Republicans Black Americas True Friend

Oh good lord.

Thats the response from every con everytime the Southern Strategy is brought up. It's like some untouchable part of history for cons.

If you're going to go back in history and condemn a party forever for wrong doings, why do you not condemn the democratic party?

In my opinion, they are using the same and other evolved tactics today as they did then. Look at their campaign against President Obama; you have that pig limbaugh calling the First lady Moochelle Obama, you have that fat pig gingrich calling Obama the "foodstamp president", "He's a Muslim!", "where's his birth certificate?!!!!?!", and the rest of their "coded" attacks. See "Willie Horton", see this: Ken Mehlman former RNC chair""Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.", see Michael Steele: "For the last 40-plus years we had a 'Southern Strategy' that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. Well, guess what happened in 1992, folks, 'Bubba' went back home to the Democratic Party and voted for Bill Clinton." The biggest complaint i have seen republicans make about Steele was that he was quote "lazy and spent to much money". :lol:
Why wont honest people look at the effects of the Southern Strategy employed by republicans when having this discussion. Since no repub wants to talk about the effects of the racist Southern Strategy most just fill in the blanks with "Oh it's cause blacks dont know better"

Because calling them stupid isi wrong, but calling them accidentally ignorant is a better way to put it. :doubt:

Oh good lord.

I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

I listen to it when I'm driving long distances,music makes me tired when I'm driving for some reason. Yes, there is that mindset with some white conservatives and it can be irritating to hear that broad of a generalization but I don't think it's meant to be taken that way, as being racist. Sure it comes of to us that way, I don't know, I'm into truth. I try to seperate myself from my emotions when I'm on a mission to get nothing but the raw truth on any given subject. Sometimes the truth or trying to get down to the truth ends up being offensive to your sensibilities. But if we don't ask the hard questions and constantly let our emotions get in the way we will never get to the truth.

If that makes any sense to you. I'm rambling.
By the way, CC... I'm more libertarian than conservative and I am not a party man. I'm stuck with the choices I have. Like most voters, it's voting for the lesser of two evils.

I believe the democratic party hurts our community more than republicans, Infact the republicans usually have hardly any influence on our communities since we live in urban areas for the most part, which are 99% of the time ran by liberal democrats.

I don't believe that any party is responsible for the ill that affect certain communities, unless those parties are actively involved in taking away people's Civil Liberties. I think that when used properly, the social safety net can be a big asset, there are some modifications that I would make such as "workfare", such as paying the benefits backs in VERY small increments after on gets situated, etc. Just imagine the absolute chaos there would be if people couldn't eat if they couldn't find work for one reason or another, in my opinion that's one of the reasons for the creation of those programs.
I'd rather help Americans here, than blowing up some country/countries and rebuilding it with our tax dollars.
Well you are constantly said "we catholics" in those threads. You 5alked for the group.stating how your group thinks and acts.

Call me whatever you like dear, you are still lying.

And don't worry even if I felt like going back,and quoting you. I know for a fact you would lie and say:"you don't get it, this isn't what you think.what I meant was this and you are a twit/idiot for not getting it...blah blah blah.

I know your game....

And yet, you didn't produce one post of mine where I used the term 'we Catholics'. Why is that?

I talked a lot about the Catholic Church - and it's stance - I talk about majority of Catholic voters occasionally.... usually by saying that the majority of Catholic voters hold no party allegiance. That is evidenced by the massive swing vote that is the 'Catholic vote'.

I'll wait for one 'we Catholics'.... as evidence.

The Church is against birth control. It - we - believe that it is God's decision. That is our right to believe - we don't ask you to believe it. If the Government force the Catholic Church on this one.... Obama can kiss bye bye to significant votes.... There's 69 million Catholics in the US.

I'm one of those 69 million Catholics. I don't believe that's "God's decision". I'm not against birth control.

Why are you speaking on my behalf?

I'm not 'speaking on your behalf'....I'm presenting the Church's view. Which is accurate. As a Catholic, that is what you believe in.... whether you personally agree with it or not. If you are a Catholic, then - whatever your personal choices - you believe in the Church's view.... otherwise, you are not a Catholic.... which I will leave to you to decide. I suspect you are a CINO. But again, that is your choice and I support your right to make it.
I was just mimicking your posting style, my friend. No reason to get upset.

Well you mimicked incorrectly My Friend.......... I use the caps to emphasize a point. I'm not an angry person.

For the record, internet protocol is that using caps is 'shouting', not emphasizing a point. Emphasizing a point is generally made by using the 'bold' feature.

LOL, thank you for the lesson on "internet protocol"!
By the way, CC... I'm more libertarian than conservative and I am not a party man. I'm stuck with the choices I have. Like most voters, it's voting for the lesser of two evils.

I believe the democratic party hurts our community more than republicans, Infact the republicans usually have hardly any influence on our communities since we live in urban areas for the most part, which are 99% of the time ran by liberal democrats.

I don't believe that any party is responsible for the ill that affect certain communities, unless those parties are actively involved in taking away people's Civil Liberties. I think that when used properly, the social safety net can be a big asset, there are some modifications that I would make such as "workfare", such as paying the benefits backs in VERY small increments after on gets situated, etc. Just imagine the absolute chaos there would be if people couldn't eat if they couldn't find work for one reason or another, in my opinion that's one of the reasons for the creation of those programs.
I'd rather help Americans here, than blowing up some country/countries and rebuilding it with our tax dollars.
We dont have any disagreements as far as your stance on social safety nets or your stance on foreign policy. But, in the case of the welfare state,it's well beyond what it should be. It takes away initiative and promotes irresponsibility.

Giving a hand up and hand out are 2 different things.
And yet, you didn't produce one post of mine where I used the term 'we Catholics'. Why is that?

I talked a lot about the Catholic Church - and it's stance - I talk about majority of Catholic voters occasionally.... usually by saying that the majority of Catholic voters hold no party allegiance. That is evidenced by the massive swing vote that is the 'Catholic vote'.

I'll wait for one 'we Catholics'.... as evidence.

The Church is against birth control. It - we - believe that it is God's decision. That is our right to believe - we don't ask you to believe it. If the Government force the Catholic Church on this one.... Obama can kiss bye bye to significant votes.... There's 69 million Catholics in the US.

I'm one of those 69 million Catholics. I don't believe that's "God's decision". I'm not against birth control.

Why are you speaking on my behalf?

I'm not 'speaking on your behalf'....I'm presenting the Church's view. Which is accurate. As a Catholic, that is what you believe in.... whether you personally agree with it or not. If you are a Catholic, then - whatever your personal choices - you believe in the Church's view.... otherwise, you are not a Catholic.... which I will leave to you to decide. I suspect you are a CINO. But again, that is your choice and I support your right to make it.

Uh huh
I'm one of those 69 million Catholics. I don't believe that's "God's decision". I'm not against birth control.

Why are you speaking on my behalf?

I'm not 'speaking on your behalf'....I'm presenting the Church's view. Which is accurate. As a Catholic, that is what you believe in.... whether you personally agree with it or not. If you are a Catholic, then - whatever your personal choices - you believe in the Church's view.... otherwise, you are not a Catholic.... which I will leave to you to decide. I suspect you are a CINO. But again, that is your choice and I support your right to make it.

Uh huh

I'm suitably impressed by your coherent and logical argument.

No, seriously. I am.

Sarcasm Off.

I hope we can now let the actual topic continue rather than you and your idiot buttboy trying to derail it.
And that's cool. You've informed yourself and came to your own conclusions. That's all I really want to see more of in regards to the black community.

I respect your POV as well and I may have messed up and sounded more hostile than I should have with you. I apologize for that. I DO agree that we need to be more respectful of folks who happen to think outside of the box so to speak. We can set an example right here and now of having a discussion/debate in an amicable and respectful manner, as I am sure that we have good intentions behind our thoughts and beliefs.

Indeed bro. CC and I have been carrying on civilly for the most part. I respect his views as well. I just don't get why we can't get passed the this party did this that party did that stuff and discuss the philosophical aspects of folks voting habits.
I agree with and understand your point. I think that the "this party did this that party did that " stuff is part of the realities of people's voting habits. I'd rather discuss philosophical points of view as well, then I get sucked into the "party" thing (by my own accord) myself. I think that half my problem is that I listen to too much republican talk radio, it's on in my car when i go to different job sites, then it's on in my home/office like right now! :lol: So when i hear the republican talking heads report half truths and outright lies, it does give me a little chip on my should to that party. I do the same when the wife and l watch Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC and I point out his half truths and lies as well. My favorite talk show hosts (Tony Macrini 790 AM WNIS M-F 6am to 10am) present all (there ya go CG :) ) sides of the issues and encourage people to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. This crap with limbaugh, hannity, beck, etc. is just outright propaganda in my opinion.
I'm not 'speaking on your behalf'....I'm presenting the Church's view. Which is accurate. As a Catholic, that is what you believe in.... whether you personally agree with it or not. If you are a Catholic, then - whatever your personal choices - you believe in the Church's view.... otherwise, you are not a Catholic.... which I will leave to you to decide. I suspect you are a CINO. But again, that is your choice and I support your right to make it.

Uh huh

I'm suitably impressed by your coherent and logical argument.

No, seriously. I am.

Sarcasm Off.

I hope we can now let the actual topic continue rather than you and your idiot buttboy trying to derail it.

I choose to let your own words do the arguing for me.
For the record, last I heard 77% of all women AND Catholic women were against the Pubs on the BC thing.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the the SECOND Pub Great Depression.You'd be surprised I guess how fast you get an "entitlement attitude" when you lose your job, there are many people applying for the few jobs, and you run out of UE. For example, there are as many Pub white voters as Dem white voters on welfare...

Blacks ARE discriminated against, and blacks know where the "hand up", and the racists are...
Oh good lord.

I don't know if you listen to "conservative" talk radio (limbaugh/hannity) or go to his forum, but that theme is DEFINITELY prevalent amongst them. There was a three thousand post thread about "the blacks are brainwashed and want handouts that's why they are on the democrat and liberal plantation". That's the disgusting attitude i have run into amongst not a few white republican conservatives.

Do not black conservatives say the same thing? I mean, maybe they use different words, but isn't it the same message? That the majority of blacks have been manipulated into their Democrat positions by the liberal use of 'victimhood' and 'free stuff'?

Some do and some don't. I think that is just as insulting when they may those blanket generalizations and insults as well. In my opinion, they are over simplifying the whole thing in a demeaning manner. In my opinion, they aren't trying to help the situation, they are trying to help themselves so they can garner some support ($$$) from the white conservatives that have those same sentiments.
What is an example of the liberal use of "victimhood" in your opinion? What is an example of 'free stuff' that is solely directed toward "the Blacks"?

I'm suitably impressed by your coherent and logical argument.

No, seriously. I am.

Sarcasm Off.

I hope we can now let the actual topic continue rather than you and your idiot buttboy trying to derail it.

I choose to let your own words do the arguing for me.

I often assume people on this board as having a reasonable standard of intellect. Generally speaking, I am not mistaken. Sometimes, I am. With you, it really depends on what day it is as to whether you respond with intellect or not.

There is a huge difference between stating the beliefs of a Church - which by becoming a member of, people accept those beliefs... and speaking on behalf of a group whose sole connection is the color of their skin. You get that, right?

When I speak about the Catholic Church, and 'Catholics', I speak about the beliefs that those individuals ascribe to by claiming that religion as their own. By calling oneself a Catholic, one generally ascribes to the beliefs of that faith. Otherwise, you are not really a Catholic. Naturally, what you believe as an individual is entirely your right... I don't seek to speak for you... I do present the Church's official stance.
I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

There is too much group think in the black community when it comes to politics and the issues. The leadership is to blame, they do not support individualism. Too many just listen to the leader and don't employ critical thinking. No second guessing. Its sad to see.

That is unfortunately true for many communities, racial, religious, political, etc.
I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

I still don't see a reason to support a Republican

Calling blacks brainwashed and looking for a handout does not seem like a good reason

The problem is being ill informed. Not brainwashing. And if you are raised with the mindset that you are being held down by the man, ofcourse you'll have a victim mindset. That causes alot of folks to become complacent and so they'll take the hand out without a problem.

I don't think they view it as taking a hand out. I think they have been led to believe that such things are their due for whatever reason. The pols and community leaders who promote this entitlement mentality drive a wedge between "their" people and others because it is political expedient to keep them uninformed and angry at other groups.
I respect your POV as well and I may have messed up and sounded more hostile than I should have with you. I apologize for that. I DO agree that we need to be more respectful of folks who happen to think outside of the box so to speak. We can set an example right here and now of having a discussion/debate in an amicable and respectful manner, as I am sure that we have good intentions behind our thoughts and beliefs.

Indeed bro. CC and I have been carrying on civilly for the most part. I respect his views as well. I just don't get why we can't get passed the this party did this that party did that stuff and discuss the philosophical aspects of folks voting habits.
I agree with and understand your point. I think that the "this party did this that party did that " stuff is part of the realities of people's voting habits. I'd rather discuss philosophical points of view as well, then I get sucked into the "party" thing (by my own accord) myself. I think that half my problem is that I listen to too much republican talk radio, it's on in my car when i go to different job sites, then it's on in my home/office like right now! :lol: So when i hear the republican talking heads report half truths and outright lies, it does give me a little chip on my should to that party. I do the same when the wife and l watch Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC and I point out his half truths and lies as well. My favorite talk show hosts (Tony Macrini 790 AM WNIS M-F 6am to 10am) present all (there ya go CG :) ) sides of the issues and encourage people to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. This crap with limbaugh, hannity, beck, etc. is just outright propaganda in my opinion.
Youre right, the party issue is an integral part of why people vote but it is not so important that we get mired in it and never move forward with the discussion.

You know on the code word thing, I think a lot of that is just sort of looking for racism, that's just my opinion mind you. Take your example of Moochelle.. I'm pretty sure he calls her that for all the vacationing she did on the tax payers dime, not because she is black. Also, calling Obama the food stamp president is, while crass, a fair assessment. His administration has seen an increase of food stamp dependency and his administration goes out recruiting for more dependents. If you remove your emotions and prejudices, it is easier to get down to the bottom of why someone says what they say.
I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

There is too much group think in the black community when it comes to politics and the issues. The leadership is to blame, they do not support individualism. Too many just listen to the leader and don't employ critical thinking. No second guessing. Its sad to see.

That is unfortunately true for many communities, racial, religious, political, etc.
True. It isn't confined to the black community, it's just more apparent to me because I am black. I don't know to what degree it affects others like I do with my own community.

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