Republicans create an art form out of beating a dead horse

I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.

Talk about beating a dead horse! R-Derp...the number of classified emails that Hillary Clinton had on her servers is now over a hundred and that doesn't count any of the 30,000 emails that Hillary had deleted. She apologized? She's been exonerated? By who? The more we find out about her emails the worse she looks! She lied about this from the get go and she's STILL lying about it! The only people that don't see that are Kool Aid drinkers like you, little buddy!
Hillary Clinton on private email server: 'I'm sorry about that' -
I don't give a fuck about the email! I care about infrastructure, science, r&d and education....

That is what matters.
Republicans block infrastructure

Republicans think science is a faith

Republicans think all R&D should be handled by corporations

Republicans think education is for snobs and our system is broken anyway so stop spending money on it

Republicans think math has been infected with liberalism
Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
He also had an official email account, as opposed to Hillary deliberately trying to avoid oversight. You do know, don't you, that Hillary did NOT turn over many emails that were work related?
You do know that Comey said in the hearing those emails that she did not turn over were nothing nefarious, nothing she was purposely trying to hide (based on the content of the ones he was able to recover from the slack space, when the server was upgraded to a new one).
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you're watching msnbc? what a loser.

No shit... The Progressive left version of Fox... Also CNN sucks green donkey dick too!

How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.

Were they classified at the time or were they later reclassified as classified by President Obama?

Big difference and it would matter...
Who knows? Who cares? The bottom line, coming from the FBI director was that NONE of them had the required heading of "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". They weren't marked according to regulations and there were only three and those came from someone else and she didn't send them out.

What is so hard to get?
A simple answer. The question was ...
"How did Hillary get her classified emails? "

So we are to believe she didn't think any were classified? No one was going to send her classified intel?
Your simple answer is classified secret and top SECRET are not on an email system through the internet,

There are no emails for top SECRET info....there is no system for it.

Classified SECRET and top secret are held on an in-house gov't system that does not connect to the internet or email.
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
I'm guessong she got her emails the same way I got mine.

What's funny, Colin Powell had an AOL account and after leaving office, terminated his account. His mails could still be out there floating around on some server. And that was why he turned over zero emails. Not one.
Hillary turned over thousands and she's being punished.
He also had an official email account, as opposed to Hillary deliberately trying to avoid oversight. You do know, don't you, that Hillary did NOT turn over many emails that were work related?
You do know that Comey said in the hearing those emails that she did not turn over were nothing nefarious, nothing she was purposely trying to hide (based on the content of the ones he was able to recover from the slack space, when the server was upgraded to a new one).
Well there are still some 30+ thousand unaccounted for so we do not yet know the extent of it. In all likelyhood, Clinton Foundation dealings. And she lied when she said she turned everything over so you can spin lies for your master all day everyday but it changes nothing, just paints you as an unethical hack.
you're watching msnbc? what a loser.

No shit... The Progressive left version of Fox... Also CNN sucks green donkey dick too!

How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.

Were they classified at the time or were they later reclassified as classified by President Obama?

Big difference and it would matter...
Who knows? Who cares? The bottom line, coming from the FBI director was that NONE of them had the required heading of "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". They weren't marked according to regulations and there were only three and those came from someone else and she didn't send them out.

What is so hard to get?
A simple answer. The question was ...
"How did Hillary get her classified emails? "

So we are to believe she didn't think any were classified? No one was going to send her classified intel?
Your simple answer is classified secret and top SECRET are not on an email system through the internet,

There are no emails for top SECRET info....there is no system for it.

Classified SECRET and top secret are held on an in-house gov't system that does not connect to the internet or email.

FBI sends heavily redacted Clinton interview documents to Congress | Fox News

A congressional source confirmed to Fox News Tuesday that the House Government Oversight Committee had received a heavily redacted FBI summary of Hillary Clinton’s session last month with FBI agents who interviewed her about her use of a private server for government business. The agents’ notes were provided as well.

Separately, the Republican chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, confirmed that even he does not have a high enough security clearance to read the documents in full.

“As the chairman of the chief investigative body in the House, it is significant I can’t even read these documents in their entirety,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah told Fox News. “This shows how dangerous it was to have this intelligence, highly classified to this day, on the former secretary’s unsecured personal server where it was vulnerable.”
No shit... The Progressive left version of Fox... Also CNN sucks green donkey dick too!

Were they classified at the time or were they later reclassified as classified by President Obama?

Big difference and it would matter...
Who knows? Who cares? The bottom line, coming from the FBI director was that NONE of them had the required heading of "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". They weren't marked according to regulations and there were only three and those came from someone else and she didn't send them out.

What is so hard to get?

They weren't marked classified because it was Clinton communicating covertly with her minions...who do you think would have classified emails that nobody outside of her little circle (and whoever hacked her servers of course!) knew about? The fact that so many of the ones that Clinton didn't destroy have been classified as sensitive once they were seen shows just how badly she handled secure information!

A total of 3 emails that were sent to her. She didn't send them to anyone.

Are you really this ignorant, R-Derp...or is this just a game you're playing? Let me lay it on the line for you...if they ever are able to recover the 30,000 emails that Hillary erased before Congressional investigators could look at them...the number of classified emails is going to skyrocket. If they've looked at what she didn't get rid of and found as many as they many REALLY sensitive emails do you think were in the 30,000 she got rid of?
Hello, knock knock. 30,000 plus is what they recovered.

That's like over 200 emails a day for every day she was Secretary of State. How many emails do you think she read. If she read every single one, reading emails was all she was doing.

No, idiot boy...there is the 30,000 emails that were reluctantly turned over by Clinton to the State Department and which have been slowly released to Congress after being heavily redacted because they contained so much sensitive material...and then there is the 33,000 emails that she erased from her servers after the Congressional investigators discovered that she was doing all of her State Department email communications through the two servers she'd hidden at her house in Chappaqua the bulk of which have not been recovered.

As to what Clinton was "doing"? All one has to do is look at the numerous photos of her looking at her cell phone to know that she did indeed use it to stay in contact with her inner circle. Since her main priority in office would appear to have been generating "contributions" to the Clinton Foundation from foreign interests and Wall Street high rollers in return for political favors then she did indeed need to read her emails! Too bad we CAN'T read the ones she deliberately had scrubbed!
THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
Anyone in her position knew some emails were going to be classified. That why they set up secure government servers.

You aren't even a good liar.
You're just guessing. It's possible she ordered that anything that is classified be hand delivered by State Department couriers. At least that's how they used to do it. They know that nothing she personally sent out was classified. Only three mails out of tens of thousands that she received and none of her mails were marked at the top with a classification heading. The FBI director told us that.

They problem with your kind is that you want her to be guilty of something so bad, that she's guilty in your imaginings.

In the mean time, did you know 20 days after the election, Trump has a court date for Fraud and Racketeering? It's already scheduled for Nov. 28th.

THAT'S HOW THEY USED TO DO IT???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! How fucking old are you? 99???

And by the way moron, it was 110 emails in 3 emails chains, so not only Hilliary, but everyone else on those chains should be charged.

Do you believe there is some magical entity that marks emails and other documents classified? I ask you, HOW do you think classified materiel is determined? Please enlighten us with you acumen on the subject of how materiel is classified!!
I served from 1975 to 1979. That's how they did it.

Well guess what, it's not 1979 any more toto, get with the times. But the more important issue that you failed to answer, how do you think materiel is classified?
THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS SO UNINFORMED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS AND WHAT ISN'T CLASSIFIED?? Is that really how you are defending her? If that is the case, she is either too stupid or incompetent to be qualified for president!!
Anyone who has worked in the government and has handled classified material knows way to much is classified. One wonders what you think classifed means.
Anyone in her position knew some emails were going to be classified. That why they set up secure government servers.

You aren't even a good liar.
You're just guessing. It's possible she ordered that anything that is classified be hand delivered by State Department couriers. At least that's how they used to do it. They know that nothing she personally sent out was classified. Only three mails out of tens of thousands that she received and none of her mails were marked at the top with a classification heading. The FBI director told us that.

They problem with your kind is that you want her to be guilty of something so bad, that she's guilty in your imaginings.

In the mean time, did you know 20 days after the election, Trump has a court date for Fraud and Racketeering? It's already scheduled for Nov. 28th.
Hilly and the dems would have mentioned long ago that the classified intel was hand delivered. Plus you ignore the point of why secure government servers were in place.

You aren't very good at this.
I don't know. It's possible Clinton didn't want to look like she was dragging down someone she respected. Your kind wouldn't know about things like that. It wouldn't even occur to your kind.

Colin Powell just laid a heavy, heavy smackdown on the GOP

Funny that Powell relied exclusively on a private email server belonging to AOL. Guess how many emails he turned over to the State Department? 30,000 like Hillary did? More? Less? How about ZERO!

She turns over 30,000 and get's slammed and he turns over zero.

And it was only a couple of days ago, at an event attended by 3,400 people that Powell said:

(Referring to using a private email account, Powell said)
“The beauty of it was I eliminated time and space as a barrier to communications” he says. “I encouraged everybody to use it.”

Read the link to find out what "it" was.

OHHHH, so Powell says something about using an email server and that automatically exonerates Hilliary?? If Nixon had been President in todays world, there's no way he gets threatened with impeachment and resigns. But I guess Bill set that precedent and Hilliary is just following that model. If you would pull your head out of the Democratic party's ass long enough to think as an individual and realize that we deserve better than this from ALL of our elected and those appointed by those elected officials. We need term limits for our congressmen and outlaw government employee unions. Washington is corrupt with cronyism and it must end or the U.S. will crumble on itself. Everyone must be held accountable for their actions, good or bad
I don't give a fuck about the email! I care about infrastructure, science, r&d and education....

That is what matters.
Republicans block infrastructure

Republicans think science is a faith

Republicans think all R&D should be handled by corporations

Republicans think education is for snobs and our system is broken anyway so stop spending money on it

Republicans think math has been infected with liberalism
Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

Republicans block infrastructure

That's funny since they passed a $300 billion plus highway Bill.

Lets look at what obama did in the past 8 years and when he held both houses

Is it surprising that the left doesn't want to discuss the laws Hillary broke, her lies upon lies and corruption?
Funny that you could name the laws but the Republican head of the FBI couldn't.

So go ahead.

Name the laws.
Is it surprising that the left doesn't want to discuss the laws Hillary broke, her lies upon lies and corruption?
Funny that you could name the laws but the Republican head of the FBI couldn't.

So go ahead.

Name the laws.
Is it surprising that the left doesn't want to discuss the laws Hillary broke, her lies upon lies and corruption?

Shouldn't our elected representatives and legal officials be the ones to determine what if any laws were broken? Why do you hate the Constitution?
Because when people lie under oath they should be punished...wait...Bill got away with it so she can to
I don't know who that red headed chick is on MSNBC, but she was trying to "get" a congressman on her show and it didn't work. She was badgering him about the NEW GOP investigation on whether Hillary lied about classification of her emails.

She said the FBI director said three emails were marked classified out of the thousands and Hillary said none were and three isn't zero.

So the congressman said -- and then she jumped on him and said the director of the FBI said they were marked.

So then he said -- but then she jumped on him and repeated her previous statement. And that was when he brought up beating a dead horse to a new art form and she looked embarrassed and for once, let him speak.

He said it was a shame they wouldn't play the rest of the clip where the FBI director said three of the mails had a couple of small "c's" buried in the body of the text but there were zero classification headers on any of the documents. None of the emails had classification headers. He said he read the manual on classified material and the manual states the document must have a classification header "Top Secret, Secret, Confidential or Classified". None of her emails did. And the three emails in question were sent to her, not sent out by her.

I'm suspecting that with thousands of emails, she may not had even read them. And so, we have "beating a dead horse".

The congressman said the GOP is so desperate, this is all they have against Hillary and they know it.


It's a shame the news networks go along with GOP conspiracies again and again. She has apologized. She has been exonerated. It's over. So what the GOP does is start another, brand new investigation. Instead of legislating. The job they were actually sent to DC to do.
Hillary Clinton insisted all along that none of the emails she sent or received on her private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State was marked classified at the time. That was contradicted by the Director of the FBI yesterday when he claimed that a “very small number” of her emails were in fact classified at the time. The New York Times then determined that that number was just two. And now the State Department has confirmed that the two emails in question weren’t actually classified at the time, and had merely been marked incorrectly during the course of the investigation.

In yet another development which helps make clear that Clinton did nothing demonstrably wrong with her email, the two emails sent to her by her aides in 2012 were harmless in nature. Both were merely used to schedule phone calls with foreign leaders, and on their face, clearly could not have possibly been classified at the time. Sure enough, a spokesman for the State Department has confirmed that they were not classified.

This comes just hours after CBS News reported that Hillary Clinton had asked the NSA for a secure smartphone for her email immediately upon taking office as Secretary of State, and had been turned down. One by one, the details coming out are making clear that despite having spent so many months running an investigation and despite having been given full cooperation by Clinton and her team, the conclusions made by the FBI Director yesterday were far removed from the actual facts involved.

With Hillary Clinton now having been fully cleared of any potential charges, this may be a moot point in terms of the outcome; she’s off the hook and she remains the clear frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race. But these new details surfacing today make clear that the FBI Director didn’t come close to getting his facts right when he personally criticized her email usage yesterday.

After the Director of the FBI fully exonerated Hillary Clinton and made clear that she broke no laws and told no lies, House Republicans took the extraordinary step of demanding copies of the FBI’s notes from its interview with Clinton. That request was granted, and almost immediately, information from those notes began leaking to the media. The trouble: every word of those notes is, by definition, classified information.

Jennifer Palmieri, the Communications Director for the Hillary Clinton campaign, tweeted this evening that she “Would remind all that this material is classified. So this is leaking of classified material.” Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta added that he’s “Already hearing from people who have been contacted by reporters with knowledge of the content of their interviews in FBI 302’s.”
How did Hillary get her classified emails? Did he say? She made statements that were untrue to congress, most people consider that a lie. She didn't turn over the official emails and some were classified. If the GOP is beating a dead horse that makes Hillary the dead horse.
if you want to swallow that bull shit fine, we can't change it ... but there isn't any where in any of there testimony that she lie... all that crap is coming from the right wing propaganda machine and not the people involve ... the hate the right has for her is unbelievable ...

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