Republican party Jews gang up against Trump

People think I'm joking when I say we are watching the Nazification of America in real time.

I wouldn't put it that way - more like we're watching the attempted Nazification of this country.

In a sense, Trump and his supporters can be seen as a warning of what could happen, and his inevitable downfall once the primaries actually begin will be seen as a refutation of the dangerous nationalist populism that Trump espouses. because Trump wants to enforce the immigration laws already on the books (must have some secret nazi politicians that passed these laws) he is a "nazi" now....oh man yall crack me up.

I could explain in depth why Trump and his campaign are representative of totalitarian fascism, but I imagine that it would fly entirely over your head. "Immigration" has little to do with it.

I'll put it this way - everything that you like about Trump is what makes him Nazi-like.
Bringing jobs back via tariffs and FAIR trade?
Kicking the illegals the hell out?
Not allowing an invasion of potential terrorists?
Politically incorrect?
Strong leader?
Which of those is nazi like? I had this same conversation with some idiot yesterday on FB he ran off and refuses to come explain to me what is so fascist about Trump. Oh and yall say "nazi" and "fascist" like they are bad things so.
Republican Party Jews Gang up against Trump - The New Observer

Just makes the silent majority support him more. Once more this is just another great reason to support Trump.Yeah he is pro Israel and has half jew grandkids but he is pissing on the Jews plans for "immigration" here and that is awesome! If he wins its a big smack in the face of jewish power of American politics!

As I pointed out in another thread- Trump is a huge favorite of racists and anti-semites.
Obama had the Klan wishing for his election
Ron Paul had "racists" and "anti semites" rooting for him
Donald Trump gets support from American Patriots because he isn't afraid to tell the damn truth! To some that equals racist and anti semitic but we don't give a shit.
As I pointed out in another thread- Trump is a huge favorite of racists and anti-semites.
Obama had the Klan wishing for his election
Ron Paul had "racists" and "anti semites" rooting for him
Donald Trump gets support from American Patriots because he isn't afraid to tell the damn truth! To some that equals racist and anti semitic but we don't give a shit.[/QUOTE]

Oh I am sure that Donald Trump does get some support from some American Patriots.

That doesn't explain why you and the other racists support him.
As I pointed out in another thread- Trump is a huge favorite of racists and anti-semites.
Obama had the Klan wishing for his election
Ron Paul had "racists" and "anti semites" rooting for him
Donald Trump gets support from American Patriots because he isn't afraid to tell the damn truth! To some that equals racist and anti semitic but we don't give a shit.

Oh I am sure that Donald Trump does get some support from some American Patriots.

That doesn't explain why you and the other racists support him.[/QUOTE]
American Patriots is what YOU and YOUR ILK call racists. Not that we care. Just makes yourself look dumber.


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