Republican lawyer. We must try and curtail college students from voting.

Why? All things being equal, if it were cheap and security was strong then...why?
There is a balance between voting being easy and having voter integrity/security. There should be checks in place to insure that people don't cheat and to be able to catch and prosecute those people that try. Many concentrate on voting ease to the detriment of voter integrity/security.
So if someone voted twice in a democrat City, it would be up to democrat officials to try to catch it and then do something about it, correct?

Election offices are staffed by people from both parties in equal numbers.

There’s no way to PREVENT someone from showing up, with no ID, to cast a vote in person, correct?

Depends upon the laws of the state it happened in.
The Democratic Party has no platform than promising "free" stuff and printing more money
Wrong of course. The democratic platform is easily found. When polled, Americans support every line item by a majority. This majority is even bigger, among young people.

Basically, you have no idea what you are talking about, so you puked up a right wing bumper sicker.
Personally, I don't want idiots to vote, In fact, since a lot of what are voting for is how our tax dollars get spent, I believe only those actually paying taxes should be allowed to vote.

Start your own country with your own constitution.
Nothing. Whatever ballot is counted first is the one that counts, the other one is discarded.
No ballots are counted anywhere till the end of voting and polls close. If someone shows up to a polling place who voted absentee, they will be turned away unless they claim that the absentee ballot was inappropriately cast by someone else, at which point they have to file a complaint and police report and can then vote normally with the absentee ballot being removed (at least that’s how it works in some jurisdictions).
Irony? How so? A mob of radical college students assaulted and virtually held captive a female athlete who wanted to talk about transgenders in sports. Does anybody think it's possible to keep them from voting? It's a freaking boogyman created by the left that has lost it's way and can't think of anything else.

Irony because you righties are famous for your fake crises.

To act like just the left does them is funny as shit.
LOL. We have a Constitution already. It is leftists which don't want to follow the Constitution and just rule by popular vote. Maybe you should start your own country.
The constitution isn’t perfect. We have a right to change it if we so decide.

It’s not that we don’t want to not follow it, it’s that we want to make it better.
LOL. We have a Constitution already. It is leftists which don't want to follow the Constitution and just rule by popular vote. Maybe you should start your own country.

No idea what you are rambling about.

I stated what I support. Address that or rant.
I have never supported ruling by the popular vote. I fully support the electoral college.

You mindlessly ranted.
The electoral college exists because the founders didn’t trust the people to vote for president themselves.

Either they were right and we stop voting for the president or they were wrong and we use a popular vote. The current system makes no sense.
The electoral college exists because the founders didn’t trust the people to vote for president themselves.

Either they were right and we stop voting for the president or they were wrong and we use a popular vote. The current system makes no sense.
It was also put in place because the US was a large country even then and using electors was a manageable way of handling a nationwide election.

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