Republicans/Conservatives - Would You Accept This Deal?

Would You Agree to Raise Taxes on High Income Earners?

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Dems hold all the cards, I highly doubt they'd take the opportunity to be reasonable.
Well, they definitely hold the media to spin their narrative, which will go their way a-la 1995 if the sequester kicks in.

Shit...TASS and Pravda of the Cold War were more honest media than what we have today. :lol:
No deal, let the Tax cuts passed by congress in 2001 expire, let the automatic spending cuts come into play after the first of the year, let the adjusted AMT come into effect, don't increase the debt ceiling. Funny, I remember the Messiah claiming the economy was recovering and he had created 5 million new jobs, that should help reduce the annual deficit, right, no problem. Fiscal cliff for whom? When and what will it take congress to address reality? possibly this fiscal cliff is what they need to wake up and cut spending. View it like a normal tax paying citizen, when your tapped out, you make spending and life style adjustments, otherwise you go bankrupt.
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Revenue to cuts of 1 to 8. Defense and entitlements are both on the table. SS reform that includes SS taxes stay in their vault and never xfrd to the general fund, raise retirement to age 67 on those younger than 45, and raise maximum on income to 150.

Would you accept a deal that raised taxes on high income earners if the Democrats offered to cut baseline spending or absolute levels of spending?

If the spending cuts are not just defense and are not 10 years from now, I have no problem with raising taxes a bit as well. The problem is Obama is not offering any such thing. His opening offer was ignorant, He wants Congress to give him the sole power to raise the debt ceiling and offered no cuts but ask for more spending, another stimulus.

The press will softball it and people will not be informed on the ignorant deal offered. If the press refuses to publicize this I recommend the Republicans buy ads to inform people of what this President thinks compromise means.
I'm leaning more and more towards writing to all republican Lawmakers and telling them not to vote on or even debate any spending bills.... Let the Dems run their mouths and their programs and in 2 years we'll own the majority of the House and Senate. And there won't be a Democrat President for a Generation........
Base line Budgeting is a joke.

Ever notice how they use the 10 year figures when they want to sound like they are making big cuts, but the 1 year figures when they want to down play the size of something?

I mean it's a joke. set up so that future congresses can simply reverse any promised cuts we get today. It's a scam and a product of Both Parties and it should be outlawed.
The reason why I ask is because the market thinks Republicans are going to cut a deal, and I want to know what the Right thinks about such a deal.

It is hard for me to believe that the Democrats will cut actual spending. I believe they will agree to baseline cuts in the future, but I don't think they'll really cut spending.

My own belief is that such a deal would not be acceptable to the Republican base.
I think odds are that the GOP will cut a deal. The cliff would send the economy spiraling and the GOP would take full blame for it, so there's really no way they can bluff this one.
The reason why I ask is because the market thinks Republicans are going to cut a deal, and I want to know what the Right thinks about such a deal.

It is hard for me to believe that the Democrats will cut actual spending. I believe they will agree to baseline cuts in the future, but I don't think they'll really cut spending.

My own belief is that such a deal would not be acceptable to the Republican base.
They'll cut a deal for two reasons:

1) To keep from being made the villains by the lamestream media, which we know will happen.

2) To preserve their pet Pentagon spending projects.

Mark it down.
If the cuts and the taxes are in, the tax will be phased in as cuts are instituted, I would accept.

Or, if the cuts are not implemented, the tax not only automatically sunset, tax cuts kick in...just to keep everyone honest.

That would work for me.

But I'm not the least bit interested in vague assurances that sometime in the future something may be cut, but taxes go up tomorrow.

I prefer the cliff to that hogwash.
Go over the fiscal cliff. Its the best deal all around. We heard all this whining in 1993, and what we got was a balanced budget...with a surplus! I'm not buying anything less. No deal is the best deal.

Strangely enough..I agree.
Dems will never cut spending, not ever unless its the military and only the military

What Bullshit.

Obama found savings in Medicare and with Student Loans.

Republicans had a cow over that.

And there's more stuff like that around.

The thing is..well connected lobbyists do not want to get rid of the big pork.

And Republicans have no trouble telling the poor and elderly to do without.
The reason why I ask is because the market thinks Republicans are going to cut a deal, and I want to know what the Right thinks about such a deal.

It is hard for me to believe that the Democrats will cut actual spending. I believe they will agree to baseline cuts in the future, but I don't think they'll really cut spending.

My own belief is that such a deal would not be acceptable to the Republican base.
They'll cut a deal for two reasons:

1) To keep from being made the villains by the lamestream media, which we know will happen.

2) To preserve their pet Pentagon spending projects.

Mark it down.

Republicans are the Jews to Progressive Fascists
I can remember a time not long ago, when GOP hopefuls were promising they wouldn't accept $10 in cuts for a $1 in tax increases.

Times sure do change fast.

Here's the thing, those "cuts" always come in the form of a future promise to reduce spending in return for immediate tax rate hikes. Problem is, Congress cannot tell future Congresses what they can spend. So it's no surprise that those cuts never actually happen. I remember when Reagan gave in to pressure for a 3 to 1 cut...that never came.

Stated differently, how about we cut spending now and promise to raise taxes in the future? Deal?
Would you accept a deal that raised taxes on high income earners if the Democrats offered to cut baseline spending or absolute levels of spending?

No because if you really want to deal with the problem you can't limit the tax increase to just high income earners it will have to be a combination of higher taxes on everyone and major cutting if we are really serious about fixing this mess.
Cut spending....Period.

If those clowns in the District of Criminals can't make ends meet taking in $3+ trillion, then they're not even trying.

The Democrats will never have enough money to spend.
After they get the Bush tax cut ended it will not take them long
to start looking for more cash..
They are addicts.... :eusa_eh:

The Republicans too.

When they had control, they spent like the money was burning a hole in their pocket.
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The reason why I ask is because the market thinks Republicans are going to cut a deal, and I want to know what the Right thinks about such a deal.

It is hard for me to believe that the Democrats will cut actual spending. I believe they will agree to baseline cuts in the future, but I don't think they'll really cut spending.

My own belief is that such a deal would not be acceptable to the Republican base.
They'll cut a deal for two reasons:

1) To keep from being made the villains by the lamestream media, which we know will happen.

2) To preserve their pet Pentagon spending projects.

Mark it down.

Republicans are the Jews to Progressive Fascists

No. Seriously. No.
Would you accept a deal that raised taxes on high income earners if the Democrats offered to cut baseline spending or absolute levels of spending?

The way this should work is prove you can really cut spending first...

And maybe then we worry about revenue...

Currently they have way too much to delegate...

You don't call the shots. RWers lost badly. Somehow in their twisted minds that gives them political capital to spend. Save your money Sport and invest in mental health.
Dems will never cut spending, not ever unless its the military and only the military

What Bullshit.

Obama found savings in Medicare and with Student Loans.

Republicans had a cow over that.

And there's more stuff like that around.

The thing is..well connected lobbyists do not want to get rid of the big pork.

And Republicans have no trouble telling the poor and elderly to do without.
"Savings"?!?!?!?...I smell bullshit.

Where are the CUTS?..Y'know, less money spent next year in comparison to this year?

G'head, list 'em....Dazzle us.
The reason why I ask is because the market thinks Republicans are going to cut a deal, and I want to know what the Right thinks about such a deal.

It is hard for me to believe that the Democrats will cut actual spending. I believe they will agree to baseline cuts in the future, but I don't think they'll really cut spending.

My own belief is that such a deal would not be acceptable to the Republican base.

At this point, don't you think it's time for rational people to tell the base to get lost?

it's not like they're rational.

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