Republican strategist not thrilled with Trump


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Republican strategist Rick Wilson certainly doesn't like what he's seeing in the GOP, and I'd be curious to see what conservatives here think about this piece:

How the Tea Party Got Hijacked by Trump’s Troll Party

From it:

Today the Republican Party has two choices before it: It can either reform itself, or fracture and surrender to the Troll Party.

Let me explain what I mean. The Troll Party’s central characteristic is an ever tightening spiral of self-reinforcing and self-referential purity tests that makes communicating with anyone beyond the febrile and furious a nearly impossible task. The people pushing for this transformation aren’t a majority yet, but when a virus infects the body politic, its minuscule size belies its massive impact.

That’s what is happening inside the GOP, and why the disease vector, in the form of Donald Trump, puts the entire conservative movement at risk of being hijacked and destroyed by a bellowing billionaire with poor impulse control and a profoundly superficial understanding of the world. The Troll Party puts nationalist, anti-establishment bluster before the tenets of our constitutional republic.

So who comprises the Troll Party? Some of them are a distaff faction of the Tea Party, angry that the leadership in Washington doesn’t pursue their agenda with the bloody-mindedness and tempo they demand. Many are angry that the GOP lost to Barack Obama twice and, in their minds, allowed through action or inaction a set of economic, social, and cultural changes that make them feel powerless. For them, supporting Trump feels like rebellion. They crave a sense of agency in the face of a political culture in D.C. that they believe loathes and disregards them.

Sorry..didn't even read the article...

The author calling trump supporters a "troll party" in the TITLE reveals his bias and me anyway...disqualifies the rest as political propaganda...

the left thrives on name calling and labeling people...
Trump is a classic demagogue. Whatever he says becomes popular. I think Republicans have lost their minds but I suspect people just arent that stupid and he will be out after New Hampshire.
Red meat, that's what the TP ordered. Trump's just doing the catering. As a businessman, he provides whatever the customer wants. :laugh2:
Sorry..didn't even read the article...

The author calling trump supporters a "troll party" in the TITLE reveals his bias and me anyway...disqualifies the rest as political propaganda...

the left thrives on name calling and labeling people...
Well, I think he's just using contemporary buzzwords to make a point.

He's a Republican and ran for office in Michigan.
My thought...... The author of that piece needs to go back and reread history because the "Troll Party" as he calls it, is far closer to the Founders than the mainstream/centrist Republican party at this point in time.

Mr Trump may not be the face most of us would have preferred to put on the movement but considering no established Republican had the balls to take the reins, at least someone did.
Sorry..didn't even read the article...

The author calling trump supporters a "troll party" in the TITLE reveals his bias and me anyway...disqualifies the rest as political propaganda...

the left thrives on name calling and labeling people...
Well, I think he's just using contemporary buzzwords to make a point.

He's a Republican and ran for office in Michigan.

I don't really care what letter is beside his name....
I think we've pretty much established over the past 50 years or so that there is no difference among career politicians of either party....'s a biased hit piece using inflammatory terms. The writers bias is almost dripping off the page...
Trump is a classic demagogue. Whatever he says becomes popular. I think Republicans have lost their minds but I suspect people just arent that stupid and he will be out after New Hampshire.
I'm beginning to think of him as a symptom, and he's clearly a danger to the party.

The way so many have totally forgiven so much (such as his obviously non-conservative statements and his general behavior) makes one wonder how committed his fans actually are to conservative principles, doesn't it?
Trump is a classic demagogue. Whatever he says becomes popular. I think Republicans have lost their minds but I suspect people just arent that stupid and he will be out after New Hampshire.
I'm beginning to think of him as a symptom, and he's clearly a danger to the party.

The way so many have totally forgiven so much (such as his obviously non-conservative statements and his general behavior) makes one wonder how committed his fans actually are to conservative principles, doesn't it?

..and if he wavered you'd call him indecisive or a flip flopper....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great...occasionally it takes somewhat of a mixture to get something useful...and sometimes people change their minds about issues as time passes and situations change or develop...
trump is a work in progress...he's on the right track with many of his ideas...obviously

wanting to put american interests first as opposed to "globalization" is what has people's a foreign concept to some people..
....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great....
I agree completely, but that notion simply isn't consistent with what conservatives have been saying for decades now. Suddenly with Trump, they're willing to bend on the issues ("conservative ideals") because they like his style or his overall approach.

So all of a sudden "conservative ideals" have taken a back seat with this guy.
....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great....
I agree completely, but that notion simply isn't consistent with what conservatives have been saying for decades now. Suddenly with Trump, they're willing to bend on the issues ("conservative ideals") because they like his style or his overall approach.

So all of a sudden "conservative ideals" have taken a back seat with this guy.

Define "conservative ideals" and give your source for the "definition"... explain how is trump "bending" them?
Give specific examples...
....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great....
I agree completely, but that notion simply isn't consistent with what conservatives have been saying for decades now. Suddenly with Trump, they're willing to bend on the issues ("conservative ideals") because they like his style or his overall approach.

So all of a sudden "conservative ideals" have taken a back seat with this guy.

Define "conservative ideals" and give your source for the "definition"... explain how is trump "bending" them?
Give specific examples...
Sure, a couple of examples off the top of my head:
Not to mention comments he has made on Iraq and health care and abortion. Sure, he may have actually changed his mind, or maybe he's just saying that.

I don't think the fact that the guy is clearly not a true conservative is really under debate, is it?
....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great....
I agree completely, but that notion simply isn't consistent with what conservatives have been saying for decades now. Suddenly with Trump, they're willing to bend on the issues ("conservative ideals") because they like his style or his overall approach.

So all of a sudden "conservative ideals" have taken a back seat with this guy.

Define "conservative ideals" and give your source for the "definition"... explain how is trump "bending" them?
Give specific examples...
Sure, a couple of examples off the top of my head:
Not to mention comments he has made on Iraq and health care and abortion. Sure, he may have actually changed his mind, or maybe he's just saying that.

I don't think the fact that the guy is clearly not a true conservative is really under debate, is it?

Couldn't care less if he meets some arbitrary "criteria" invented by other people to support their particular bias...

his main point of putting american interests first is what is resonating....
Couldn't care less if he meets some arbitrary "criteria" invented by other people to support their particular bias...

his main point of putting american interests first is what is resonating....
Okay, I'm just saying that priorities have clearly shifted with his candidacy.
Couldn't care less if he meets some arbitrary "criteria" invented by other people to support their particular bias...

his main point of putting american interests first is what is resonating....
Okay, I'm just saying that priorities have clearly shifted with his candidacy.

May be...people are becoming more and more interested in putting american interests ahead of their party....and that rattles the hyperpartisans, the media and career politicians...
Trump is a classic demagogue. Whatever he says becomes popular. I think Republicans have lost their minds but I suspect people just arent that stupid and he will be out after New Hampshire.
I'm beginning to think of him as a symptom, and he's clearly a danger to the party.

The way so many have totally forgiven so much (such as his obviously non-conservative statements and his general behavior) makes one wonder how committed his fans actually are to conservative principles, doesn't it?

I think the danger lies with the R's who just lie, claim they're conservative, get voted in, and then proceed to go against those who brought them to power.
....not every "conservative" idea is great...not every liberal idea is great....
I agree completely, but that notion simply isn't consistent with what conservatives have been saying for decades now. Suddenly with Trump, they're willing to bend on the issues ("conservative ideals") because they like his style or his overall approach.

So all of a sudden "conservative ideals" have taken a back seat with this guy.

Define "conservative ideals" and give your source for the "definition"... explain how is trump "bending" them?
Give specific examples...
Sure, a couple of examples off the top of my head:
Not to mention comments he has made on Iraq and health care and abortion. Sure, he may have actually changed his mind, or maybe he's just saying that.

I don't think the fact that the guy is clearly not a true conservative is really under debate, is it?

Couldn't care less if he meets some arbitrary "criteria" invented by other people to support their particular bias...

his main point of putting american interests first is what is resonating....

I agree. He is putting American interests first and I can see where some of the right wing idiots don't like it anymore than the left wing idiots.

Trump isn't conventional and they know they can't control him and force him to stick with their tired rhetoric.

This campaign season will be very interesting to say the least.
I'm beginning to think of him as a symptom, and he's clearly a danger to the party.

The way so many have totally forgiven so much (such as his obviously non-conservative statements and his general behavior) makes one wonder how committed his fans actually are to conservative principles, doesn't it?

He's a symptom. That's true. He's a symptom of what's wrong with the Republican Party. A party that has pkayed a game of "Listen to my words but ignore what ne hands do" sleight of hand the last two Presidential Elections. The People are finally saying they're done with candidates who talk a good game but won't back it up with actions.
I'm sure they aren't thrilled. but they better just get over it and get on with Presenting their person running for President and knock off all the silly whining. you look as pathetic as the Democrats/left

the people are sick of you people and your pathetic whining. You Don't deserve anything and if you can't keep up with Trump. that's you own damn fault
Couldn't care less if he meets some arbitrary "criteria" invented by other people to support their particular bias...

his main point of putting american interests first is what is resonating....
Okay, I'm just saying that priorities have clearly shifted with his candidacy.

Do you think it is priorities?

I do not.

I tend to think that if Andrew Dice Clay or Howard Stern were running and making the same comments, making the same substance free speeches, and making the same lewd comments about women, they would be on top of the polls too. I don't think what you're seeing is Mr. Trump chiseling off a piece of the GOP for himself. Rather, I think what you're seeing is:

  • That Obama has been in office for 8 years
  • He has instituted Obamacare
  • It has passed all challenges in the Supreme Court
  • The newly Minted Congress seems totally afraid to take Mr. Obama on in any real way
  • Further removed was the last Conservative President (W.) was a wholesale disaster
  • The quasi-liberal president before him was a wholesale success.
  • The president before Clinton (H.W.) was a one term disappointment.
  • Reagan, despite being a Republican would be a democrat (or Liberal Republican at best) in today's atmosphere.
These are not my opinions; they are widely accepted facts most people agree with.
America's Worst President Ever
Millennials Rank Clinton Highly Among Modern Presidents

I said all of that to say this.

Again, I don't see Trump as chiseling off some members of the GOP. I think what you're seeing is this. We have 2 parties. If you belong to the Democrats, you're on Obama's side. If you belong to the GOP, you're (at least in theory) opposing Obama. So these people that are supporting Trump are in the GOP not because they wish to be but because there is no other real alternative. Secondly, All of the points above simply mean this; America is becoming a land that these yokels do not recognize. The most pious among them would swear that it is getting worse; not better. Perhaps you agree. Any change is uncomfortable so it's understandable that change is met with opposition. However, what the yokels do not see is "change"; they see danger that somehow the adaptation to new truths and the rejection of old anecdotes is not only a rejection of their way of life, but there will be no space to operate in the new world. Case in point; I like soft rock music or what they today sometimes refer to as "crooners". Englebert Humperdink, Mel Torme, even Elvis in some ballads. Well; we lost our stations on the regular radio and the Sirius XM is too "inclusive" of other genres. So....what do I do? Well, I found Pandora and I Heart Radio. I basically pick my own music. Things get better; almost in every case. Not worse.

I have often called Conservatism a strain of abject laziness. It's pretty much highlighted by Trump. A guy who hasn't got one fiscal conservative skin on the wall and zero history of being a social conservative of any stripe. Yet a guy comes on and entertains them and tells them ONLY what they want to hear and booyah.....front runner.

Again, I don't think he's taking any of the dyed-in-the-wool GOP members away; he's taking away those who were too lazy, too frankly stupid, and too defeated to care one way or the other about the GOP.

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