Republicans Black Americas True Friend

For the record.

You can check to see how long someone has been a member of the board by clicking on their name.

....I seriously doubt Shamman REALLY wants to do that, but if anyone is interested I've been posting here since October 2009 and I have upwards of 2,000 posts and an average of 2 posts per day.

Not that that changes anything. This discussion is ridiculously hilarious regardless.:D:clap2:
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The idea that “the Dixiecrats joined the Republicans” is not quite true, as you note. But because of Strom Thurmond it is accepted as a fact. What happened is that the **next** generation (post 1965) of white southern politicians — Newt, Trent Lott, Ashcroft, Cochran, Alexander, etc — joined the GOP.

Many dixiecrats did remain in the party down south. That's why states like Alabama, Arkansas, and Kentucky largely had democratic majorities in their legislatures until recently.
The idea that “the Dixiecrats joined the Republicans” is not quite true, as you note. But because of Strom Thurmond it is accepted as a fact. What happened is that the **next** generation (post 1965) of white southern politicians — Newt, Trent Lott, Ashcroft, Cochran, Alexander, etc — joined the GOP.

Many dixiecrats did remain in the party down south. That's why states like Alabama, Arkansas, and Kentucky largely had democratic majorities in their legislatures until recently.

Indeed. Just trying to a little myth busting for kidrocks. He's obviously never looked into the BS he was fed.
He's done a lot to help blacks as well. I don't know much about him, but I've never seen or heard anything from him to label him "a traitor to the race".

I'll google him later though. I'm the type that is open to changing my stance if it turns out to be wrong or someone convinces me, so don't think I'm just standing up for him or anything.

Heres a few quotes: I'm sure some additional context wouldnt make a difference. I pulled these from the interwebs so of course I'm sure people will ask for some type of proof that I cannot provide but here goes nothing:

“If whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years.”

“There is relatively little discrimination against blacks”

“Blacks have made great economic progress, but along the way, most have become morally bankrupt. Seventy-percent of black children born out of wedlock is unacceptable.”

“Blacks today are not suffering due to racism or the lack of economic opportunity; they’re suffering because of their lack of moral character.”

Oh there is plenty more from this guy...
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are
"Most Black people are not honest and don't like to work."

"Most Black preachers aren't called by God, they are called by their mommas."

"Most Black preachers teach hatred of Israel."

"Most Black people, not all, but most, like lies over truth."

"A lot of Christians aren't really Christians, especially Black ones."

"When it comes to sex, you can't trust a Black preacher."

"Blacks who complain should be put back onto the plantation so that they would know how to work."

"Most Black men are not worth anything."

"Black preachers are racists".

2nd link:

" People don’t want to hear the truth"
– Jesse Lee Peterson SOURCE: Bossip

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes
Heres a few quotes: I'm sure some additional context wouldnt make a difference. I pulled these from the interwebs so of course I'm sure people will ask for some type of proof that I cannot provide but here goes nothing:

Oh there is plenty more from this guy...
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are
"Most Black people are not honest and don't like to work."

"Most Black preachers aren't called by God, they are called by their mommas."

"Most Black preachers teach hatred of Israel."

"Most Black people, not all, but most, like lies over truth."

"A lot of Christians aren't really Christians, especially Black ones."

"When it comes to sex, you can't trust a Black preacher."

"Blacks who complain should be put back onto the plantation so that they would know how to work."

"Most Black men are not worth anything."

"Black preachers are racists".

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

" People don’t want to hear the truth"
– Jesse Lee Peterson SOURCE: Bossip

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

Good to know that you accept quotes without context. That puts you into context for me.
Heres a few quotes: I'm sure some additional context wouldnt make a difference. I pulled these from the interwebs so of course I'm sure people will ask for some type of proof that I cannot provide but here goes nothing:

Oh there is plenty more from this guy...
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are
"Most Black people are not honest and don't like to work."

"Most Black preachers aren't called by God, they are called by their mommas."

"Most Black preachers teach hatred of Israel."

"Most Black people, not all, but most, like lies over truth."

"A lot of Christians aren't really Christians, especially Black ones."

"When it comes to sex, you can't trust a Black preacher."

"Blacks who complain should be put back onto the plantation so that they would know how to work."

"Most Black men are not worth anything."

"Black preachers are racists".

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

" People don’t want to hear the truth"
– Jesse Lee Peterson SOURCE: Bossip

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

I'll look into it more later. I gotta go to class soon.
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

" People don’t want to hear the truth"
– Jesse Lee Peterson SOURCE: Bossip

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

I'll look into it more later. I gotta go to class soon.

As I said, I suggest you go further than his links and look for the actual context for each of the sentences quoted. That way, one can decide for oneself whether it was inappropriate. Some people dismiss context as unimportant - I find it hugely important.
Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

I'll look into it more later. I gotta go to class soon.

As I said, I suggest you go further than his links and look for the actual context for each of the sentences quoted. That way, one can decide for oneself whether it was inappropriate. Some people dismiss context as unimportant - I find it hugely important.

I hear you loud and clear. I'll be digging through the intrawebs tonight that's for sure.
I'll look into it more later. I gotta go to class soon.

As I said, I suggest you go further than his links and look for the actual context for each of the sentences quoted. That way, one can decide for oneself whether it was inappropriate. Some people dismiss context as unimportant - I find it hugely important.

I hear you loud and clear. I'll be digging through the intrawebs tonight that's for sure.

Good to hear that... and, I'd be interested to hear what you discover.

I am always very hesitant to accept the media's version, or the 'proof' provided by a sentence. For example, I heard time and again how Glen Beck hates the families of the victims of 9-11. I never listen to Beck so I could have accepted that - it appeared legitimate... they provided a quote from Beck that appeared to say that. So I dug. What did I find? He did say something like 'I hate the families of the 9-11 victims'... BUT.. and it is a big but... the next sentence was 'When I say I hate them, I don't hate them, I hate what some of them are doing... about 9 or 10 individuals.......' So, in fact, he did not mean the words in the way that the media presented them... and the way the left accepted them without any investigation.

Hence, it is wise to track it back to the actual original context... and that goes for either side. Because both sides present bullshit as fact.
So his disappointment with our communities continuing moral decay makes him a traitor? I admit he could try to get his message across better, but I don't think those statements make him a traitor. Well, the one where he says if whites left America yada yada... That was a dick headed thing to say and in my opinion wrong. If white people left America it'd probably snap us out of our slumber and motivate us to keep the country running. Yeah, I can understand why you don't like him. I just think he's a frustrated old man. Not a guy I'd support though.

Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

" People don’t want to hear the truth"
– Jesse Lee Peterson SOURCE: Bossip

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

Good to know that you accept quotes without context. That puts you into context for me.

Good to see you cant find that these quotes are not true so you deflect to the "context" dodge. No amount of context will make "blacks will turn America into a ghetto" better.
I vote independent....always have

I didn't ask how you vote. I asked for your theory about why blacks vote Democrat. Or are you implying that most blacks vote "independent"?

Sorry misread your post

The reason I think most blacks vote democratic is that they feel disrespected by the Republican Party. There are certain rightwing pundits that are outright racist towards blacks, there are also certain Republicans who like to scapegoat blacks in order to pander to the extremists of the party.

While that may be the reason cited for not voting for Republicans, that does not explain why blacks would vote for droves for Democrats, who are at least equally guilty of pandering to extremists. The Dems also take the black vote for granted. Democrats are condescending and patronizing towards blacks. Would you posit that blacks vote for Democrats because they are not Republicans, then?
yep...looks like a chinese menu...

Bottom need ID to get a job.

So who are all of those millions of people that are working all day that dont have the time, money or means to get an ID?

Does no one see the contradiction here?

Some of us do, we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince those too close-minded, or too intent on cheating, that the requirement for ID to vote is not a nefarious plot to keep legitimate black citizens (and some other minorities) from voting.

forget me and you and RW and that racoist closed caption..

What about politicians.

Nancy Pelosi for she not aware that ID is required for people to work?

So how can she say they are too busy working to have the time to get an ID?

Why does the media not latch on to this contradiction?

I'd think because much of the press is in the pocket of pols like Pelosi, Waters, Obama, and so forth. You've seen what happens when a press outlet attempts to deliver a somewhat less biased view, or heaven forbid, views held by the opposition.
Not to mention that Pelosi panders to some of the most "entitled" constituents on Earth. Most of her supporters behave like first year liberal arts college students who are more intent on rebelling against their parents than actually exercising some modicum of free thought or educated opinions. It's the mental equivalent of a school of fish...
I didn't ask how you vote. I asked for your theory about why blacks vote Democrat. Or are you implying that most blacks vote "independent"?

Sorry misread your post

The reason I think most blacks vote democratic is that they feel disrespected by the Republican Party. There are certain rightwing pundits that are outright racist towards blacks, there are also certain Republicans who like to scapegoat blacks in order to pander to the extremists of the party.

While that may be the reason cited for not voting for Republicans, that does not explain why blacks would vote for droves for Democrats, who are at least equally guilty of pandering to extremists. The Dems also take the black vote for granted. Democrats are condescending and patronizing towards blacks. Would you posit that blacks vote for Democrats because they are not Republicans, then?

I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans
Moral decay is the least of it....and the more context dodge exhibited by CG was expected thats why I stated "more context wouldnt make a difference" there is plenty from this guy and everytime there is a discussion on race. Hannity releases him like a hound on whoever is presenting the opposing position.

A simple google search "Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes" will show:

1st link: Vision Circle: Selected Quotes: Jesse Lee Peterson Quotes are

2nd link: Jesse Lee Peterson - News, photos, topics, and quotes

3rd link: Self Hating Black Homophobe: Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

Is where I pulled the orginal quotes

Good to know that you accept quotes without context. That puts you into context for me.

Good to see you cant find that these quotes are not true so you deflect to the "context" dodge. No amount of context will make "blacks will turn America into a ghetto" better.

I haven't looked for the context. I don't have time.... which is why I asked LockeJ to feedback on it.

Last time I heard someone say 'no context is gonna make xxx better', was with the Glen Beck quote. Turns out... it did make it better... which is exactly why I prefer my quotes in context rather than one sentence.

Context is not important to you. I get that. It is to me.
Sorry misread your post

The reason I think most blacks vote democratic is that they feel disrespected by the Republican Party. There are certain rightwing pundits that are outright racist towards blacks, there are also certain Republicans who like to scapegoat blacks in order to pander to the extremists of the party.

While that may be the reason cited for not voting for Republicans, that does not explain why blacks would vote for droves for Democrats, who are at least equally guilty of pandering to extremists. The Dems also take the black vote for granted. Democrats are condescending and patronizing towards blacks. Would you posit that blacks vote for Democrats because they are not Republicans, then?

I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans

When did 'blacks' elect you as their spokesperson? Or do you mean Black Democrats don't like the way Republicans treat Obama? Which is, in fact, no different to the way the Democrats - including the black ones - treated Bush.

Sorry misread your post

The reason I think most blacks vote democratic is that they feel disrespected by the Republican Party. There are certain rightwing pundits that are outright racist towards blacks, there are also certain Republicans who like to scapegoat blacks in order to pander to the extremists of the party.

While that may be the reason cited for not voting for Republicans, that does not explain why blacks would vote for droves for Democrats, who are at least equally guilty of pandering to extremists. The Dems also take the black vote for granted. Democrats are condescending and patronizing towards blacks. Would you posit that blacks vote for Democrats because they are not Republicans, then?

I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans

Why the hell do you call yourself "right winger"?
While that may be the reason cited for not voting for Republicans, that does not explain why blacks would vote for droves for Democrats, who are at least equally guilty of pandering to extremists. The Dems also take the black vote for granted. Democrats are condescending and patronizing towards blacks. Would you posit that blacks vote for Democrats because they are not Republicans, then?

I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans

When did 'blacks' elect you as their spokesperson? Or do you mean Black Democrats don't like the way Republicans treat Obama? Which is, in fact, no different to the way the Democrats - including the black ones - treated Bush.


Well let's see shall we?

Let's see how many blacks vote Republican in November

Then you can tell me how blacks vote for Democrats because they give them "free stuff"
I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans

When did 'blacks' elect you as their spokesperson? Or do you mean Black Democrats don't like the way Republicans treat Obama? Which is, in fact, no different to the way the Democrats - including the black ones - treated Bush.


Well let's see shall we?

Let's see how many blacks vote Republican in November

Then you can tell me how blacks vote for Democrats because they give them "free stuff"

No, let's not 'see'. Let's call you a racist for thinking you can speak for blacks. You can no more speak for blacks than you can for whites. Blacks are individuals. The Democratic Party do not 'own' blacks.
I think it is quite obvious that blacks are uncomfortable with the Republican party. Republicans have pandered to the radical fringe and have sold off the black vote to win in Red States

You want another reason?

Blacks resent the treatment President Obama has received from the Republicans

When did 'blacks' elect you as their spokesperson? Or do you mean Black Democrats don't like the way Republicans treat Obama? Which is, in fact, no different to the way the Democrats - including the black ones - treated Bush.


Well let's see shall we?

Let's see how many blacks vote Republican in November

Then you can tell me how blacks vote for Democrats because they give them "free stuff"

There are alot of blacks who do just that. Then there are some that don't. Then there are blacks like me who dont vote for democrats period.

So yeah, like she said we're individuals who vote for whatever for whatever reason.

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