Republicans Are Offering Americans Nothing, Literally Nothing

Republicans are offering a stop to this madness... we are 35 Trillion in debt....

It's funny how Trumptards refused to say a single word in criticism of Trump adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

I honestly do not know how they can stand the stench of their own hypocrisy.

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

So when I hear Republicans complaining how shocked, shocked they are with all the spending going on, I want to puke.


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years​


The Republicans know they can lie and spit in the faces of their voters without any fear of ever being held accountable for their BULLSHIT.

You have to be the most profoundly dumbest of the dumb to fall for their lies about being the party of fiscal austerity.

And yet the tards keep coming back for more. Never in American history has there been such a large mass of stupid submissive cucks.
It's funny how Trumptards refused to say a single word in criticism of Trump adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

I honestly do not know how they can stand the stench of their own hypocrisy.

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

So when I hear Republicans complaining how shocked, shocked they are with all the spending going on, I want to puke.

Trump had to rebuild our military and launch a huge covid war....
Biden is sending money to Ukraine by the billions without a whimper from anyone.... Biden has spent 4 Trillion in less than three years... and a huge chunk of it went abroad not here... at least Trump's spending was here at home....
Remember that whole eight years long "repeal and replace Obamacare" hoax, rubes?

You kept falling for it over and over and over and over and over. Election after election after election.

What a bunch of credulous retards. We are way, way, way past "fool me once, fool me twice". WAAAAAAY past.
I take it, then, you are opposed to the $1.4 trillion in annual tax expenditures the government hands out, most of which were enacted by Republicans.
SS, Medicare and Medicaid cost 2.4 trillion dollars. That’s half our budget right there. Are those Republican passed programs?

If you were asked to name one substantive policy or initiative passed by Republicans during 2016-2018, the last time they held sway in the House, Senate and Executive Branch, the only answer would be their huge tax giveaway to the nation’s corporations and wealthiest individuals in 2017. Tax cuts for the very rich — and by “rich,” we are talking about the wealthiest 1% of all Americans — have been the singular foundation of all GOP policy for the past five decades. All of the noise and histrionics about so-called social issues (abortion, immigration, gun ownership) has simply been a useful vehicle to accomplish that solitary imperative: cutting taxes for the richest Americans. Conversely, any policy or effort by Democrats to legislate benefiting the remaining 99% of the American population has been met with stiff and unyielding opposition.

But on the very rare occasions when Republican candidates for office are required to articulate exactly what their policies would be if elected, that dominant, exclusive goal of tax cuts for corporations and the nation’s uber-wealthy is oddly never mentioned. Instead, we are treated to a seemingly never-ending litany of imagined Democratic evils and appeals to voters’ base fears and grievances (which for the most part boil down to racism and xenophobia). When a Republican candidate loudly declares we must “Close the borders,” for example, he’s not talking about denying Texas businesses the 1.1 million undocumented workers those same businesses eagerly hire to reduce their operating costs and obligations to pay a living wage to their employees. Because that would swiftly wipe out Texas’s service, agricultural and construction economy which, along with the economies of most Southwestern states, relies on exploiting those undocumented workers so its businesses can stay afloat. In this way “immigration” simply serves as a shiny object for their voters to angrily focus on while Republicans drain the nation’s treasury for the benefit of their corporate donor base.

Beyond the “close the border” tripe (and fearmongering about guns and abortion, hot-button topics trotted out in service of the same end goal of gutting corporate taxes) what exactly do Republicans have to offer Americans that will actually, tangibly make their lives better? The answer is: literally nothing.

You don't expect the 1% to pay taxes on those inflationary prices they're charging do you?
Yeah... you're probably right...

Then again...

The Dems are offering more freebies-at-somebody-else's-expense and a flood of third-world trash swamping the border and a baby-killing festival...

Oh... and let's not forget... an organized campaign of brainwashing directed against the young to turn us into a nation of fags and queer-bait...

Not to mention major-league inflation, ultra-high energy prices, eroding savings and retirement plans, and on and on and on...

I mean... well.. it's not "nothing", I suppose... although much of it is
WORSE than nothing... :cuckoo:
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Democrats are running on a platform of killing babies, mutilating children, changing the American diet into insects, worms and cockaroach milk, taking heating, air conditioning and transportation away. Topped off with emptying prisons and insane asylum into the streets.

What's not to love?
It's funny how Trumptards refused to say a single word in criticism of Trump adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

I honestly do not know how they can stand the stench of their own hypocrisy.

Trump proposes record spending, trillion-dollar deficit

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

So when I hear Republicans complaining how shocked, shocked they are with all the spending going on, I want to puke.

didn't vote for Trump, but how much has Joe added in the 1 1/2 years he's been in office?
SS, Medicare and Medicaid cost 2.4 trillion dollars. That’s half our budget right there. Are those Republican passed programs?

Here is just how much in the dark your propagandists are keeping you.

George W. Bush and the GOP congress passed a massive expansion of Medicare in 2003. One that has cost the American taxpayers more than Obamacare.

And you NEVER hear your propagandists utter so much as a peep about it.

You really should be asking yourself why that is.
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didn't vote for Trump, but how much has Joe added in the 1 1/2 years he's been in office?
Biden is doing his very best to beat Trump's record.

And whoever comes after Biden will do their best to beat Biden. It makes no difference what letter comes after their name.

I wonder how long it will take the rubes to figure that out.

Apparently never.
If you were asked to name one substantive policy or initiative passed by Republicans during 2016-2018, the last time they held sway in the House, Senate and Executive Branch, the only answer would be their huge tax giveaway to the nation’s corporations and wealthiest individuals in 2017. Tax cuts for the very rich — and by “rich,” we are talking about the wealthiest 1% of all Americans — have been the singular foundation of all GOP policy for the past five decades. All of the noise and histrionics about so-called social issues (abortion, immigration, gun ownership) has simply been a useful vehicle to accomplish that solitary imperative: cutting taxes for the richest Americans. Conversely, any policy or effort by Democrats to legislate benefiting the remaining 99% of the American population has been met with stiff and unyielding opposition.

But on the very rare occasions when Republican candidates for office are required to articulate exactly what their policies would be if elected, that dominant, exclusive goal of tax cuts for corporations and the nation’s uber-wealthy is oddly never mentioned. Instead, we are treated to a seemingly never-ending litany of imagined Democratic evils and appeals to voters’ base fears and grievances (which for the most part boil down to racism and xenophobia). When a Republican candidate loudly declares we must “Close the borders,” for example, he’s not talking about denying Texas businesses the 1.1 million undocumented workers those same businesses eagerly hire to reduce their operating costs and obligations to pay a living wage to their employees. Because that would swiftly wipe out Texas’s service, agricultural and construction economy which, along with the economies of most Southwestern states, relies on exploiting those undocumented workers so its businesses can stay afloat. In this way “immigration” simply serves as a shiny object for their voters to angrily focus on while Republicans drain the nation’s treasury for the benefit of their corporate donor base.

Beyond the “close the border” tripe (and fearmongering about guns and abortion, hot-button topics trotted out in service of the same end goal of gutting corporate taxes) what exactly do Republicans have to offer Americans that will actually, tangibly make their lives better? The answer is: literally nothing.

You don't expect the 1% to pay taxes on those inflationary prices they're charging do you?
You are making the assumption that everyone wants to be on welfare
Remember that whole eight years long "repeal and replace Obamacare" hoax, rubes?

You kept falling for it over and over and over and over and over. Election after election after election.

What a bunch of credulous retards. We are way, way, way past "fool me once, fool me twice". WAAAAAAY past.
While I do agree, the other side, is just as bad, if not worse. The ruling elites, are attempting to make freedom and free thought a crime.

It is a false dichotomy being played. It is the classic Hegelian dialectic.



Trump and the GOP Congress began doubling the federal deficit BEFORE Covid.

You are parroting bullshit excuses given to you by the very same people who have no qualms about lying to you.

Wake up, idiot!
Rebuilding what Obama destroyed.... and now the next president will have to spend big to fix what Joe has done....
Rebuilding what Obama destroyed.... and now the next president will have to spend big to fix what Joe has done....
You are pathetic.

You really need to start thinking for yourself instead of parroting the manufactured bullshit being fed to you.

This is exactly why politicians know they can get away with spitting in your face.

"They have brought us rain!"
You are pathetic.

You really need to start thinking for yourself instead of parroting the manufactured bullshit being fed to you.

This is exactly why politicians know they can get away with spitting in your face.

"They have brought us rain!"
Says the Biden puppet... LMAO

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