Republicans create an art form out of beating a dead horse

I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Not familiar with the war on poverty, are you?
It's an ongoing and neverending war. That's the way poverty works. Some are helped out, others aren't, for whatever reason. But we don't give up on those that can be helped. Unless you're a Republican of course. Then it's let the fuckers die and I hope they suffer first.

You know I can't hear the voices in your head. But the war on poverty has been trillions of dollars in a failed plan and your only proposal 50 years later is to keep throwing (other people's) money at it in an attempt to disprove Einstein's definition of insanity. And all you keep doing is proving it right
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The FBI director had no problem telling everyone how stupid, careless and incompetent Hitlery and her SD were.

I sure believe the man.

Of course. He's a Republican. I bet you still believe Bush. I did, at first.

He's also one honest man and truer words were never spoken.

Hitlery is stupid careless and incompetent. If she weren't then there never would have been an e-mail scandal or dead in Benghazi.

Hell. She proves it all the time and she's her own worst enemy.
Tell me you aren't saying Trump is honest. Or were you just being "sarcastic"?

We aren't talking about Trump idiot.

We are talking about stupid, careless and incompetent Hitlery.

Keep up.
Stupid? Careless? Incompetent? You may not like her, but they certainly don't describe Hillary Clinton.

The hell it doesn't.

The FBI had no problem calling her stupid, careless and incompetent.

And she proved how stupid, careless and incompetent she was with her e-mails and her failure to prevent Benghazi.

They had loads of warning and her State Department did nothing.

You might not call that stupid, careless and incompetent but I sure do.
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!

I agree and dimwit doesn't think she passed those on??

She should have been treated just the way Patraeus was treated. And he got what he deserved.
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How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.

You're a fucking idiot! Having an AOL account and accessing it on a government computer versus having your own PRIVATE server and having CLASSIFIED information on it are two entirely different issues. Petraeus was fired as CIA director for less and threatened with being brought back to active duty and court marshalled. Hillary LIES about it (perjury, must be a Clinton thing) on top of the other violations of the handling of classified information and you want to give her a free pass. You're a fucking sheep!!!!
Patraeus knowingly passed on classified information. That's why he was charged.
AOL is a public server that no one in the state department had control over. Perhaps you need to re think your position. Or at least think.

Let me make this simple for you sheep, I was not defending Petraeus, he got what he deserved, my point is Hillary's actions are much more egregious than Petraeus' in both scope and level of information classification compromised. AND she LIED about it to the FBI under oath!!! Yet you want to give her a free pass, maybe you should think about what your principles are and what exactly it is that you represent.
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Why you worried or something?

More emails are a coming ...

How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.

You will believe anything which puts a negative spin on HRC, all Democrats, liberals, progressives, etc, in fact anyone who expresses an opinion which is in opposition to what you've been told to believe. Your handlers know you (and too many like you) are easily led and command to support so called conservative principles, a set of ideological dogma void of common sense, and opposed to progress, science and open discussion.

You've elected officials to Congress who are committed to a policy which defies pragmatic solutions to ongoing problems, men and women who fear to challenge their handlers. Too many of these members of Congress value their job before yours, believe their benefits are untouchable, but not yours, and perceive the future health of the earth and our children and our children's children far into the future as incidental, but not their children.
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.

What is this, like your 1,000th "Trump is Done" thread? Talk about beating a dead horse.
dean thinks he is going to change someones mind about being a republican/trump supporter.....his bullshit has about as much effect on them as THEIR bullshit has on him....
You will believe anything which puts a negative spin on HRC

You set the bar so high with your endlessly open mind on Trump, it's just impossible to keep up with you.

Doesn't your ass just flame from the hypocrisy?
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Not familiar with the war on poverty, are you?
It's an ongoing and neverending war. That's the way poverty works. Some are helped out, others aren't, for whatever reason. But we don't give up on those that can be helped. Unless you're a Republican of course. Then it's let the fuckers die and I hope they suffer first.

You know I can't hear the voices in your head. But the war on poverty has been trillions of dollars in a failed plan and your only proposal 50 years later is to keep throwing (other people's) money at it in an attempt to disprove Einstein's definition of insanity. And all you keep doing is proving it right
It hasn't failed you f@cking moron. Let him die right winger swine are so damaging to this country. Scum like you would let all cancer patients die even though many, but not all are cured. You are a monster.

Commentary: War on Poverty: Large Positive Impact, But More Work Remains | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Not familiar with the war on poverty, are you?
It's an ongoing and neverending war. That's the way poverty works. Some are helped out, others aren't, for whatever reason. But we don't give up on those that can be helped. Unless you're a Republican of course. Then it's let the fuckers die and I hope they suffer first.

You know I can't hear the voices in your head. But the war on poverty has been trillions of dollars in a failed plan and your only proposal 50 years later is to keep throwing (other people's) money at it in an attempt to disprove Einstein's definition of insanity. And all you keep doing is proving it right
It hasn't failed you f@cking moron. Let him die right winger swine are so damaging to this country. Scum like you would let all cancer patients die even though many, but not all are cured. You are a monster.

Commentary: War on Poverty: Large Positive Impact, But More Work Remains | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Yes, if I don't want to pay for people's healthcare, then I don't want them to have healthcare. It's the idiot that you are
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.

THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.

THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Agreed--Hillary Clinton stated years ago that all these investigations over anything and everything was a vast Reich wing conspiracy--and back in those days I really didn't believe her--because I was a Republican.

Benghazi and the emails have brought me to understand her very clearly today, and I have no doubt that over the last 25 years the Clinton's have been investigated so many times--that it is indeed coming from a vast Reich wing conspiracy. After all, 8 investigations into Benghazi--to get the same result as the 1st one. The 8th investigation costing the taxpayers of this country 7 million dollars. Emails, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing, and yet we are still hearing and seeing more conspiracy theories about those. FBI director Comey made a statement in regard to the difference of what a former 4 star General and CIA director (David Petreaus) did, and why he was charged and she wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

It really couldn't be better stated than this.

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

The Republican platform this year was a raining men platform. 16 GOP male candidates, the largest in the history of this nation. I really believe this many was not out of fear of Hillary Clinton necessarily, but more the fear of the first woman President of the United States. And that's why she is so viciously & relentlessly attacked by the Reich wing of the Republican party.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

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How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.

THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
Anyone in her position knew some emails were going to be classified. That why they set up secure government servers.

You aren't even a good liar.
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Agreed--Hillary Clinton stated years ago that all these investigations over anything and everything was a vast Reich wing conspiracy--and back in those days I really didn't believe her--because I was a Republican.

Benghazi and the emails have brought me to understand her very clearly today, and I have no doubt that over the last 25 years the Clinton's have been investigated so many times--that it is indeed coming from a vast Reich wing conspiracy. After all, 8 investigations into Benghazi--to get the same result as the 1st one. The 8th investigation costing the taxpayers of this country 7 million dollars. Emails, she was cleared of any criminal wrong doing, and yet we are still hearing and seeing more conspiracy theories about those. FBI director Comey made a statement in regard to the difference of what a former 4 star General and CIA director (David Petreaus) did, and why he was charged and she wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

It really couldn't be better stated than this.

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

The Republican platform this year was a raining men platform. 16 GOP male candidates, the largest in the history of this nation. I really believe this many was not out of fear of Hillary Clinton necessarily, but more the fear of the first woman President of the United States. And that's why she is so viciously & relentlessly attacked by the Reich wing of the Republican party.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

I believe you may be mistaken. I think Benghazi has 9 investigations. Which would be 8 more than 9/11. 9 more than the embassy attacks under Reagan that killed 90. They didn't even really have an investigation, just a "meeting".
30 years of attacking the Clintons and one wonders why they are so private.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.

THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
Anyone in her position knew some emails were going to be classified. That why they set up secure government servers.

You aren't even a good liar.
You're just guessing. It's possible she ordered that anything that is classified be hand delivered by State Department couriers. At least that's how they used to do it. They know that nothing she personally sent out was classified. Only three mails out of tens of thousands that she received and none of her mails were marked at the top with a classification heading. The FBI director told us that.

They problem with your kind is that you want her to be guilty of something so bad, that she's guilty in your imaginings.

In the mean time, did you know 20 days after the election, Trump has a court date for Fraud and Racketeering? It's already scheduled for Nov. 28th.
You just admitted she got classified emails on her personal server. That's what we've been saying. Duh!
But that's not the point of the accusations. Duh!

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If someone sent her an email that wasn't properly marked classified and she didn't know it, she must be responsible? That's lunacy. And that is why Republicans are lunatics.

THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
Anyone in her position knew some emails were going to be classified. That why they set up secure government servers.

You aren't even a good liar.
You're just guessing. It's possible she ordered that anything that is classified be hand delivered by State Department couriers. At least that's how they used to do it. They know that nothing she personally sent out was classified. Only three mails out of tens of thousands that she received and none of her mails were marked at the top with a classification heading. The FBI director told us that.

They problem with your kind is that you want her to be guilty of something so bad, that she's guilty in your imaginings.

In the mean time, did you know 20 days after the election, Trump has a court date for Fraud and Racketeering? It's already scheduled for Nov. 28th.
Hilly and the dems would have mentioned long ago that the classified intel was hand delivered. Plus you ignore the point of why secure government servers were in place.

You aren't very good at this.
Republicans are Hamliton Burger, the prosecutor in Perry Mason. He never wins a case, but oh how he tries.

Or, here is every investigation of the Clinton's by the Republicans for 25 straight years...

Is it surprising that the left doesn't want to discuss the laws Hillary broke, her lies upon lies and corruption?

because she didn't break any laws, much to the chagrin of the rightwingnuts.

corruption? again... you loons have been up her butt with a magnifying glass for decades. if you had anything, you'd have used it.

instead you're stuck with made up fake and scurrilous medical assertions and ranting and raving about things only rightwingnuts care about.

we understand you're desperate that trump is the most disliked candidate ever.... we get that. and all you can hope for is to run down her numbers. but again, the nonsense you're spewing only works with your fellow nutters.

there aren't enough uneducated angry white males to win a presidential election. period.

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