Republicans Black Americas True Friend

He's not that old, he's just a self serving cocksucker who sucks the dick of bigoted white conservatives, in fact he serves as hannity's "heavy guy" or "bad cop" toward "the Blacks", so hannity can disingenuously make a HALF HEARTED attempt to act like he's defending "the Blacks" from Jesse Lee Peterson's IGNORANT and INACCURATE blanket statements and generalizations.
Rawr rawr Rawr!!! Anger!!!! RAGE!!! Spittle forming in the corners of my mouth!!!!! Thumping fist on TABLE!!!!!

You should seek help for that condition.

I was just mimicking your posting style, my friend. No reason to get upset.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.
Plus, most blacks live in urban areas, attend public schools, where the left holds a monopoly on education. When I lived in the city, my son was part of his school's step team, for example. The lady who coached them was also his social studies teacher. One day he came home with a "Free the Jena 6" t-shirt he was supposed to wear for a performance. Those kids deserved to be in jail, they beat one lone kid badly and they deserve to serve time. You do the crime, you do the time is what I taught my son. I had to argue with my son about that mess because she indoctrinated him and misinformed him on the details.

I called her and told her he was not going to perform. And told her what I thought about her attempt to recruit my son to support her pet cause and that I'd be getting ahold of the principal. When I talked to the principal come to find out she was supporting the performance as well. I let her have it.

It's one thing to discuss current events, it's another to leave out information so as to manipulate young minds.
Rich white liberal democrats more important to Obama then the poor black vicitims of Katrina. - YouTube

This brother is more like me . I'm posting these to show how thought processes are changing with us. We are not a monolith, liberals. And you won't be enjoying that 90% for much longer.

$34,000 is more than most families counted among that "90%" make in a year. How many families could have eaten dinner for the cost of just one plate at any of these fund-raisers?
He's right, both rich white and rich black liberals are always patting themselves on the back, (must be a class in acting school for that), but when it comes to real contributions to the neediest, they're MIA.
birth control was the issue darling....You talked for catholics Caligirl.....You know you did. You cant lie your way out of this.

No, I didn't. I talked about the stance of the Church, not Catholics. Fucking moron.

Well you are constantly said "we catholics" in those threads. You 5alked for the group.stating how your group thinks and acts.

Call me whatever you like dear, you are still lying.

And don't worry even if I felt like going back,and quoting you. I know for a fact you would lie and say:"you don't get it, this isn't what you think.what I meant was this and you are a twit/idiot for not getting it...blah blah blah.

I know your game....

You don't know the difference between individual Catholics stances as individuals and the Church's stances as an organization?
Rich white liberal democrats more important to Obama then the poor black vicitims of Katrina. - YouTube

This brother is more like me . I'm posting these to show how thought processes are changing with us. We are not a monolith, liberals. And you won't be enjoying that 90% for much longer.

$34,000 is more than most families counted among that "90%" make in a year. How many families could have eaten dinner for the cost of just one plate at any of these fund-raisers?
He's right, both rich white and rich black liberals are always patting themselves on the back, (must be a class in acting school for that), but when it comes to real contributions to the neediest, they're MIA.

He's 100% correct.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.
Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.
Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

A black person should vote conservativeibertarian because their philosophy isn't one of defeatism and dependency. There is one reason I as a black vote conservative and libertarian.
Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

I still don't see a reason to support a Republican

Calling blacks brainwashed and looking for a handout does not seem like a good reason
Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

There is too much group think in the black community when it comes to politics and the issues. The leadership is to blame, they do not support individualism. Too many just listen to the leader and don't employ critical thinking. No second guessing. Its sad to see.
I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

I wonder why, being the informed free-thinking populace you claim them to be, they are not voting 90% independent.

I still don't see a reason to support a Republican

Calling blacks brainwashed and looking for a handout does not seem like a good reason

The problem is being ill informed. Not brainwashing. And if you are raised with the mindset that you are being held down by the man, ofcourse you'll have a victim mindset. That causes alot of folks to become complacent and so they'll take the hand out without a problem.
Republicans will for sure attract the Black vote when they're always saying that "the blacks" are lazy and willfully enslaved in the Democrat Plantation.

Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.

Why wont honest people look at the effects of the Southern Strategy employed by republicans when having this discussion. Since no repub wants to talk about the effects of the racist Southern Strategy most just fill in the blanks with "Oh it's cause blacks dont know better"

Because calling them stupid isi wrong, but calling them accidentally ignorant is a better way to put it. :doubt:
Pointing out the truth of their condition, as fostered and promoted by the liberals, is not convincing enough. And libtard morons continue to tell them they are not brainwashed by the liberal plantation mentality? I suppose that making no choice is a valid choice. If they are voting Dem because they would rather believe the Dem line that they can never get ahead in life unless the Dem government gives them everything they need, that the only qualification for preference for a wide range of government mandated, legislated, and forced programs is their race or ethnic heritage, they are admitting that they agree to their inability to EARN those things on their own individual, human merit.

I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

A black person should vote conservativeibertarian because their philosophy isn't one of defeatism and dependency. There is one reason I as a black vote conservative and libertarian.

I respect the Libertarian part, those are my tendencies as well. I refuse to align myself with the bigoted neocon republicans who call themselves "conservatives". For instance if it was Ron Paul vs. President Obama, my vote would be for Paul if it's Romney or the other assholes vs Obama, my vote is for Obama. As it is right now, I will most likely vote for Gary Johnson. I'm disappointed with the current Administration, some of the bills and acts concerning Civil liberties as well as their foreign policy closely mimics the republicans. NO THANK YOU!
P.S. No Black folks have called me an Uncle Tom or "race traitor" for expressing the above points.
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I am still not clear why blacks should vote for any Republican.

A black person should vote conservativeibertarian because their philosophy isn't one of defeatism and dependency. There is one reason I as a black vote conservative and libertarian.

I respect the Libertarian part, those are my tendencies as well. I refuse to align myself with the bigoted neocon republicans who call themselves "conservatives". For instance if it was Ron paul vs. President Obama, my vote would be for Paul. As it is right now, I will most likely vote for Gary Johnson. I'm disappointed with the current Administration, some of the bills and acts concerning Civil liberties as well as their foreign policy closley mimick the republicans. NO THANK YOU!

And that's cool. You've informed yourself and came to your own conclusions. That's all I really want to see more of in regards to the black community.
Right, they use the "blacks are so stupid they vote dem" line then expect that will win over the blacks. Either they dont understand that calling someone a slave isnt a term of endearment or their goal isnt really to win blacks but to belittle them to their base.

There is a difference between being misinformed and stupid. Black folks who vote democratic like its their obligation aren't stupid, just misinformed and unexposed to the other side's true message and philosophy. That's all it is.

There are black folks who sincerely are liberals, but when you look at that 90%... And know that there is more diversity of opinion in the community, you can tell there is something wrong about it. At least I can. If 90% of whites voted republican, I'm sure honest people would look at that and ask themselves why that is, and itd be safe to assume its due to a lack of exposure to the other sides views. Or atleast positive information on their views.

Why wont honest people look at the effects of the Southern Strategy employed by republicans when having this discussion. Since no repub wants to talk about the effects of the racist Southern Strategy most just fill in the blanks with "Oh it's cause blacks dont know better"

Because calling them stupid isi wrong, but calling them accidentally ignorant is a better way to put it. :doubt:

Oh good lord.

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