Republican Upset Schools Don’t Teach The “Good Side” Of Slavery

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives. Instead of killing them, an enemy warlord would spare their lives and sell them to slave traders. Slavery made them worthy of life.
I wonder how many of those wars were for the express purpose of catching people to sell?
Like today's inter-African Tribal wars?
How many victims end up enslaved? Can you name any group that has never fought itself?
Nice try...Every other group of people in non-Black nations have toilets.
You ignorance is only exceeded by your racism. The first time I was in Europe I occasionally found their toilet was a hole in the ground. The flush was a bucket next to it. I'm sure the Africans were jealous.
Do you have any ProgBit relatives who went to help the Africans?
I do, so don’t try to tell me what goes on amongst the natives.
I've been to Africa, have you?

You remind me a bit of Trump:
'Maybe I should have been a doctor': Trump brags about his 'natural ability' for science because of his 'super genius uncle' who was an MIT professor and claims CDC officials ask him how he knows so much about the coronavirus
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives. Instead of killing them, an enemy warlord would spare their lives and sell them to slave traders. Slavery made them worthy of life.
I wonder how many of those wars were for the express purpose of catching people to sell?
Like today's inter-African Tribal wars?
How many victims end up enslaved? Can you name any group that has never fought itself?
Nice try...Every other group of people in non-Black nations have toilets.
You ignorance is only exceeded by your racism. The first time I was in Europe I occasionally found their toilet was a hole in the ground. The flush was a bucket next to it. I'm sure the Africans were jealous.
Do you have any ProgBit relatives who went to help the Africans?
I do, so don’t try to tell me what goes on amongst the natives.
I've been to Africa, have you?

You remind me a bit of Trump:
'Maybe I should have been a doctor': Trump brags about his 'natural ability' for science because of his 'super genius uncle' who was an MIT professor and claims CDC officials ask him how he knows so much about the coronavirus
My ProgBot relatives have been and they couldn’t stand it.
South African is a bit more civilized due to a large Jewish presence.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.
My're quite the liar there.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Well, you could point out that all these whiny black dregs wouldn't be in this wonderful country if not for slavery....
Again....making me wonder why Whitey Righties are getting called racist.
Before slavery

Well, at least the modern slaves on the Democrat Plantations are there BY CHOICE. No sympathy for shiftless people who watched generations of their children suffering from lack of education, usually due to other blacks who were protected by teacher's unions. Blacks suffered REAL racism and injustice BUT they chose the "easy" path that the Democrats laid out for them and they've been enslaved ever since.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives. Instead of killing them, an enemy warlord would spare their lives and sell them to slave traders. Slavery made them worthy of life.
Yup. Whites were so good-hearted that they "saved" the poor Africans by making them slaves. So slavery was just an act of kindness! :icon_rolleyes:
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

From the link.
“Handouts saying the United States is a racist country, that corporations are inherently racist, and have a bias against…” Garofalo began, as Hilferty interrupted to ask “Can you share examples of these with the committee?”

Garofalo refused, citing the privacy of his sources, but noted “it was only a few examples, it wasn’t a lot,” and went on to tell Hilferty that there were “some examples on Facebook I saw months ago, if I can go back and find those I’ll give this to you as well.”

Wow he read some on facebook?

Morons elected this fool.

Well, they voted for Trump too.

So you attack blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation for their own good since they are too stupid to know better, huh, racist?

NO, you fucking moron.

Even blacks can make a better argument than ANY RWNJ.

They are retards.

So were you one of the racists trending Uncle Tim on Twitter?

Sure, why not.

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