ame]
Wilson lies out his ass, in order to get American troops involved in WWI, to "make the world safe for 'mocracy": 116,708 American dead; 204,002 wounded/maimed. =

Republicans' fault.

FDR surreptitiously funds and helps England, goads the Japanese into attacking, all while publicly declaring neutrality, subsequently involving America in WWII: 408,306 American dead; 670,846 wounded/maimed. =

Republicans' fault.

Truman shamelessly fans the flames of the Red Scare and unilaterally intervenes in Korea: 54,246 American dead; 103,284 wounded/maimed. =

Republicans' fault.

LBJ lies out his ass about the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" and commits troops to hot war in Vietnam: 58,219 American dead; 153,356 wounded/maimed. =

Republicans' fault.

OP = Flaming, lying-out-the-ass, propagandist dickweed.

Americans Killed in Action, Numbers, American War Library
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[Please check later posts for any updates]

Roaring Twenties, growth of the automobile and a war economy
Harding reduces taxes on the wealthy to spur growth
Three consecutive republican administrations, supply side economics prevail
Republicans align themselves with big business
Coolidge/Hoover presidencies a bubble mentality ensues as wall street speculation grows
Bubble bursts, banks collapse, economy collapses
Rigid republican policy prevents creative workable solutions
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
Hoover a businessman gets advice from the wealthy and National Association of Manufacturers
Hoover does little substantive eventually fails completely
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression, creates job programs
FDR creates strong regulatory structure
These are the times of radio and newspapers
FDR creates the greatest single asset for all Americans: Social Security
FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and help from Stalin
FDR wins three terms and is ranked by most as the greatest modern period American president
Sixty years of American exceptionalism follow FDR's presidency
Truman ends the savagery of World War II with Japan with the ultimate savagery
Truman uses UN in Korean war effort over fear of communism's spread
Truman extends New Deal and Civil rights
WWII end brings prosperity to America due to GI Bill, home growth, and durable goods growth
High tax rates continue until seventies and eighties
American corporations support the American worker with pensions and healthcare
Eisenhower ignores right wing war mongering republicans, extends civil rights
Warren court hands down ruling on public school segregation
Eisenhower continues progressivism, Vietnam involvement continues from Truman
Eisenhower's grand idea and job's program, the Interstate highway begins
Eisenhower commits to helping South Vietnam
The 'Cold War' clouds the mind of America creating an atmosphere of fear and distrust
Nixon loses to Kennedy in first TV election
Kennedy buys into ridiculous Bay of Pigs plan from Eisenhower administration
America's youth gain power prestige and purchasing power
Advertising, aka propaganda, grows as TV replaces radio
Kennedy reduces taxes for wealthy
Battle for space with Russia consumes America's resources
Blacks decide waiting any longer for equality is too long
Rosa Parks, among others, and Martin Luther King motivate a freedom movement long pass due
Camelot ends in Dallas
LBJ foolishly listens to war cries concerning domino effect and tragically involves America in Nam
LBJ advances civil rights and extended welfare so all Americans can have a little of the pie
Voter rights extended to all under Johnson Administration
Like FDR, Lyndon Baines Johnson moves America a bit closer to fairness and equality
LBJ creates the second great American accomplishment for seniors Medicare
Anti-war demonstrations change attitudes and diminish LBJ social achievements
Nixon has secret plan for ending Vietnam but paranoid personality ruins administration
Nixon opens up trade to China and negotiates with Mother Russia
Internet begins with DOD project to protect communications against Armageddon
Nixon's fear of loss and his administration misfits create Watergate
Fearing impeachment Nixon resigns, Ford takes helm
Carter elected, religion enters politics
Carter inherits stagflation economy from Nixon / Ford
Carter supports Afghanistan against Russian occupation, seeds are set for growth of insurgency terrorism
CNN and the start of 24 by 7 news begins
Carter reduces taxes for wealthy and increases military spending
Iranian militants take Americans captive
Oil embargo hurts Carter but efforts at energy policy are forgotten as Reagan wins
Reagan starts the destruction of the middle class in part by making government the problem
Reagan starts destruction of regulatory agencies that eventually lead to the Great Recession of today
Reagan reduces taxes for wealthy - corporations and think tanks gain persuasive powers
Reagan or his administration realize their errors and raise taxes several times, including largest peace time tax
America becomes a debtor nation under Reagan, invades Grenada
Reagan escapes impeachment over Iran Contra
Bush Sr experiences effect of Reagan economic policies, economy collapses, real estate boom crash, S&L scandal, bailouts to rescue nation again after republican policies
G.H.W. Bush loses to William Jefferson Clinton as Republican policies once more fail the nation
Internet commercialization grows as browsers develop and business goes online
Clinton raises taxes, economy recovers aided by millennium and Internet bubble
Clinton buys into financial nonsense, supporting NAFTA, regulatory and welfare reform
Clinton raises minimum wage and job growth continues
Armies of money and power go after Clinton on healthcare proposal, spending publicly and privately millions
Silly DADT policy implemented after republican opposition to more open policy
Clinton moves right and sells out progressive values
Monica and the meaning of 'is' fill the news and blanket real issues
Republicans with nothing else on their agenda investigate and try to impeach Clinton
Millions are spent to remove a democratically elected president
Gore wins popular vote, republicans fight Florida recount
Bush-Gore election goes to Bush as SCOTUS has moved from interpreters of law to corporate ideologues
Bush proves himself inept in all ways, but 911 attack creates fear and more war cries
Bush proves himself an incompetent leader who creates massive debt and war deaths
Clinton surplus is squandered on tax relief primarily for the wealthy
'War on Terror' clouds the mind of America creating an atmosphere of fear
Bush, as Reagan did, grows government and creates massive federal debt
Katrina incompetence represents firsthand the failure of republican governance
Loss of regulatory structure starting with Reagan and continuing with Clinton and Bush helps creates housing bubble
Bush invades Iraq based on trumped up propaganda about WMDs and scare tactics
Real estate bubble bursts over poor investments and just plain greed and stupidity on wall street and investment firms
Loss of regulatory structures again leads to economic collapse in America and the world
Great depression fears grow again after eight years of republican governance
National Association of Manufacturers and other corporations today own congress due to need for election monies
Economy collapses under Bush and bailouts are once again required during a republican administration
One in four children in America suffers hunger. Job loss and poverty increase again under republican business governance
Obama wins election for 'change' due to the total failure of Bush and the republicans
Armies of money and power again mount offensive attacking the American values of justice and fairness represented by Obama
Election loss creates powerful forces against change of status quo
Outsourcing automation and downsizing negatively affect job growth in America
Big money conservatives again fight against the workings of democracy
Republican judicial appointees mount war against voter rights and democratic government
Obama's help of GM is a financial and job saving success
Republican presidents have worst job record with the Bushs as the worst of the lot
Tea party forms supported by big money and rigid ideology
The corporatist SCOTUS decides corporations are really people
Obama attempts at bipartisanship and compromise prove impossible
Market up under Obama (30% at time of writing)
Stimulus for America helps but republicans fight against American values of sharing the pie
Obama passes Healthcare policy, keeps campaign promises on wars
America is too scared to live up to its principles of a fair trial and creates military tribunals
DADT is finally removed but Obama shows no guts as billions are squandered on Bush's tax policy that failed completely
Job numbers improve greatly from Bush but European fears and globalism affect markets
Big money fights healthcare and think tank rhetoric distorts potential cost savings
Wall street fights hard to maintain its wild west greed mentality
Mid term elections prove once again America's workers and working class don't vote in sufficient numbers
Republicans block all job bills and block Obama's nominations for public office
Obama's Libyan policy is successful with minor expenditure
Tea party ideologues try to sabotage government on dept ceiling to bring down America's elected president
Bush Jr tax policies still govern America as republicans fight for big oil and big money
Poverty in America increases as republicans fight for the wealthy and the corporations
America's credit rating is downgraded due to intransigence of republicans in congress
Republican presidential candidates kowtow to tea party and Norquist tax pledge
Wages for working Americans have been flat since Reagan with minor jump during Clinton
Election cycle begins again as focus moves back to power rather than governance
Republican governed state houses work to bring back Jim Crow and voter suppression
Republicans cheer loudly for death penalty numbers
Republican election audience demonstrate 'compassionate conservative' was always an oxymoron
Republicans with nothing productive to do try to capsize Obama administration as they did Clinton
Only 12% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job and a majority want their own representatives removed from office
Romney moves into Flip-Flopville and Perry gains strength due to his extreme views and cowboy image
Republicans still mention taxes and regulation as economic panaceas after their proven failure for nearly a hundred years
While republicans often mention freedom they are the least free politicians, ideology prevents working towards solutions
The rigid republican ideology explains their failures when given the reigns of governance
Republicans today only want power back and stand in the way of jobs and rebuilding America
America's political system, and even our court system, has moved away from practical politics that works for the people to a system that works only the politician, big money and corporations
And so it goes....

Recent: Obama's job plan will help unemployment and American states and cities rebuild, just as Roosevelt's did, but republicans again sidetrack real issues with malarkey about spending, taxes, and regulation, proving once again that the love of money is the greatest evil and the average voter has a short memory and pays little attention to results. It would seem that republicans with corporate support are still fighting Franklin Roosevelt's accomplishments and the freedoms given all by Lyndon Baines Johnson? President Obama is finally on the attack, recognizing when politics is only about power and money, and not about America, compromise is impossible.

[If anyone decides to counter this factual history please provide substantive information. Blanket statements will be considered irrelevant. Ad hominem statements are not counterpoints.]

What an absolute retard you are. Your family must be proud.

Pubs suq, have since Lincoln. Corporate, big business tools. Caused 2 depressions ...Isolationism out of myopic greed before WWII, Military industrial tool since WWII. Great salesmen though> so many dupes.
Pubs suq, have since Lincoln. Corporate, big business tools. Caused 2 depressions ...Isolationism out of myopic greed before WWII, Military industrial tool since WWII. Great salesmen though> so many dupes.

Are you like 14?
Over 80% of toxic mortgages were private lenders that had nothing to do with Fannie Freddie. Total BS

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