Republicans Black Americas True Friend

"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Don't you think it might be best to let "Black America" decide for themselves who their friends are?

Just saying...
Oh good lord.

I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:
There is too much group think in the black community when it comes to politics and the issues. The leadership is to blame, they do not support individualism. Too many just listen to the leader and don't employ critical thinking. No second guessing. Its sad to see.

That is unfortunately true for many communities, racial, religious, political, etc.
True. It isn't confined to the black community, it's just more apparent to me because I am black. I don't know to what degree it affects others like I do with my own community.

In Alaska, we experience it more as a Natives vs. others issue. But I can relate in many ways. Up here, the Native communities are small and isolated. There are few economic opportunities, self-made or otherwise, so many Natives rely on government subsidies to maintain a level of economic comfort experienced by more "urban" populations. But that's another topic and not one I'd expect much interest for on this forum because it would be a "local" issue.
By the way, CC... I'm more libertarian than conservative and I am not a party man. I'm stuck with the choices I have. Like most voters, it's voting for the lesser of two evils.

I believe the democratic party hurts our community more than republicans, Infact the republicans usually have hardly any influence on our communities since we live in urban areas for the most part, which are 99% of the time ran by liberal democrats.

I don't believe that any party is responsible for the ill that affect certain communities, unless those parties are actively involved in taking away people's Civil Liberties. I think that when used properly, the social safety net can be a big asset, there are some modifications that I would make such as "workfare", such as paying the benefits backs in VERY small increments after on gets situated, etc. Just imagine the absolute chaos there would be if people couldn't eat if they couldn't find work for one reason or another, in my opinion that's one of the reasons for the creation of those programs.
I'd rather help Americans here, than blowing up some country/countries and rebuilding it with our tax dollars.
We dont have any disagreements as far as your stance on social safety nets or your stance on foreign policy. But, in the case of the welfare state,it's well beyond what it should be. It takes away initiative and promotes irresponsibility.

Giving a hand up and hand out are 2 different things.
LOL, I agree with you there too brother! When i go grocery shopping, I get the off brands and try to find the best deals on cuts of meat, etc., not because I have to, but because I was raised to be thrifty. Nothing irks me more than to see people get all of the expensive name brand stuff, the best cuts of meat, and then pay for it with an EBT card!!!! One requirement should be that they can only buy "no frills" in my opinion. This trait goes across ALL demographics. I remember during superbowl Season this guy was buying a large amount of good cuts of meat, snacks for the game, a case of beer(not with EBT), and telling his friend to come over for the game because they have more food, beer, and weed there!!! I was like "damn!", I just shook my head and laughed.
I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

Do not black conservatives say the same thing? I mean, maybe they use different words, but isn't it the same message? That the majority of blacks have been manipulated into their Democrat positions by the liberal use of 'victimhood' and 'free stuff'?

Some do and some don't. I think that is just as insulting when they may those blanket generalizations and insults as well. In my opinion, they are over simplifying the whole thing in a demeaning manner. In my opinion, they aren't trying to help the situation, they are trying to help themselves so they can garner some support ($$$) from the white conservatives that have those same sentiments.
What is an example of the liberal use of "victimhood" in your opinion? What is an example of 'free stuff' that is solely directed toward "the Blacks"?

This whole idea of 'reparations' is a good example of the use of 'victimhood'. To think that you've got $$$ coming from 'the white man' for something that happened to your great grandparents. Hell, my family didn't even get to the US until the LATE 19th century, and yet I'm supposed to pay for something that no one in my family had a damned thing to do with? And pay it to someone who didn't have anything done to them?

That's ridiculous, IMHO.

We're going to have a problem with your 'free stuff' question because you included the qualifier 'solely', yet we all know the damage that has been done to 'poor' communities with the rise and growth of the welfare state. It has absolutely decimated the family unit, and has led to massive amounts of crime and violence that destroys the very communities it is supposed to 'help'.

Personally, I think the proponents of it planned it that way.
I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

While I agree with you.... I think it's important to also consider that these 'professional speakers' often work unscripted.... you try talking for 30 minutes on - say - the 'black vote' (a term I despise because it lumps blacks into a group which I find distasteful)... anyway.... you try talking about that topic for 30 minutes without a script... and tape yourself doing it. Then challenge someone with a reasonable intellect to find something racist in what you said. I would put money on them being able to take one sentence - out of context - and make it sound racist. That is what the media does.... they listen solely for the purpose of taking some sentence out of context and making it 'racist'.
I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

Lol! That was no ramble. You pretty much nailed it for the most part.
But, you're point on the professional speakers thing I think is a bit unfair. I don't know about all, but a lot of these talk show hosts are going in unscripted with a stack of news and information, winging it so to speak. That leaves them open to putting their feet in their mouthes or making a statement in a way they wouldnt have had they had a script to read. Sometimes yes, it reveals things about that person and other times it's just a poor choice of words. The person who doesn't listen often automatically thinks " this guy is this because he said that" while a person who is familiar with the host will know better.

You listen to talk radio often so you make informed judgements.
I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

While I agree with you.... I think it's important to also consider that these 'professional speakers' often work unscripted.... you try talking for 30 minutes on - say - the 'black vote' (a term I despise because it lumps blacks into a group which I find distasteful)... anyway.... you try talking about that topic for 30 minutes without a script... and tape yourself doing it. Then challenge someone with a reasonable intellect to find something racist in what you said. I would put money on them being able to take one sentence - out of context - and make it sound racist. That is what the media does.... they listen solely for the purpose of taking some sentence out of context and making it 'racist'.

What I was just typing. You beat me to the punch!
That is unfortunately true for many communities, racial, religious, political, etc.
True. It isn't confined to the black community, it's just more apparent to me because I am black. I don't know to what degree it affects others like I do with my own community.

In Alaska, we experience it more as a Natives vs. others issue. But I can relate in many ways. Up here, the Native communities are small and isolated. There are few economic opportunities, self-made or otherwise, so many Natives rely on government subsidies to maintain a level of economic comfort experienced by more "urban" populations. But that's another topic and not one I'd expect much interest for on this forum because it would be a "local" issue.
No, it's very interesting. I was on a fishing vessel in Dutch Harbor when I was younger and I also helped set up some canneries conveyer systems, I've seen what you're talking about when we would go to local taverns.

I have seen the conditions the natives live in up there. Pretty sad stuff.
Indeed bro. CC and I have been carrying on civilly for the most part. I respect his views as well. I just don't get why we can't get passed the this party did this that party did that stuff and discuss the philosophical aspects of folks voting habits.
I agree with and understand your point. I think that the "this party did this that party did that " stuff is part of the realities of people's voting habits. I'd rather discuss philosophical points of view as well, then I get sucked into the "party" thing (by my own accord) myself. I think that half my problem is that I listen to too much republican talk radio, it's on in my car when i go to different job sites, then it's on in my home/office like right now! :lol: So when i hear the republican talking heads report half truths and outright lies, it does give me a little chip on my should to that party. I do the same when the wife and l watch Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC and I point out his half truths and lies as well. My favorite talk show hosts (Tony Macrini 790 AM WNIS M-F 6am to 10am) present all (there ya go CG :) ) sides of the issues and encourage people to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. This crap with limbaugh, hannity, beck, etc. is just outright propaganda in my opinion.
Youre right, the party issue is an integral part of why people vote but it is not so important that we get mired in it and never move forward with the discussion.

You know on the code word thing, I think a lot of that is just sort of looking for racism, that's just my opinion mind you. Take your example of Moochelle.. I'm pretty sure he calls her that for all the vacationing she did on the tax payers dime, not because she is black. Also, calling Obama the food stamp president is, while crass, a fair assessment. His administration has seen an increase of food stamp dependency and his administration goes out recruiting for more dependents. If you remove your emotions and prejudices, it is easier to get down to the bottom of why someone says what they say.

Here's a fact check about the "Food Stamp President": : Newt’s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim
Here's a fact check about the First Lady's vacation: : Michelle’s European Vacation
Today With President Barack Obama
The increase in food stamps has a lot of factors, they definitely aren't solely aren't the fault of this Administration. How does the current Administration go out and "recruit for more dependents"?
I agree with and understand your point. I think that the "this party did this that party did that " stuff is part of the realities of people's voting habits. I'd rather discuss philosophical points of view as well, then I get sucked into the "party" thing (by my own accord) myself. I think that half my problem is that I listen to too much republican talk radio, it's on in my car when i go to different job sites, then it's on in my home/office like right now! :lol: So when i hear the republican talking heads report half truths and outright lies, it does give me a little chip on my should to that party. I do the same when the wife and l watch Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC and I point out his half truths and lies as well. My favorite talk show hosts (Tony Macrini 790 AM WNIS M-F 6am to 10am) present all (there ya go CG :) ) sides of the issues and encourage people to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. This crap with limbaugh, hannity, beck, etc. is just outright propaganda in my opinion.
Youre right, the party issue is an integral part of why people vote but it is not so important that we get mired in it and never move forward with the discussion.

You know on the code word thing, I think a lot of that is just sort of looking for racism, that's just my opinion mind you. Take your example of Moochelle.. I'm pretty sure he calls her that for all the vacationing she did on the tax payers dime, not because she is black. Also, calling Obama the food stamp president is, while crass, a fair assessment. His administration has seen an increase of food stamp dependency and his administration goes out recruiting for more dependents. If you remove your emotions and prejudices, it is easier to get down to the bottom of why someone says what they say.

Here's a fact check about the "Food Stamp President": : Newt’s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim
Here's a fact check about the First Lady's vacation: : Michelle’s European Vacation
Today With President Barack Obama
The increase in food stamps has a lot of factors, they definitely aren't solely aren't the fault of this Administration. How does the current Administration go out and "recruit for more dependents"?
I don't trust fact check much anymore. I'm sure you've heard about Obama's connection to the annenburg group.
USDA Spends $5 Mil To Recruit Food-Stamp Recipients
February 15, 2012Economics
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If you're going to go back in history and condemn a party forever for wrong doings, why do you not condemn the democratic party?

Why not address my point?

What do you want me to say about it?

I would like for any con to at least throw the Southern Strategy into their formula of why black people vote dem. Its a proven fact that they lost most blacks when they employed that racist strategy but cons like to either lie or pretend they dont know about it.

It becomes harder to paint blacks as an unthinking mass when you present actual events instead of playing the "I believe" game.
Why not address my point?

What do you want me to say about it?

I would like for any con to at least throw the Southern Strategy into their formula of why black people vote dem. Its a proven fact that they lost most blacks when they employed that racist strategy but cons like to either lie or pretend they dont know about it.

It becomes harder to paint blacks as an unthinking mass when you present actual events instead of playing the "I believe" game.

Okay, I can see that as a reason that black folks vote democrat. The republican party is passed that now though. There have been and are black republicans trying to reach out to the black community today, so that's an outdated thing to hold against them. But I could see that as a motivator.

Is that fair enough for you, CC?
Do not black conservatives say the same thing? I mean, maybe they use different words, but isn't it the same message? That the majority of blacks have been manipulated into their Democrat positions by the liberal use of 'victimhood' and 'free stuff'?

Some do and some don't. I think that is just as insulting when they may those blanket generalizations and insults as well. In my opinion, they are over simplifying the whole thing in a demeaning manner. In my opinion, they aren't trying to help the situation, they are trying to help themselves so they can garner some support ($$$) from the white conservatives that have those same sentiments.
What is an example of the liberal use of "victimhood" in your opinion? What is an example of 'free stuff' that is solely directed toward "the Blacks"?

This whole idea of 'reparations' is a good example of the use of 'victimhood'. To think that you've got $$$ coming from 'the white man' for something that happened to your great grandparents. Hell, my family didn't even get to the US until the LATE 19th century, and yet I'm supposed to pay for something that no one in my family had a damned thing to do with? And pay it to someone who didn't have anything done to them?

That's ridiculous, IMHO.

We're going to have a problem with your 'free stuff' question because you included the qualifier 'solely', yet we all know the damage that has been done to 'poor' communities with the rise and growth of the welfare state. It has absolutely decimated the family unit, and has led to massive amounts of crime and violence that destroys the very communities it is supposed to 'help'.

Personally, I think the proponents of it planned it that way.
Who is specifically pushing 'reparations'? I know that the "conservative's" hero Martin Luther King Jr. did: "King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

I don't advocate 'reparations'. Who is asking you as an individual to pay 'reparations'?

Well, "the blacks" aren't the only ones on public assistance, in fact just like other ethnic groups, the majority of them are NOT on welfare. Yet, i don't see the same people stating that those other ethnic groups are 'brainwashed', on a 'plantation', and "vote democrat for the 'free stuff', why not? You don't find that the least bit "curious"???

Public assistance was designed to help individuals and their dependents, not 'communities'. Yes people do make up communities, but it's certain individuals who screw things up for the other people in that community. It's the "rotten apple" concept. Does the "welfare system" that we currently have need to be fixed? Hell yeah, here's one of the problems;there are a lot of groups who PROFIT off of the welfare state aka the WIC (Welfare Industrial Complex), just like the Prison Industrial Complex and the Military Industrial Complex.
I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

While I agree with you.... I think it's important to also consider that these 'professional speakers' often work unscripted.... you try talking for 30 minutes on - say - the 'black vote' (a term I despise because it lumps blacks into a group which I find distasteful)... anyway.... you try talking about that topic for 30 minutes without a script... and tape yourself doing it. Then challenge someone with a reasonable intellect to find something racist in what you said. I would put money on them being able to take one sentence - out of context - and make it sound racist. That is what the media does.... they listen solely for the purpose of taking some sentence out of context and making it 'racist'.

I'm not referring to one sentence, I'm referring to a consistent "theme", and if you are referring to the talk show hosts, they do the same exact things they whine about. Take Obama's corpsman for example, he mispronounced it and they 9hannity) still reference it and act so "incredulous" about it. I don't go "looking for racism", I just call it like I see it.

I have had the luck in life to come from a racially mixed marriage. My Dad is White (Scot/Irish/Native American) and my Mom Puerto Rican and Black, so it has given me a unique perspective regarding race. I grew up in a predominately White blue collar neighborhood for the majority of my life, my wife is White (German/Scot/Irish), I conduct most of my business (with customers) over the phone, I don't sound like a "stereotypical Black guy" over the phone, in fact people have always been surprised when they meet me in person from a phone call because "i don't look the way I speak", so believe me, i know what's racist and what's racist "code" words and phrases.
I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.

That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

Lol! That was no ramble. You pretty much nailed it for the most part.
But, you're point on the professional speakers thing I think is a bit unfair. I don't know about all, but a lot of these talk show hosts are going in unscripted with a stack of news and information, winging it so to speak. That leaves them open to putting their feet in their mouthes or making a statement in a way they wouldnt have had they had a script to read. Sometimes yes, it reveals things about that person and other times it's just a poor choice of words. The person who doesn't listen often automatically thinks " this guy is this because he said that" while a person who is familiar with the host will know better.

You listen to talk radio often so you make informed judgements.

They have producers, they get notes over the computer, they ad lib as well. I'm not referring to one sentence, I'm referring to their general overall theme.
Youre right, the party issue is an integral part of why people vote but it is not so important that we get mired in it and never move forward with the discussion.

You know on the code word thing, I think a lot of that is just sort of looking for racism, that's just my opinion mind you. Take your example of Moochelle.. I'm pretty sure he calls her that for all the vacationing she did on the tax payers dime, not because she is black. Also, calling Obama the food stamp president is, while crass, a fair assessment. His administration has seen an increase of food stamp dependency and his administration goes out recruiting for more dependents. If you remove your emotions and prejudices, it is easier to get down to the bottom of why someone says what they say.

Here's a fact check about the "Food Stamp President": : Newt’s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim
Here's a fact check about the First Lady's vacation: : Michelle’s European Vacation
Today With President Barack Obama
The increase in food stamps has a lot of factors, they definitely aren't solely aren't the fault of this Administration. How does the current Administration go out and "recruit for more dependents"?
I don't trust fact check much anymore. I'm sure you've heard about Obama's connection to the annenburg group.
USDA Spends $5 Mil To Recruit Food-Stamp Recipients
February 15, 2012Economics

USDA Spends $5 Mil To Recruit Food-Stamp Recipients «

Politifact, USA Today, and other news outlets have similar conclusions.

That 5 million wasn't used solely to recruit food stamp recipients, it included many other things such as photo imaging to streamline the operation, here's the actual press release:
That's not a ramble at all, excellent points! Now, these people are professional speakers, they for the most part know exactly what they are saying and how it comes off to their demographic and the people who listen to them. It sad and shameful when you see Herman Cain and Jesse lee Peterson feel the need to make those wholesale blanket generalizations and insults toward black people in order to garner support from their white "conservative" counterparts. All they have to do is do what you did above and what I do as well; add the word SOME!!!!! For example; "There are some elements in the so-called "Black community' that are sinister and disruptive to some members in that "community" and depending on the location it can be disruptive and destructive to many members of that "community" and we should do our best to help eradicate it.". Only the most IGNORANT asshole would call me an "Uncle Tom" or "sellout", now had I incorrectly added "all" or "most", and stated that it was because they are brainwashed and any other insult, then i can see them calling me an "Uncle Tom" or a "sell out".
In short, there's a positive and constructive way to get a message across and then there's a self serving and destructive way to get a message across. A fair amount of the so-called "Black conservatives" tend to choose the latter. I like and admire Tony Brown, I think that Walter Williams pretty much has a good presentation, that huckster James Golden aka Bo Snerdly is an asshole in my opinion when he acts like the "official Obama translator", he just feeding the stereotypes that a fair part of that demographic has about Black people.

Now how's that for a ramble? :lol:

Lol! That was no ramble. You pretty much nailed it for the most part.
But, you're point on the professional speakers thing I think is a bit unfair. I don't know about all, but a lot of these talk show hosts are going in unscripted with a stack of news and information, winging it so to speak. That leaves them open to putting their feet in their mouthes or making a statement in a way they wouldnt have had they had a script to read. Sometimes yes, it reveals things about that person and other times it's just a poor choice of words. The person who doesn't listen often automatically thinks " this guy is this because he said that" while a person who is familiar with the host will know better.

You listen to talk radio often so you make informed judgements.

They have producers, they get notes over the computer, they ad lib as well. I'm not referring to one sentence, I'm referring to their general overall theme.
Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I think you and I actually have more to agree on than not. I would even vote for Gary Johnson if I thought it'd get Obama out of office.

The point is to stop his agenda. And not that I think elections hinge upon my 1 vote, but I threw away my vote when I voted Ron Paul in '08.

I did it on principle, but Obama won and he's taking our country down the wrong path. I don't believe any of the republicans running will be as bad. We definitely need to keep an eye on them though, have them get rid of NDAA and the patriot act, put pressure on the nominee.
Here's a fact check about the "Food Stamp President": : Newt’s Faulty Food-Stamp Claim
Here's a fact check about the First Lady's vacation: : Michelle’s European Vacation
Today With President Barack Obama
The increase in food stamps has a lot of factors, they definitely aren't solely aren't the fault of this Administration. How does the current Administration go out and "recruit for more dependents"?
I don't trust fact check much anymore. I'm sure you've heard about Obama's connection to the annenburg group.
USDA Spends $5 Mil To Recruit Food-Stamp Recipients
February 15, 2012Economics

USDA Spends $5 Mil To Recruit Food-Stamp Recipients «

Politifact, USA Today, and other news outlets have similar conclusions.

That 5 million wasn't used solely to recruit food stamp recipients, it included many other things such as photo imaging to streamline the operation, here's the actual press release:
Doesn't matter to me, he still was recruiting for dependency. I don't approve of that.
Lol! That was no ramble. You pretty much nailed it for the most part.
But, you're point on the professional speakers thing I think is a bit unfair. I don't know about all, but a lot of these talk show hosts are going in unscripted with a stack of news and information, winging it so to speak. That leaves them open to putting their feet in their mouthes or making a statement in a way they wouldnt have had they had a script to read. Sometimes yes, it reveals things about that person and other times it's just a poor choice of words. The person who doesn't listen often automatically thinks " this guy is this because he said that" while a person who is familiar with the host will know better.

You listen to talk radio often so you make informed judgements.

They have producers, they get notes over the computer, they ad lib as well. I'm not referring to one sentence, I'm referring to their general overall theme.
Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I think you and I actually have more to agree on than not. I would even vote for Gary Johnson if I thought it'd get Obama out of office.

The point is to stop his agenda. And not that I think elections hinge upon my 1 vote, but I threw away my vote when I voted Ron Paul in '08.

I did it on principle, but Obama won and he's taking our country down the wrong path. I don't believe any of the republicans running will be as bad. We definitely need to keep an eye on them though, have them get rid of NDAA and the patriot act, put pressure on the nominee.
LOL, really? What do you think Romney (RomneyCare) or Santorum (See his big government voting record) will do differently?
Here's the voting record for the NDAA S. 1867: National Defense Authorization Act for ... (On Passage of the Bill) -- have fun thinking that it will be overturned! :lol: Though introduced by a Democrat, the yea's are very bipartisan as well as the nay's 93% of the Senate voted for it, there were 7 nay's 3 democrat, 3 republican, and 1 Independent.
As far as the PA, if I am not mistaken, that was a republican initiated act.

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