Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Sure like Senator Edward Kennedy’s offer to help the Soviet Union defeat Reagan’s efforts to build up the nuclear deterrent in Europe ?
Sounds like Ted-the-Swimmer is going to have to be exhumed so he can be tried for his acts of "treason". Wow, I best the wild-eyed liberals will have their panties all knotted up after regime change when a new president's IRS bitch-slaps Democrat organizations and fat-cats!

This is gonna be fun!
Real Americans do not stab America in the back like the GOP just did


Yo, how true? And they don`t ban things?
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I do love it when RWNJs bellyache about everything. It is so fun to watch.
Perhaps, one has to suspect that the MSM will have a sudden inspiration to ... do their jobs, again
One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.
Claims of supporting Iran equate to supporting America---- are hard to make
and keep a straight face
After Papa Obama pulled the missile shield from Europe, support for Libya, little support for Israel,
the World understands perfectly well that Papa Obama can not be trusted

One only has to look at the lies he told Americans about health care
to know he is not trust worthy
Congress IS the Authority of the United States.

It was a letter from Congress, NOT 47 individuals.

Opie needs to stop watching tv.

BZZZT Wrong!

47 individual Senators do not represent Congress. They don't even represent a majority in the Senate.

The Constitution does not empower Congress to negotiate with foreign nations. That is a power delegated to the Executive Branch. Congress merely has the power to ratify treaties.

And - if its true that they are speaking for all of congress, why did some Rs appear on camera today, saying they were against it?

Among them, of all people, Jeff Flake! I just about fell off my chair!

Not surprising, Flake's "spokeswoman" has issued a statement taking back what he said on camera. She said that what he meant to say was that he agrees with the letter but not the timing.

Flake is a flake who can't think for himself. IOW, the ideal Republican.

I wonder what his handlers will tell him opinion is tomorrow.

Here is a great shows 5 times the democrats actively supported our enemies during a Republican administration....not just letters, active support of the enemies.....

5 times Democrats undermined Republican presidents with foreign governments

4. Democrats visited Iraq to attack Bush's policy

As Stephen Hayes recounts: "In September 2002, David Bonior, the second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, flew to Baghdad in an attempt to undermine George W. Bush's case for war in Iraq on a trip paid for by Saddam Hussein's regime. Bonior, accompanied by Reps. Jim McDermott and Mike Thompson, actively propagandized for the Iraqi regime. McDermott, asked whether he found it acceptable to be used by the Iraqi regime, said he hoped the trip would end the suffering of children. 'We don't mind being used,' he said."

5. Jimmy Carter tried to sabotage George H.W. Bush at the U.N.

On Nov. 20, 1990, as President George H.W. Bush gathered support to oppose Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait, the former Democratic President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to nations who were in the U.N. Security Council trying to kill the administration's efforts. As Douglas Brinkley explained, Carter's letter was an attempt "to thwart the Bush administration's request for U.N. authorization of hostilities against Iraq. President Bush's criterion for proceeding with a war was the exhaustion of 'good faith talks,' and Carter placed his interpr

LOL! Carter colluded with the Soviet Union to avoid being defeated by Reagan.

Now note that the Left's communications with Foreign Nations are to undermine American Principle, while the 47 Americans penned that letter in DEFENSE of American Principle.

Which simply proves ONCE AGAIN, that:
Congress IS the Authority of the United States.

It was a letter from Congress, NOT 47 individuals.

Opie needs to stop watching tv.

BZZZT Wrong!

47 individual Senators do not represent Congress. They don't even represent a majority in the Senate.

The Constitution does not empower Congress to negotiate with foreign nations. That is a power delegated to the Executive Branch. Congress merely has the power to ratify treaties.

And - if its true that they are speaking for all of congress, why did some Rs appear on camera today, saying they were against it?

Among them, of all people, Jeff Flake! I just about fell off my chair!

Not surprising, Flake's "spokeswoman" has issued a statement taking back what he said on camera. She said that what he meant to say was that he agrees with the letter but not the timing.

Flake is a flake who can't think for himself. IOW, the ideal Republican.

I wonder what his handlers will tell him opinion is tomorrow.


Perhaps we should ask Senator Menendez about obuma's throwing him under the bus.... wonder if he'll change his votes just for a little revenge?
One good thing if Iran thought they could make obama crawl on his belly like the bitch he is, another president isn't bound by that agreement. It might make them not go as far as they thought they could.
I'm not really posting to you as I recognize you're just a flaming imbecile; but I am responding to a point you inadvertently make for the benefit of others with an IQ higher than 40....

The message those 47 Republican Senators sent, not just to Iran, but to the entire globe, is .... don't make deals with America -- we don't possess the honor to keep them.

Republicans did now to our image as a nation what they did to our credit rating a few years ago... they sabotaged it in an effort to undermine Obama and cost us our credibility.


Undermining and weakening the US was and is the point.

RWs can never again pretend any of it is about Obama. The Repubs proved its not and never has been.

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Sure, not like a narcissistic President who is never told he is wrong, lies and generally makes bad policy
bypassing Congress to make a treaty-like proposal with one of the most dangerous and unstable gov't
in world history .... has any thing to do with it :eusa_whistle:
Sure, not like a narcissistic President who is never told he is wrong, lies and generally makes bad policy
bypassing Congress to make a treaty-like proposal with one of the most dangerous and unstable gov't
in world history .... has any thing to do with it :eusa_whistle:

How TRUE you are... all these subversives in here suffer from NPD!!!

The Gang of 47 aren't 'traitors,' they're cowards, fools, and partisan hacks – their letter amounts to a childish temper-tantrum because the president won reelection.
Some good came from it though.
The Iranian Foreign Minister was good enough to take time out of his busy day to educate them on foreign diplomacy and the US Constitution.

There's always a positive if you look for it hard enough.
Will all the staunch defenders of Presidential authority please post links to their criticisms of Pelosi in 2007?

Pelosi Meets With Syrian Leader

Hussein Malla/Associated Press
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, meeting today at the Presidential Palace in Damascus with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

Published: April 4, 2007
DAMASCUS, Syria, April 4 —Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, met here today with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and discussed a variety of Middle Eastern issues, including the situations in Iraq and Lebanon and the prospect of peace talks between Syria and Israel.

You make it way too simple.

She did not meet with a foreign leader during any kind of treaty negotiations and also not before an election cycle in that land.

Pay attention, and maybe you will learn something in life.

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