Republicans Black Americas True Friend

Some do and some don't. I think that is just as insulting when they may those blanket generalizations and insults as well. In my opinion, they are over simplifying the whole thing in a demeaning manner. In my opinion, they aren't trying to help the situation, they are trying to help themselves so they can garner some support ($$$) from the white conservatives that have those same sentiments.
What is an example of the liberal use of "victimhood" in your opinion? What is an example of 'free stuff' that is solely directed toward "the Blacks"?

This whole idea of 'reparations' is a good example of the use of 'victimhood'. To think that you've got $$$ coming from 'the white man' for something that happened to your great grandparents. Hell, my family didn't even get to the US until the LATE 19th century, and yet I'm supposed to pay for something that no one in my family had a damned thing to do with? And pay it to someone who didn't have anything done to them?

That's ridiculous, IMHO.

We're going to have a problem with your 'free stuff' question because you included the qualifier 'solely', yet we all know the damage that has been done to 'poor' communities with the rise and growth of the welfare state. It has absolutely decimated the family unit, and has led to massive amounts of crime and violence that destroys the very communities it is supposed to 'help'.

Personally, I think the proponents of it planned it that way.
Who is specifically pushing 'reparations'? I know that the "conservative's" hero Martin Luther King Jr. did: "King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

I don't advocate 'reparations'. Who is asking you as an individual to pay 'reparations'?

Well, "the blacks" aren't the only ones on public assistance, in fact just like other ethnic groups, the majority of them are NOT on welfare. Yet, i don't see the same people stating that those other ethnic groups are 'brainwashed', on a 'plantation', and "vote democrat for the 'free stuff', why not? You don't find that the least bit "curious"???

Public assistance was designed to help individuals and their dependents, not 'communities'. Yes people do make up communities, but it's certain individuals who screw things up for the other people in that community. It's the "rotten apple" concept. Does the "welfare system" that we currently have need to be fixed? Hell yeah, here's one of the problems;there are a lot of groups who PROFIT off of the welfare state aka the WIC (Welfare Industrial Complex), just like the Prison Industrial Complex and the Military Industrial Complex.

I didn't say YOU were pushing reparations, and I was already aware of Dr. King's position on it. I think it was one thing he was wrong about. You asked what I meant about 'victimhood', and reparations seems to define that word pretty well.

I told you we were going to have a problem with the 'free stuff' question, which is why I addressed 'poor' communities, not 'black' ones. And if you don't think those 'other' ethnic groups on welfare, INCLUDING white folks, vote 90% Democrat, you're not thinking.

And like I said in my previous post, I think the system was designed that way, to perpetuate the 'class warfare' scenario that keeps the Liberal Democrats in power.
Well, we surely have seen that with the defense of the outright murder of a black kid on this board by the resident GOP whackjobs. Yes, I also realized that many conservatives here have condemned the murder, that is why I qualified it as the GOP whackjobs.

Name them you lily livered gutless racist.
When you start with a lie, it's a pretty good indicator that the rest of it is a lie as well
It isn't a lie, that's basically how they act and think about blacks on the right.

Not basically...its a lie. No one says that simply being a republican means you are a race traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. Thats the victim in him talking. Remember, in order to bring one side closer, find a common enemy.

He's creating an enemy and "attacks" at the onset to bring cons closer. Notice how he just says "Black Pundits" without adding one name or situation. There are black cons and while I dont understand why they are cons, simply being a con doesnt mean you a traitor to your race. And no believes that.

we saw how you racist assholes treated Herman Cain.
They have producers, they get notes over the computer, they ad lib as well. I'm not referring to one sentence, I'm referring to their general overall theme.
Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I think you and I actually have more to agree on than not. I would even vote for Gary Johnson if I thought it'd get Obama out of office.

The point is to stop his agenda. And not that I think elections hinge upon my 1 vote, but I threw away my vote when I voted Ron Paul in '08.

I did it on principle, but Obama won and he's taking our country down the wrong path. I don't believe any of the republicans running will be as bad. We definitely need to keep an eye on them though, have them get rid of NDAA and the patriot act, put pressure on the nominee.
LOL, really? What do you think Romney (RomneyCare) or Santorum (See his big government voting record) will do differently?
Here's the voting record for the NDAA S. 1867: National Defense Authorization Act for ... (On Passage of the Bill) -- have fun thinking that it will be overturned! :lol: Though introduced by a Democrat, the yea's are very bipartisan as well as the nay's 93% of the Senate voted for it, there were 7 nay's 3 democrat, 3 republican, and 1 Independent.
As far as the PA, if I am not mistaken, that was a republican initiated act.
I've said it before I am not a party man, I am not a republican. Romneycare is MA to worry about. Im not excited about the choices but hey, gotta get Obama out. Why do you laugh about me wanting NDAA overturned? If think you'd agree with me on that?

Anyway I gotta go do some work on my mancave so I'll talk to you later bro.

Have a good one.
Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I think you and I actually have more to agree on than not. I would even vote for Gary Johnson if I thought it'd get Obama out of office.

The point is to stop his agenda. And not that I think elections hinge upon my 1 vote, but I threw away my vote when I voted Ron Paul in '08.

I did it on principle, but Obama won and he's taking our country down the wrong path. I don't believe any of the republicans running will be as bad. We definitely need to keep an eye on them though, have them get rid of NDAA and the patriot act, put pressure on the nominee.
LOL, really? What do you think Romney (RomneyCare) or Santorum (See his big government voting record) will do differently?
Here's the voting record for the NDAA S. 1867: National Defense Authorization Act for ... (On Passage of the Bill) -- have fun thinking that it will be overturned! :lol: Though introduced by a Democrat, the yea's are very bipartisan as well as the nay's 93% of the Senate voted for it, there were 7 nay's 3 democrat, 3 republican, and 1 Independent.
As far as the PA, if I am not mistaken, that was a republican initiated act.
I've said it before I am not a party man, I am not a republican. Romneycare is MA to worry about. Im not excited about the choices but hey, gotta get Obama out. Why do you laugh about me wanting NDAA overturned? If think you'd agree with me on that?

Anyway I gotta go do some work on my mancave so I'll talk to you later bro.

Have a good one.

I was laughing if you thought that the republicans would overturn it, that's why I posted those stats. I TOTALLY agree with you on that and a lot of other issues as well. Have fun with the mancave, talk to you later bro!
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.

Maybe they're voting for what they feel is their best god damn interest.

Listen to people like you... black people are misinformed... black people don't know what's good for them! When given a choice, black people make the wrong choice!
This whole idea of 'reparations' is a good example of the use of 'victimhood'. To think that you've got $$$ coming from 'the white man' for something that happened to your great grandparents. Hell, my family didn't even get to the US until the LATE 19th century, and yet I'm supposed to pay for something that no one in my family had a damned thing to do with? And pay it to someone who didn't have anything done to them?

That's ridiculous, IMHO.

We're going to have a problem with your 'free stuff' question because you included the qualifier 'solely', yet we all know the damage that has been done to 'poor' communities with the rise and growth of the welfare state. It has absolutely decimated the family unit, and has led to massive amounts of crime and violence that destroys the very communities it is supposed to 'help'.

Personally, I think the proponents of it planned it that way.
Who is specifically pushing 'reparations'? I know that the "conservative's" hero Martin Luther King Jr. did: "King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

I don't advocate 'reparations'. Who is asking you as an individual to pay 'reparations'?

Well, "the blacks" aren't the only ones on public assistance, in fact just like other ethnic groups, the majority of them are NOT on welfare. Yet, i don't see the same people stating that those other ethnic groups are 'brainwashed', on a 'plantation', and "vote democrat for the 'free stuff', why not? You don't find that the least bit "curious"???

Public assistance was designed to help individuals and their dependents, not 'communities'. Yes people do make up communities, but it's certain individuals who screw things up for the other people in that community. It's the "rotten apple" concept. Does the "welfare system" that we currently have need to be fixed? Hell yeah, here's one of the problems;there are a lot of groups who PROFIT off of the welfare state aka the WIC (Welfare Industrial Complex), just like the Prison Industrial Complex and the Military Industrial Complex.

I didn't say YOU were pushing reparations, and I was already aware of Dr. King's position on it. I think it was one thing he was wrong about. You asked what I meant about 'victimhood', and reparations seems to define that word pretty well.

I told you we were going to have a problem with the 'free stuff' question, which is why I addressed 'poor' communities, not 'black' ones. And if you don't think those 'other' ethnic groups on welfare, INCLUDING white folks, vote 90% Democrat, you're not thinking.

And like I said in my previous post, I think the system was designed that way, to perpetuate the 'class warfare' scenario that keeps the Liberal Democrats in power.
I didn't say that you did, I was just stating that "for the record". He was also in favor of racial hiring quotas, he wanted a program called the "Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged", "King’s sympathy for communism may have contributed to his opposition to the Vietnam War, which he characterized as a racist, imperialistic, and unjust war. King claimed that America "had committed more war crimes than any nation in the world.", King also stated: "You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism. " , King claimed that the "good and just society is neither the thesis of capitalism nor the antithesis of communism, but a socially conscious democracy which reconciles the truths of individualism and collectivism.", I won't bore you any further, but you can see where I am going, right? :)
Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.

Maybe they're voting for what they feel is their best god damn interest.

Listen to people like you... black people are misinformed... black people don't know what's good for them! When given a choice, black people make the wrong choice!

Like I said but you seem to want to ignore, I am sure some do. I am black in case you didn't know that, in my experience, which I have been completely upfront with this entire thread, most black folks vote democratic party more so out of a sort of tradition than anything else. There is no study to prove my experience is the norm of if it's wrong. When I engage other black folks it is my experience that if they actually voted their principles they wouldn't vote democratic. Excluding the demographic that votes like liberals of all races, for free shit. That's been my point.
There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.

Maybe they're voting for what they feel is their best god damn interest.

Listen to people like you... black people are misinformed... black people don't know what's good for them! When given a choice, black people make the wrong choice!

Like I said but you seem to want to ignore, I am sure some do. I am black in case you didn't know that, in my experience, which I have been completely upfront with this entire thread, most black folks vote democratic party more so out of a sort of tradition than anything else. There is no study to prove my experience is the norm of if it's wrong. When I engage other black folks it is my experience that if they actually voted their principles they wouldn't vote democratic. Excluding the demographic that votes like liberals of all races, for free shit. That's been my point.

Oh please... while despite being very religious as a group... black people have a history of wishing to be on the side of progressive change... away from the status quo of oppression and segregation and subjugation.

All I'm hearing out of you is that black people don't think about who they're voting, they just do it on instinct... or tradition, or whatever the hell else bullshit answer you give. They have the same god damn opinions as everybody else politically speaking. You think black people are apolitical and clueless about the world around them? Fucking please...

For a country that can't muster a very large voting pool, the people that do vote tend to have their reasons and they tend to be motivated to get out there to vote on work days or in lieu of other interests.

So fucking STOP with that stupid denigrating shit.
Maybe they're voting for what they feel is their best god damn interest.

Listen to people like you... black people are misinformed... black people don't know what's good for them! When given a choice, black people make the wrong choice!

Like I said but you seem to want to ignore, I am sure some do. I am black in case you didn't know that, in my experience, which I have been completely upfront with this entire thread, most black folks vote democratic party more so out of a sort of tradition than anything else. There is no study to prove my experience is the norm of if it's wrong. When I engage other black folks it is my experience that if they actually voted their principles they wouldn't vote democratic. Excluding the demographic that votes like liberals of all races, for free shit. That's been my point.

Oh please... while despite being very religious as a group... black people have a history of wishing to be on the side of progressive change... away from the status quo of oppression and segregation and subjugation.

All I'm hearing out of you is that black people don't think about who they're voting, they just do it on instinct... or tradition, or whatever the hell else bullshit answer you give. They have the same god damn opinions as everybody else politically speaking. You think black people are apolitical and clueless about the world around them? Fucking please...

For a country that can't muster a very large voting pool, the people that do vote tend to have their reasons and they tend to be motivated to get out there to vote on work days or in lieu of other interests.

So fucking STOP with that stupid denigrating shit.

That status quo was the democratic party's status quo moron. I can tell you're going to be FUN. Denigrating? I think you're emotional appeals is all you've got.

I simply stated MY EXPERIENCE and what conclusions I've reached from said experience. So, want to start over without the emotional appeals?
To add, most people I know period, all races, vote the way their parents did. Very few seem to be well informed. So stop with the "denigrating" accusation.
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Only 37% of those eligible to vote actually do. I think it's safe to say the majority of the country is apolitical, Cowman.
Like I said but you seem to want to ignore, I am sure some do. I am black in case you didn't know that, in my experience, which I have been completely upfront with this entire thread, most black folks vote democratic party more so out of a sort of tradition than anything else. There is no study to prove my experience is the norm of if it's wrong. When I engage other black folks it is my experience that if they actually voted their principles they wouldn't vote democratic. Excluding the demographic that votes like liberals of all races, for free shit. That's been my point.

Oh please... while despite being very religious as a group... black people have a history of wishing to be on the side of progressive change... away from the status quo of oppression and segregation and subjugation.

All I'm hearing out of you is that black people don't think about who they're voting, they just do it on instinct... or tradition, or whatever the hell else bullshit answer you give. They have the same god damn opinions as everybody else politically speaking. You think black people are apolitical and clueless about the world around them? Fucking please...

For a country that can't muster a very large voting pool, the people that do vote tend to have their reasons and they tend to be motivated to get out there to vote on work days or in lieu of other interests.

So fucking STOP with that stupid denigrating shit.

That status quo was the democratic party's status quo moron. I can tell you're going to be FUN. Denigrating? I think you're emotional appeals is all you've got.

I simply stated MY EXPERIENCE and what conclusions I've reached from said experience. So, want to start over without the emotional appeals?

And when did that status quo start to change?
Only 37% of those eligible to vote actually do. I think it's safe to say the majority of the country is apolitical, Cowman.

Holy shit, do you not see how stupid your statement is?

We're talking about people who vote, what do people who don't vote matter in the discussion we're having?
I choose to let your own words do the arguing for me.

I often assume people on this board as having a reasonable standard of intellect. Generally speaking, I am not mistaken. Sometimes, I am. With you, it really depends on what day it is as to whether you respond with intellect or not.

There is a huge difference between stating the beliefs of a Church - which by becoming a member of, people accept those beliefs... and speaking on behalf of a group whose sole connection is the color of their skin. You get that, right?

When I speak about the Catholic Church, and 'Catholics', I speak about the beliefs that those individuals ascribe to by claiming that religion as their own. By calling oneself a Catholic, one generally ascribes to the beliefs of that faith. Otherwise, you are not really a Catholic. Naturally, what you believe as an individual is entirely your right... I don't seek to speak for you... I do present the Church's official stance.

and now you admit you were lying.....this is just sad....and embarrassing.

:lol: CG is very slippery with words but everyone can see what shes doing here. :lol:
"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Read more: Articles: Republicans: Black America's True Friend

I don't know about the GOP being our best friend, but it's the better party between the two major parties. His point about black democrat leaders is spot on

I don't think either party is a friend of the black man. The Dimocrats are committed to keeping the black man dependent on scraps they push off of the table and never give them a place at the table, since those scraps, while they don't lead to the best life, they keep them as obedient voters!

Republicans have given up on the group, since they aren't going to complete with entitlements and they concentrate on society as a whole and not the segments as the Dimocrats do.
Only 37% of those eligible to vote actually do. I think it's safe to say the majority of the country is apolitical, Cowman.

Holy shit, do you not see how stupid your statement is?

We're talking about people who vote, what do people who don't vote matter in the discussion we're having?

Well, considering the huge upsurge in black folks voting in 2008, you'd have to assume that a good portion of them were apolitical prior to that year and some of those people remained apolitical, just voting because there was a black man who was viable enough to become the first black president. Also because Obama was portrayed like a movie star, the animus to vote was like voting for American idol, pop culture media driven rather than issue driven for a lot of people, especially the young.
"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Read more: Articles: Republicans: Black America's True Friend

I don't know about the GOP being our best friend, but it's the better party between the two major parties. His point about black democrat leaders is spot on

I don't think either party is a friend of the black man. The Dimocrats are committed to keeping the black man dependent on scraps they push off of the table and never give them a place at the table, since those scraps, while they don't lead to the best life, they keep them as obedient voters!

Republicans have given up on the group, since they aren't going to complete with entitlements and they concentrate on society as a whole and not the segments as the Dimocrats do.

I hear you. But republicans haven't given up on the black vote, they've put effort in to gain more black voters with all sorts of campaigns. Were or are they being effective? Don't know but I doubt it.

And yes, they're not going to compete with the dems entitlements, there are other ways of convincing black folks than offering them hand outs, like showing how those entitlements have hurt the community, how they began, etc.

Focus on civil liberties and the history of failure of the welfare state and I have faith that 90% dem lockstep will change. Information is the key.

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