Republican Upset Schools Don’t Teach The “Good Side” Of Slavery

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.
The very term "slavery" is a term of contempt for hard work, honesty, integrity, and all other similar values much appreciated by humans in their fellow humans.
The were plenty of Founders who were opposed to slavery. Unfortunately without a compromise on the issue we would have never had this nation. We were not perfect back then nor are we perfect today but this nation has always been a job in progress and we have made considerable If not amazing progress. That’s why people from all over the world want to live in our nation but few want to leave it.

..the blacks should thank their lucky stars for slavery...if not, they would be in shithole Africa and not making MILLIONS $$$$ in the US
And you're lucky your ancestors came here, too; America is a wealthy country. But I assume they came willingly and were free to make something of themselves when they did. It wasn't like that for slaves. It's better now. We were talking about history, though.

Reasonable people must not be scared to ask themselves one simple many blacks have fought to get back to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?
This is simple shit for third graders.
Thank heavens we ended slavery.

Unfortunately, only America and Haiti ended it by war in the Americas. All other countries did it peacefully.
That means that about half of an entire nation said "Hell no! You gonna havta take these slaves from our cold dead hands."

You think that sentiment and all that animosity simply went away or has it been festering?
The very term "slavery" is a term of contempt for hard work, honesty, integrity, and all other similar values much appreciated by humans in their fellow humans.
And 1865 was the last time the unemployment rate for blacks was 0%.

Blacks did make good servants....the only thing they are good for....and for which theoy were created........unfortunately the democrats convinced them they were too good to be servants and they have been replaced by mexicans and now subsist on the dole...the majority of them....the dole and assorted crimes aka shoplifting, selling drugs, stealing etc. by the time most of them get ut of high school they have long rap sheets which tends to make them unemployable and thus the beat goes on.
Thank heavens we ended slavery.

Unfortunately, only America and Haiti ended it by war in the Americas. All other countries did it peacefully.

Nothing good came out of ending slavery....if we had shipped them back after freeing them...then it would have been a good thing....that is what Lincoln wanted to do and if he had lived might have been able to do it....a great tragedy for America that it did not happen.
Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.

It is fallacious to judge another time and place by todays standards.....slavery had been around for thousands of years.....Arabs started the practice of importing Africans to be slaves.....long before the Atlantic slave trade began and it still goes on there today and also in Africa.
What isn't strange is that the racist right tries to defend the idiotic notion of a "good side" to slavery.
Racist right? What's the party with all the racial preferences, affirmative action, college admissions and hiring quotas?

There's a good side to hard work, honesty, enterprise -- that's what the American dream is all about anyways -- but it's the left panning all the good things in life as slavery and keeping everybody in chains. It always was the left, the Democratic Party, the Confederate South of the Civil War, that labor union, the fraternal orders of police, Crimestoppers and other lynch mobs, police guilds and unions, all that collective bargaining shit at city hall and the "plea deal" at the DA's office with a stacked jury in the back room with a couple of witnesses waiting to be called into court for a trial conviction in case the "plea bargain" falls through.
All conservatives had to do was acknowledge the racist idiocy that is the wrongheaded notion of a ‘good side’ to slavery.

Instead conservatives circled the wagons and doubled-down on such ignorant racist idiocy.

The reason why is that those trying to defend this agree with slavery and are racists.

I am encouraged that a fellow republican in that chamber told him there is no good side of slavery. So not all republicans believe there was a good side to slavery.

The conservatives on this board are typical trump people. Thank goodness they are a minority.

Thank heavens we ended slavery.

Unfortunately, only America and Haiti ended it by war in the Americas. All other countries did it peacefully.
That means that about half of an entire nation said "Hell no! You gonna havta take these slaves from our cold dead hands."

You think that sentiment and all that animosity simply went away or has it been festering?

What the revisionist hell are you talking about?
In my life, I have never met 1 person that says we should bring slavery back...

Other than maybe Democrats who advocate for more welfare, and abortion on demand.
Thank heavens we ended slavery.

Unfortunately, only America and Haiti ended it by war in the Americas. All other countries did it peacefully.
most whites did not own slaves....even in the South
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives. Instead of killing them, an enemy warlord would spare their lives and sell them to slave traders. Slavery made them worthy of life.
I wonder how many of those wars were for the express purpose of catching people to sell?
Like today's inter-African Tribal wars?
How many victims end up enslaved? Can you name any group that has never fought itself?
Nice try...Every other group of people in non-Black nations have toilets.
You ignorance is only exceeded by your racism. The first time I was in Europe I occasionally found their toilet was a hole in the ground. The flush was a bucket next to it. I'm sure the Africans were jealous.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives. Instead of killing them, an enemy warlord would spare their lives and sell them to slave traders. Slavery made them worthy of life.
I wonder how many of those wars were for the express purpose of catching people to sell?
Like today's inter-African Tribal wars?
How many victims end up enslaved? Can you name any group that has never fought itself?
Nice try...Every other group of people in non-Black nations have toilets.
You ignorance is only exceeded by your racism. The first time I was in Europe I occasionally found their toilet was a hole in the ground. The flush was a bucket next to it. I'm sure the Africans were jealous.
Do you have any ProgBit relatives who went to help the Africans?
I do, so don’t try to tell me what goes on amongst the natives.
So I am reading this thread and my jaw has hit the ground. Not that a right wing politician wants to teach slavery in a positive light.

Not that many of the reich on here are in full agreement. We know that already.

My shock is that people who think wearing a paper mask is slavery have no issues with advocating for kidnapping, iron chains and mass rape and torture.

I know the right are scum but sometimes their hypocrisy just blows me away.
My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.
Sure buddy

I could show you the letters but I will not. If I put the PROOF in your face you would still deny it.
I can't find anything in the MSN link that said that a legislator recommends teaching "the good side of slavery". Do left wing media outlets assume it's the "good side of slavery" when schools teach students that America isn't a racist country?
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

There's no good side today of Democrats attacking blacks who try to think for themselves and leave the Democrat plantation either, racist. And those slave owners were Democrats too. Democrat, the racist party
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

From the link.
“Handouts saying the United States is a racist country, that corporations are inherently racist, and have a bias against…” Garofalo began, as Hilferty interrupted to ask “Can you share examples of these with the committee?”

Garofalo refused, citing the privacy of his sources, but noted “it was only a few examples, it wasn’t a lot,” and went on to tell Hilferty that there were “some examples on Facebook I saw months ago, if I can go back and find those I’ll give this to you as well.”

Wow he read some on facebook?

Morons elected this fool.

Well, they voted for Trump too.

So you attack blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation for their own good since they are too stupid to know better, huh, racist?
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

From the link.
“Handouts saying the United States is a racist country, that corporations are inherently racist, and have a bias against…” Garofalo began, as Hilferty interrupted to ask “Can you share examples of these with the committee?”

Garofalo refused, citing the privacy of his sources, but noted “it was only a few examples, it wasn’t a lot,” and went on to tell Hilferty that there were “some examples on Facebook I saw months ago, if I can go back and find those I’ll give this to you as well.”

Wow he read some on facebook?

Morons elected this fool.

Well, they voted for Trump too.

So you attack blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation for their own good since they are too stupid to know better, huh, racist?

NO, you fucking moron.

Even blacks can make a better argument than ANY RWNJ.

They are retards.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

From the link.
“Handouts saying the United States is a racist country, that corporations are inherently racist, and have a bias against…” Garofalo began, as Hilferty interrupted to ask “Can you share examples of these with the committee?”

Garofalo refused, citing the privacy of his sources, but noted “it was only a few examples, it wasn’t a lot,” and went on to tell Hilferty that there were “some examples on Facebook I saw months ago, if I can go back and find those I’ll give this to you as well.”

Wow he read some on facebook?

Morons elected this fool.

Well, they voted for Trump too.

So you attack blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation for their own good since they are too stupid to know better, huh, racist?

NO, you fucking moron.

Even blacks can make a better argument than ANY RWNJ.

They are retards.

So were you one of the racists trending Uncle Tim on Twitter?

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