Republicans are building up a lot of troll they won't be able to walk back.

What I can't see is that either party does every thing right or every thing wrong, there have been some real bad choices made by both. the best choices are ones that work for the most people& do the least harm to the rest.
If any actual Trump supporter is worried that they will lose Obamacare then they are an idiot. Trump has said that from day one.

I believe the real truth is that those people only exist in Deanies alleged mind.
This Trump voter didn't think Trump was serious about repealing her health insurance

You're scaring me now, on the insurance part.

’Cause I have been in a panic, so I'm afraid now that the insurance is going to go away and we're going to be up a creek.

It Turns Out Trump-Voting Coal Miners Need Their Obamacare Too!

JUST IN: Coal Miners Who Supported Trump Are Now TERRIFIED They Will Lose Their Obamacare Benefits


People like you are so fucking ignorant. Know nothings. Trump and the Republicans are going to screw over the GOP base like they have for the last 40 years. Grease it up. You'll know in the next year.

Fake news, dumbass.
Coal miners afraid of losing their ACA benefits is fake news?????????????


No you illiterate idiot. A news story that says Trump supporters are afraid that they will lose their healthcare is fake news. But I don't expect a left wing hack idiot like you to believe it.
Insurance companies will have to compete for your business. Prices will come down. Emergency rooms will, once again, not be allowed to turn anyone away.
We need a government plan for pre-existing conditions, and for the poor. Medicare fraud needs to be ground to a halt. Obamacare is a financial nightmare.

Obamacare requires insurance companies in the exchanges to spend somewhere around 80% of the premiums they collect on actual healthcare. That alone makes Obamacare worth saving.

That alone is why it needs to be repealed.

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