Republican Leaders Declare Trump Dead


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Republican leaders who have watched Donald Trump’s summer surge with alarm now believe that his presidential candidacy has been contained and may begin to collapse because of his repeated attacks on a Fox News Channel star and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

Trump — whose strident opposition to illegal immigration helped him amass a 2-to-1 polling lead over his nearest GOP rivals — was characteristically defiant and confident in a series of phone calls Saturday with The Washington Post. He vowed to reboot his campaign amid a staff shake-up and said he could capture the White House because “millions of people everywhere” who feel alienated by the political class are standing by him.

Matthew Dowd, strategist, said there was considerable chatter on Friday about pairing Kasich and Sen. Marco Rubio: old and young, white and Latino, executive and legislator, swing-state Ohio and swing-state Florida. “Maybe that’s the ticket.”

GOP leaders say erratic attacks hurt Trump but he vows to fight and win - The Washington Post
I guess that is the message, Republicans just think they are picking a candidate. It's all Party Bosses and strategists. The same thing is probably happening in the Democrat's office. It's just a bunch of backroom deals.

Trump says he's going to fight on...should we tell him there's no point?
They don't have the right to tell him that NOR do we. If they even try it THEY will split the party. I did NOT become a republican to be told what to do.

For them to do that would show without doubt the idea AND practice of "party control". And that's crap because the party was SUPPOSED to be about a persons rights a persons choice and a persons liberty.

They remove that and its not a question of ME leaving the party the party WILL have left me.

I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
A Kasich and Rubio ticket would be something for Trump to worry about, in my opinion.
I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
Bernie is a social democrat though, not an actual socialist, it sucks, but he's basically the moderate of european countries.
Then again...a trump/rubio or a kasich/trump ticket would be something the dems would be worried about.
Bernie lost me when he said everyone should apologize for slavery. Sorry dude. Ain't happenin'.
A Kasich and Rubio ticket would be something for Trump to worry about, in my opinion.
Maybe they will tell him to shut up and sit down while the Big Boys play. They've done such a good job the ;last two presidential elections. :(
I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
I figure Biden will announce Tuesday.
I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
I figure Biden will announce Tuesday.
Wow... that's soon. Could charges be coming for her that quickly now? See, now I figure everything is calculated. That's crappy.
I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
I figure Biden will announce Tuesday.
Wow... that's soon. Could charges be coming for her that quickly now? See, now I figure everything is calculated. That's crappy.
Both parties are carefully calculating who they're wanting to win and doing everything they can to ensure this, including utilizing the corporate run media. Wow, what a "democracy" we have.
I hope he runs third party so the dems win.

The Dems have their pickle too. I imagine they are just waiting to see how bad the damage is on Hillary before they put all of their eggs in her basket. It seems like they might be grooming Biden for the replacement. Can't imagine they are going to run a Socialist.
I figure Biden will announce Tuesday.
Wow... that's soon. Could charges be coming for her that quickly now? See, now I figure everything is calculated. That's crappy.
Both parties are carefully calculating who they're wanting to win and doing everything they can to ensure this, including utilizing the corporate run media. Wow, what a "democracy" we have.
Yeah :(

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