Republican Upset Schools Don’t Teach The “Good Side” Of Slavery

Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.
Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.

”The Good the bad and the ugly” was used as a cliche, meaning an in depth analysis...not that slavery was good.

The headline and the leftists assholes on this thread are spinning and they know it...ltrying to satisfy their White Supremacy Bullshit narrative.
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Actually, for many slaves, the institution of slavery actually saved their lives.
So, you disagree with the legislators and consider slavery had its good points?

First of all the real truth about Slavery is not known by the general public.....the few scholars of history that know it are not going to talk about it because their academic career would be cut short.

We live in a time when truth is being suppressed and the MSM consistently lies.

The period of time we live in is very similar to the time in Russia under Stalin.....when truth was severely repressed and propaganda ruled as it now does here in America for the most part and it is going to get much,much worse....totalatarianism is gaining control of our society.

The Truth of slavery as it existed in America can be researched but few are willing to make the effort.

To understand the reality of slavery as it existed down South first one needs to go back to how Slaves actually became slaves......though the real beginning of it goes back much further to the dawn of human history...and even before that to the ----pre-Adamic civilizations.

I won't go back that far because most are simply not interested.

The slaves that were brought to America by the slave traders were purchased from African Tribal Chiefs who had captured the slaves in a tribal first they just executed them but when it became known to them they could sell them....thus began the Atlantic Slave trade..

The great majority of the slaves wound up in South America where they were truly treated very harshly.

A small minority of them....the lucky ones....were bought by Plantation owners in the Southern U.S. where for the most part they were treated humanely....and quite well in many,many cases.

A few were mis-treated but very few.

Now to whether or not Slavery had its good points....which is a rather nebulous topic.....I will put it this way .....first of all 'slavery' is not a desirable economic situation for anyone.....the slave owners or the slaves themselves. Yet to get real....The American Slaves were much better off than their cousins they left behind in Africa who lived very short lives....plagued with disease, predaators and constant tribal warfare

The American slaves when they arrived on these shores were not civilized to any great extent.....they were basically Savages from the jungles of Africa....had to be taught to wear clothes and gradually they became civilized to a great extent..they eventually learned the English Language and many became Christians.......though they were very difficult to understand even when they learned rudimentary english.

Most of them lived to ripe old ages and had many Children......they were well fed, had good clothing and adequate shelter. Actually their living conditions were superior to those of poor wage laborers up north and also better than many poor dirt farmers down south.

In a nutshell they were much better off than the popular conception of today which is fueled by hollywood nonsense.

Anyone interested in the subject should read the slave narratives though they have been purged to a great extent and lean towards the p.c. view of slavery so popular today. One still gets a pretty good understanding of the reality of it as it existed down South on the Plantations.

We all agree that slavery was a very cruel "institution."

Slaves had no legal rights if their masters allowed them to be brutally treated.

But it is true that it was a crude version of "socialism": Slaves were given food, housing, clothing, and rudimentary health care. In other words, their basic needs were covered.
Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.

”The Good the bad and the ugly” was used as a cliche, meaning an in depth analysis...not that slavery was good.

The headline and the leftists assholes on this thread are spinning and they know it...ltrying to satisfy their White Supremacy Bullshit narrative.

And all the USMB racists rushed to help them satisfy it.
Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.

”The Good the bad and the ugly” was used as a cliche, meaning an in depth analysis...not that slavery was good.

The headline and the leftists assholes on this thread are spinning and they know it...ltrying to satisfy their White Supremacy Bullshit narrative.

And all the USMB racists rushed to help them satisfy it.
Its important to follow your narrative,

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.

That Is strange since slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

How did they learn to read and write English?

Where did they get the paper, how did the letters get into the US Mail and how was the recipient able to receive these letters?

I don’t believe a word of your post.
Republicans emancipated the slaves.
Hate to point it out for ya but all the apologists of slavery NOW are right wing Republicans, and they're all over this particular thread...just for illustration.
Muhammed is a troll and like most trolls...a very stupid one
Obvious projection.

You are so fucking stupid that you think pointing out the facts regarding slavery is the same thing as defending slavery.

That's pretty fucking stupid, dude.
Your “facts” are rationalizations excusing it
Bullshit. Facts are facts, nothing more, nothing less.

Quit projecting you disgusting party of slavery supporter. I support the party that emancipated the slaves, you support the party that supported slavery.

You're a piece of shit.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.

That Is strange since slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

How did they learn to read and write English?

Where did they get the paper, how did the letters get into the US Mail and how was the recipient able to receive these letters?

I don’t believe a word of your post.
What isn't strange is that the racist right tries to defend the idiotic notion of a "good side" to slavery.
What isn't strange is that the racist right tries to defend the idiotic notion of a "good side" to slavery.
Racist right? What's the party with all the racial preferences, affirmative action, college admissions and hiring quotas?

There's a good side to hard work, honesty, enterprise -- that's what the American dream is all about anyways -- but it's the left panning all the good things in life as slavery and keeping everybody in chains. It always was the left, the Democratic Party, the Confederate South of the Civil War, that labor union, the fraternal orders of police, Crimestoppers and other lynch mobs, police guilds and unions, all that collective bargaining shit at city hall and the "plea deal" at the DA's office with a stacked jury in the back room with a couple of witnesses waiting to be called into court for a trial conviction in case the "plea bargain" falls through.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

Actually what he was complaining about was the schools teaching that america is racist and evil--------but watch the lib and chinese trolls spin nonsense.

They should be teaching the TRUTH about slavery----like Blacks started slavery here, blacks also owned slaves here and certainly back in africa, that slavery was accepted here because of RELIGION--as conversion of the "heathens" was meant to get people to accept slavery, that whites ended slavery here and for most of africa eventually. And that there are others ways to enslave people and their offspring and grands and all future generations ---called taxes and debt.

That isn't "truth" it's completely untethered from historical reality.

No wonder Republicans get labeled anti education.
Total misrepresentation of what happened. Anyone who actually reads the article can see that.

I dont think OP read the article.

Where is the misrepresentation? Guy tried to float that the "good" side of slavery should be discussed as well as the bad. It was pointed out to him, and he agreed, that there was no good side to slavery. Unfortunately, some of your USMB compatriots disagree and want to, in fact, argue a "good side" of owning other human beings.

”The Good the bad and the ugly” was used as a cliche, meaning an in depth analysis...not that slavery was good.

The headline and the leftists assholes on this thread are spinning and they know it...ltrying to satisfy their White Supremacy Bullshit narrative.

And all the USMB racists rushed to help them satisfy it.
Its important to follow your narrative,


As evidenced by USMB Republican posters, they aren't hiding.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.

That Is strange since slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

How did they learn to read and write English?

Where did they get the paper, how did the letters get into the US Mail and how was the recipient able to receive these letters?

I don’t believe a word of your post.
I thought he was being sarcastic.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.

That Is strange since slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

How did they learn to read and write English?

Where did they get the paper, how did the letters get into the US Mail and how was the recipient able to receive these letters?

I don’t believe a word of your post.
I thought he was being sarcastic.
imo the thread should be in sarcasm, but it's a funny read. Note the La goper was getting busted by another goper.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things a republican has said.

I am glad there is a republican who told him there is no good side to slavery.

It’s sad he has to be told that.

My ancestors are slaves brought from Africa. We have letters written stating this is the best thing that ever happened to them. They were happy to be out of Africa where there was no food, little water, nor a chance to work.

That Is strange since slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

How did they learn to read and write English?

Where did they get the paper, how did the letters get into the US Mail and how was the recipient able to receive these letters?

I don’t believe a word of your post.
I thought he was being sarcastic.

Maybe that person was.

I hope so.
What isn't strange is that the racist right tries to defend the idiotic notion of a "good side" to slavery.
Racist right? What's the party with all the racial preferences, affirmative action, college admissions and hiring quotas?

There's a good side to hard work, honesty, enterprise -- that's what the American dream is all about anyways -- but it's the left panning all the good things in life as slavery and keeping everybody in chains. It always was the left, the Democratic Party, the Confederate South of the Civil War, that labor union, the fraternal orders of police, Crimestoppers and other lynch mobs, police guilds and unions, all that collective bargaining shit at city hall and the "plea deal" at the DA's office with a stacked jury in the back room with a couple of witnesses waiting to be called into court for a trial conviction in case the "plea bargain" falls through.
All conservatives had to do was acknowledge the racist idiocy that is the wrongheaded notion of a ‘good side’ to slavery.

Instead conservatives circled the wagons and doubled-down on such ignorant racist idiocy.

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