Republican lawyer. We must try and curtail college students from voting.

When has a republican President been concerned about a deficit? Did you mean creating a deficit?
Neither side cares about deficits, neither side wants to fix it because that would be the tough thing to do and politicians want easy so they can get re-elected, the country be damned!
From reading the article, it looked like he's unhappy with the location of the polling places on campus, being right next to the dorms.
There might be a conversation there to be had. These are not crippled up old people who cant get around, there is no excuse for them NOT to vote...and they all have ID cards.
It's always better that people vote with intention and not just because its convenient. Usually a person who has to try just a little harder for something, has to put more thought into it.
Every same thing was said in buying guns...
Neither side cares about deficits, neither side wants to fix it because that would be the tough thing to do and politicians want easy so they can get re-elected, the country be damned!
GOP President have increased the deficit and Democratic ones have decreased it since Carter...


Reagan was the one to really one to start the borrowing...
In fairness to Bush 1 he was trying to get it under control and gave Clinton the chance to get it to a small surplus.

Bush 2 then announced a Tax Cut and started kicked off again.

Then compare this to Germany..

Yes they have a deficit right now but they saved in the good times to be able to spend in the bad times... This was done while have high services like universal healthcare, free third level education..
Trump was a major problem as he inherited a pretty strong economy but kept borrowing more (even before COVID)... Obama gave a deficit of $670m, trump lowest was $1.2T... Trump was also cutting certain areas of spending like healthcare (including the pandemic response team). He was actually over heating the economy, so when COVID hit the borrowing soared to $4.2tn in one year...
GOP President have increased the deficit and Democratic ones have decreased it since Carter...


Reagan was the one to really one to start the borrowing...
In fairness to Bush 1 he was trying to get it under control and gave Clinton the chance to get it to a small surplus.

Bush 2 then announced a Tax Cut and started kicked off again.

Then compare this to Germany..

Yes they have a deficit right now but they saved in the good times to be able to spend in the bad times... This was done while have high services like universal healthcare, free third level education..
Trump was a major problem as he inherited a pretty strong economy but kept borrowing more (even before COVID)... Obama gave a deficit of $670m, trump lowest was $1.2T... Trump was also cutting certain areas of spending like healthcare (including the pandemic response team). He was actually over heating the economy, so when COVID hit the borrowing soared to $4.2tn in one year...
Every President since Calvin Coolidge has raised the debt, no President since Coolidge has had a lower debt when they left than when they entered, spare your spin, two parties are not willing to cut the debt. Prove me wrong.
Wrong. Go check. This polling has been done mroe than once. See, the problem is you are just pullng stuff out of your ass, and I am not.

And a platform isn't policies that already exist. Geesh dude

Provide some data. We all know that many Americans will agree with the idea of “free” stuff, but the catch is when they themselves are asked pay for it, their opinions change. In general, Democrats want lots of goodies but want the “rich” to pay for them. Only ignorant fools fall for that nonsense.
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I support some of the things Republicans pretend to support. A balanced budget and addressing the deficit.

I support some of the things Republicans do support. I'm pro-life and I support the 2nd Amendment.

Things like this among other actions are why I can not vote Republican.

A top Republican lawyer told donors at a Republican National Committee (RNC) retreat last weekend that conservatives should work to limit voting on college campuses.

Cleta Mitchell, a GOP lawyer who assisted former President Trump in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, called on Saturday for Republicans to “combat” efforts to turnout college voters — a group that significantly tilts Democratic.

Top Republican lawyer tells donors conservatives should work to limit voting on college campuses

Voting should be one of our most sacred rights. We should be working to make voting easier for all, not harder for those some don't want voting.
Limiting voting is a loser strategy just like unlawful or questionable voting enhancement is a loser strategy. I abhor both.
Every President since Calvin Coolidge has raised the debt, no President since Coolidge has had a lower debt when they left than when they entered, spare your spin, two parties are not willing to cut the debt. Prove me wrong.
Debt is usually done v GDP...

It makes sense... The higher your GDP the debt means less...

So if you GDP increases faster than your debt then you have effectively reduced your debt to GDP ratio...

There is also the passing of the poisoned ball... Bush2 did that to Obama, Obama got an Economy in Free Fall..


But another way is to look at Deficit... How much are they actually borrowing...
GOP Presidents have increased bororrowing and Democrats have reduced it... I understand you saying borrowing is bad, but would you vote for the one increasing it or reducing it...

IT is totally unrealistic to stop borrowing over night. The US economy would crash and GDP would collapse... This would effectively increase the Dbt to GDP ratio, meaning US would owe more..
Debt is usually done v GDP...

It makes sense... The higher your GDP the debt means less...

So if you GDP increases faster than your debt then you have effectively reduced your debt to GDP ratio...

There is also the passing of the poisoned ball... Bush2 did that to Obama, Obama got an Economy in Free Fall..

View attachment 779834

But another way is to look at Deficit... How much are they actually borrowing...
GOP Presidents have increased bororrowing and Democrats have reduced it... I understand you saying borrowing is bad, but would you vote for the one increasing it or reducing it...

IT is totally unrealistic to stop borrowing over night. The US economy would crash and GDP would collapse... This would effectively increase the Dbt to GDP ratio, meaning US would owe more..

We have known this was a problem for years. Nothing about this is "over night".
Provide some data. We all know that many Americans will agree with the idea of “free” stuff, but the catch is when they themselves are asked pay for it, their opinions change. In general, Democrats want lots of goodies but want the “rich” to pay for them. Only ignorant fools fall for that nonsense.
Thanks, but the generation that bankrupted social security, failed to save for retirement, destroyed their health and the healthcare system, neglected a crumbling infrastructure, and spent trillions upon trillions of their children's tax dollars to support the stock market so that the elites can preserve their nest eggs (while their greatest achievement is learning to program a VCR) really doesn't have a lot of room to tell other people they're too irresponsible to have a say in government.
Debt is usually done v GDP...

It makes sense... The higher your GDP the debt means less...

So if you GDP increases faster than your debt then you have effectively reduced your debt to GDP ratio...

There is also the passing of the poisoned ball... Bush2 did that to Obama, Obama got an Economy in Free Fall..

View attachment 779834

But another way is to look at Deficit... How much are they actually borrowing...
GOP Presidents have increased bororrowing and Democrats have reduced it... I understand you saying borrowing is bad, but would you vote for the one increasing it or reducing it...

IT is totally unrealistic to stop borrowing over night. The US economy would crash and GDP would collapse... This would effectively increase the Dbt to GDP ratio, meaning US would owe more..
The bottom line is debt, however as shown in your graph, a strong Republican Congress and a centrist Democratic President did a better job than other combinations, however 2020, was a pandemic year and both parties rightly voteed tons of money into the economy, though I thought they could have done a better job at dispersing it.
Thanks, but the generation that bankrupted social security, failed to save for retirement, destroyed their health and the healthcare system, neglected a crumbling infrastructure, and spent trillions upon trillions of their children's tax dollars to support the stock market so that the elites can preserve their nest eggs (while their greatest achievement is learning to program a VCR) really doesn't have a lot of room to tell other people they're too irresponsible to have a say in government.
Are you talking baby boomers, like Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Clinton, Hoyer, Waters, are those the people you are talking about?
Are you talking baby boomers, like Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Clinton, Hoyer, Waters, are those the people you are talking about?

I certainly took it that way. Along with many others.
I certainly took it that way. Along with many others.
Baby boomers vote Republican. They're such a large voting group, they dominate electoral considerations and have for decades.

What's their solution for the problems they've created? Hack entitlement spending for anyone less than 55 so that they never have to face the consequences of their long history of screwing over the rest of us.

Baby boomers vote Republican.

I'm a baby boomer. I do no such thing.

They're such a large voting group, they dominate electoral considerations and have for decades.

What's their solution for the problems they've created? Hack entitlement spending for anyone less than 55 so that they never have to face the consequences of their long history of screwing over the rest of us.

I'm not sure where you are going.

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