Republicans Black Americas True Friend

When did 'blacks' elect you as their spokesperson? Or do you mean Black Democrats don't like the way Republicans treat Obama? Which is, in fact, no different to the way the Democrats - including the black ones - treated Bush.


Well let's see shall we?

Let's see how many blacks vote Republican in November

Then you can tell me how blacks vote for Democrats because they give them "free stuff"

No, let's not 'see'. Let's call you a racist for thinking you can speak for blacks. You can no more speak for blacks than you can for whites. Blacks are individuals. The Democratic Party do not 'own' blacks.

That doesn't stop them from trying to keep them on the plantation they've designed for them.
a black individual tends to be stigmatized by the black community when he or she dares to think for him/her self...

Not just our community, but by white liberals as well.

How many times have those crackers and Toms stated that "the Whites" are "brainwashed" because they vote democrat and the "the Whites" are on the "democrat plantation" and the the democrat politicians are "their masters"???
Jeez dude, within the first MINUTE of the video he says that not all black cons are sell outs, and identifies the ones he thinks are sellouts are the ones that self loath. See? It's not about them being ONLY conservative.

BTW...I didnt watch more than the one minute mark
Why are they sell outs in your opinion?

I didnt say they were...I'm just pointing out that the example you provided backed up my post that blacks dont think being conservative is an example of being a race traitor.

There are some black cons that are race traitors...Cant remember his name but hes the black guy Hannity trots out when there is a discussion on race.

Could that asshole be Jesse Lee Peterson?
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Agrees With Newt Gingrich, Says He Would Send Blacks Back 'To The Plantation'
Why are they sell outs in your opinion?

I didnt say they were...I'm just pointing out that the example you provided backed up my post that blacks dont think being conservative is an example of being a race traitor.

There are some black cons that are race traitors...Cant remember his name but hes the black guy Hannity trots out when there is a discussion on race.

Could that asshole be Jesse Lee Peterson?
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Agrees With Newt Gingrich, Says He Would Send Blacks Back 'To The Plantation'

And white conservatives donated to his organization. He speaks to their souls.

I think Rev Jesse Lee patterned himself after Rev. Deke O'Malley from Chester Himes' novel
"Cotton comes to Harlem".
There is nothing to debate on how black conservatives are viewed as traitors by liberal black leaders. It's common knowledge they call us traitors, Oreos, coconuts and all kinds of other names.

I've never been called any of that. I've been called a "n*gger" before, though.:lol:
Do you voice your political opinions when out and about around other brothers and sisters? Would seem odd to me that you haven't been called sell-out or anything like that. Youre a rarity then.

I do, and I HAVE NEVER BEEN INSULTED. I do it on the bent of Civil Liberties, Freedom, and Foreign Policy. I DON'T SIT THERE AND MAKE A WHOLESALE SET OF BLANKET GENERALIZATIONS AND INSULTS LIKE SOME FUCKING WHITE BIGOT. So NO, I don't get any attitude. Farrakhan preaches a "conservative" message for the most part, who is calling him an "Uncle Tom"??? The same applies to Tony Bown and others.
I've never been called any of that. I've been called a "n*gger" before, though.:lol:
Do you voice your political opinions when out and about around other brothers and sisters? Would seem odd to me that you haven't been called sell-out or anything like that. Youre a rarity then.

I do, and I HAVE NEVER BEEN INSULTED. I do it on the bent of Civil Liberties, Freedom, and Foreign Policy. I DON'T SIT THERE AND MAKE A WHOLESALE SET OF BLANKET GENERALIZATIONS AND INSULTS LIKE SOME FUCKING WHITE BIGOT. So NO, I don't get any attitude. Farrakhan preaches a "conservative" message for the most part, who is calling him an "Uncle Tom"??? The same applies to Tony Bown and others.

But white conservatives can't discern the difference between Tony Brown and Jesse Lee.
For the record.... I'd LOVE to see Condi Rice run for President. I'd vote for that woman in a heartbeat.

If you thought the hatchet job done to Cain was painful to watch...imagine how desperate the libtards would be if a black woman ran against their messiah?

That's the beauty of it.... it would make it incredibly hard to attack her. And she is smarter than the majority of our elected officials, including Obama.

It would be very cool if Romney picked her as VP. :lol:
He's done a lot to help blacks as well. I don't know much about him, but I've never seen or heard anything from him to label him "a traitor to the race".

I'll google him later though. I'm the type that is open to changing my stance if it turns out to be wrong or someone convinces me, so don't think I'm just standing up for him or anything.

Heres a few quotes: I'm sure some additional context wouldnt make a difference. I pulled these from the interwebs so of course I'm sure people will ask for some type of proof that I cannot provide but here goes nothing:

“If whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years.”

“There is relatively little discrimination against blacks”

“Blacks have made great economic progress, but along the way, most have become morally bankrupt. Seventy-percent of black children born out of wedlock is unacceptable.”

“Blacks today are not suffering due to racism or the lack of economic opportunity; they’re suffering because of their lack of moral character.”

Oh there is plenty more from this guy...
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

He's not that old, he's just a self serving cocksucker who sucks the dick of bigoted white conservatives, in fact he serves as hannity's "heavy guy" or "bad cop" toward "the Blacks", so hannity can disingenuously make a HALF HEARTED attempt to act like he's defending "the Blacks" from Jesse Lee Peterson's IGNORANT and INACCURATE blanket statements and generalizations.
Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

Good to know that you accept quotes without context. That puts you into context for me.

Good to see you cant find that these quotes are not true so you deflect to the "context" dodge. No amount of context will make "blacks will turn America into a ghetto" better.

Excellent points!
You want me to name one?

How bout Rush Limbaugh? Do you think he helps Republicans in appealing to blacks?

What has Limbaugh ever said that is racist?

Let's see.....

Off the top of my head

-Told a black caller to take the bone out of his nose and shut up
-Repeatedly sang "Barack the Magic Negro"
- Coined the term "Halfrican" for Obama

Now I know you right-wingers love it, but I doubt if it sat well with black voters
You want me to name one?

How bout Rush Limbaugh? Do you think he helps Republicans in appealing to blacks?

What has Limbaugh ever said that is racist?

Let's see.....

Off the top of my head

-Told a black caller to take the bone out of his nose and shut up
-Repeatedly sang "Barack the Magic Negro"
- Coined the term "Halfrican" for Obama

Now I know you right-wingers love it, but I doubt if it sat well with black voters

"Barack the Magic Negro" was not sung by Limbaugh, and the reference came from a libtard source.
Just what is wrong with "halfrican"? It does seem to be factual. Obama's not white, not black, "halfrican" would pretty much sum him up.
"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Read more: Articles: Republicans: Black America's True Friend

Democrats have been using and abusing black folks for 250 years.

Democrats have done nothing but pander to democrat racists, then when racism lost steam they flipped the script and pandered to blacks an those who felt empathetic and sympathetic towards blacks for votes....

Just like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Today blacks are no more abused and manipulated than they generally were at any time in US history.
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"Black pundits say that to be black and Republican makes one a despicable race-traitor worthy of no-holds-barred punishment. As a black conservative Republican, I'm not frightened by this; it just angers and frustrates me.

My frustration comes from the knowledge that those claiming to have black America's empowerment and best interest at heart are the "elephant in the room" problem. They lie to black America. Who are "they"? They are Democrats committed to keeping blacks viewing themselves as victims. They are racist, bitter black politicians with huge chips on their shoulders, seeking eternal "payback" for America's original sin of slavery. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

So there you have it, black America: these are your so-called advocates. And how do they help you? They lie to you. They tell you that 70% of black youths dropping out of high school is not your fault. They tell you that prisons filled with black males is not their fault. They tell you that 80% of black kids growing up without a father is not your fault. They tell you that black genocide -- half of black pregnancies ending in abortion -- is not your fault............."

lloyd marcus

Read more: Articles: Republicans: Black America's True Friend

Democrats have been using and abusing black folks for 250 years.

Democrats have done nothing but pander to democrat racists, then when racism lost steam they flipped the script and pandered to blacks an those who felt empathetic and sympathetic towards blacks for votes....

Just like LBJ said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Today blacks are no more abused and manipulated than they generally were at any time in US history.

Really? Do Mormons have free will? How about white evangelical christians?

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