Republicans, Democrats Teaming Up for Federal Gun Confiscation Bill

Well, obama didnt trash our constitution like FDR and Lincoln. Not AS BAD anyways lol. He definitely pissed me off with it many of times.
I do have him worse than reagan though ;)
My head is "up my fat ass" because i dont think he is AS bad as you do? Lol you poor partisan dipshit.
Good day.
Actually Obama did, you stupid fuck!!!

What do you call the following:

  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Removing freedom of speech on social media
  • Working to infringe on our right to gun ownership
  • Using the IRS to punish political opponents
  • Fanning the flames of sedition
  • Committed treason and espionage on numerous occasions
  • Committed numerous counts of fraud
  • Refused to enforce all laws equally thus breaking his oath of office
  • Refused to defend the constitution
  • Refused to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.

I hate the wall idea as well.

Do yourself a favor and look up "Operation Wetback". It was an immigration policy adopted in the 1950's that targeted immigrants in terms of hiring them illegally. At that time, the government was not divided, so everyone was on board as immigrants self deported. So they proved a wall was not needed.

However, today the government is divided as one half elected representatives choose to actively represent illegals better than their own citizens in poor communities who drink lead poisoned water.

Therefore, I support a wall because of this. Sure, it is not the answer, but its mere presence will reduce the numbers of illegal immigrants, and there would be nothing the Left could do about it other than tear it down.

Don't worry though, the wall will never be built. If Trump was really sincere about building it, he was naive thinking the Swamp would ever let him do it.
well now - if a lot of this "spying" turns out to be true, he did a lot more than trash our constitution.

and one comment from trump does not trash out constitution. it may challenge it but there's a long way to go from a comment in an interview to a change in our overall policy, is there not? isn't that all there just for these reasons? if trump wanted to do this, if anyone wanted to do this, they have a process to go through to get it done.

making a comment isn't trashing anything really. shows their mindset, sure but one of trumps issues is he speaks first thinks, maybe, much later.

however - we never did answer 1 simple question -

if someone has several complaints against them and is in fact found to be mental, do we take the guns then or go to court?

when you get done raging, can you please let me know your thoughts on that 1 simple question of when do we take the guns from someone who is mental?
Indeed, if all this russia, spying, fbi shit comes out to be true, i will agree with you.
Him just speaking of it is enough to irk me. Im sensitive about that. 99% of our politicians and probably 90% of our citizens dont give a shit about our rights. They give them away for useless rhetoric and freebies. I think my sensitivity to it is reasonable. I mean, look at our fed gov. Over half od it shouldnt even exist!
I agree, trump doesnt think. He is a reactionary. Which is a terrible quality to have. Especially considering he is our President. LOL
I firmyl believe in due process.
What if you have 6 guns and a girlfriend. She finds out you are cheating on her and she calls the cops saying your are fucking insane and they need to get your guns. You arent insane, you just have a hard dick. You get fucked and lose your rights. Due process would have been great, ey?
what is this? the beginnings of a conversation, not just raging at each other?

his being reactionary is horrible. it's also why i don't pay too much attention to the day to day things he says. there's a long way to go between his comment and law so if he's wrong the system by it's design will check him in the end.

now - i said we must establish when someone is in fact mental. no i don't think 1 pissed off girlfriend would be the cause to remove someones guns from them. but we never established a cutoff and that's what i was asking for.

when do we get to the point of a pissed off girlfriend or a shooter who has shown all the signs of being mental and a danger to society?

if we know someone is mental and a doctor has declared them as such - would that constitute "due process" so they can be taken? even if so there will need to be an appeal process they can follow. there must be in order to maintain due process as that is our very core of who we are and that can't change. not for trump, not for obama and not for hogg and all the other grabbers.

but when do we consider "due process" in the overall evaluation of someone and their mental state completed? done? appropriate?

those are my questions to establish a baseline from in which we can agree and then act upon. i never said ditch due process and i never said 1 complaint was enough. i simply asked when we get to the point where the guns need to go, to you?

if a doctor and a 2nd opinion deems someone mental, take 'em. that is due process to me. but keep in mind i want the appeals process there also in a neutral area when possible to ensure this was done correctly also. i'm not out to make the road simple but i am out to put something down we can agree on; or at least find where we simply will never agree and move on.
If you are bringing in a couple doctors opinions, that could be different. Maybe that would be enough to arrest him for being a danger to society and go through the hoops like that?
that's what i'm after. in a sense, i think trump also. while he said "take 'em and we can do due process later" i can get mad at what he said and rage, or i can understand trump says a lot of stupid shit initially and ask for clarification.

ie - trump - do you feel that if someone says "that dude is nuts" we take 'em, or at what point do you feel it's ok to remove someones guns from their possession? then we'd know if he's tramping on the constitution or if he's got some ideas that can follow a due process that is created out of the need we have at the time.

i look at his stupid statement, munchkins also, as the start of the conversation, not the end. i keep my focus on the fact due process is the core of who we are and not to be jacked with - so what do these people suggest? i push for more info, not rage at the simple statement.

so if trump, munchkin and others are saying due process is stopping them from doing anything at all, define that. it's too complex a subject to be covered in 1 sentence so dig for more info and viewpoints.

that common ground.

if trump really thinks he can just take guns and worry about it later, yes that is a huge problem. but i don't think that's what he or munchkin means.
That could very well be so. You cant say shit like that without explaining it, though.
To this day, he hasnt explained it. At least to my knowledge.
Should i be reasonable and assume the worst from our govt? Or should i try to make it sound like he was considering our rights when history shows, that usually isnt the case?
should we get emotional or should we get all the facts and dig deeper, assume less?

i think we *all* tend to get emotional first cause these are the times we all live in. emotionally based. and i agree, the reporter should have followed up on that and got more details from trump but my guess is you'd get more ramblings from him and not to the point.
Actually Obama did, you stupid fuck!!!

What do you call the following:

  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Removing freedom of speech on social media
  • Working to infringe on our right to gun ownership
  • Using the IRS to punish political opponents
  • Fanning the flames of sedition
  • Committed treason and espionage on numerous occasions
  • Committed numerous counts of fraud
  • Refused to enforce all laws equally thus breaking his oath of office
  • Refused to defend the constitution
  • Refused to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.

I hate the wall idea as well.

Do yourself a favor and look up "Operation Wetback". It was an immigration policy adopted in the 1950's that targeted immigrants in terms of hiring them illegally. At that time, the government was not divided, so everyone was on board as immigrants self deported. So they proved a wall was not needed.

However, today the government is divided as one half elected representatives choose to actively represent illegals better than their own citizens in poor communities who drink lead poisoned water.

Therefore, I support a wall because of this. Sure, it is not the answer, but its mere presence will reduce the numbers of illegal immigrants, and there would be nothing the Left could do about it other than tear it down.

Don't worry though, the wall will never be built. If Trump was really sincere about building it, he was naive thinking the Swamp would ever let him do it.
immigration today is a political tool for both sides. the right just wants them gone and the left is using this as a "you have no heart" stance. the answer to me, as usual, is in the middle. it is a problem, we do need to deal with it, and we need to be fair to those caught in the system they didn't create.

would make more sense to me to be better neighbors with mexico and help them have jobs there so less come over and a better work program here for those that choose to. those who want to stay, we have a process. if it doesn't work, fix it don't ignore it. if you're a criminal you are out. period. end of story.

I think the money could be better spent on fixing the problem, not walling it off.

besides i think if we told mexico we'd give them $500 million a year to guard their own border, but we take back $5k for every illegal we catch on our side for "processing fees", they'd take care of it. :)
Well, obama didnt trash our constitution like FDR and Lincoln. Not AS BAD anyways lol. He definitely pissed me off with it many of times.
I do have him worse than reagan though ;)
My head is "up my fat ass" because i dont think he is AS bad as you do? Lol you poor partisan dipshit.
Good day.
Actually Obama did, you stupid fuck!!!

What do you call the following:

  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Removing freedom of speech on social media
  • Working to infringe on our right to gun ownership
  • Using the IRS to punish political opponents
  • Fanning the flames of sedition
  • Committed treason and espionage on numerous occasions
  • Committed numerous counts of fraud
  • Refused to enforce all laws equally thus breaking his oath of office
  • Refused to defend the constitution
  • Refused to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.

I hate the wall idea as well.

Do yourself a favor and look up "Operation Wetback". It was an immigration policy adopted in the 1950's that targeted immigrants in terms of hiring them illegally. At that time, the government was not divided, so everyone was on board as immigrants self deported. So they proved a wall was not needed.

However, today the government is divided as one half elected representatives choose to actively represent illegals better than their own citizens in poor communities who drink lead poisoned water.

Therefore, I support a wall because of this. Sure, it is not the answer, but its mere presence will reduce the numbers of illegal immigrants, and there would be nothing the Left could do about it other than tear it down.

Don't worry though, the wall will never be built. If Trump was really sincere about building it, he was naive thinking the Swamp would ever let him do it.
immigration today is a political tool for both sides. the right just wants them gone and the left is using this as a "you have no heart" stance. the answer to me, as usual, is in the middle. it is a problem, we do need to deal with it, and we need to be fair to those caught in the system they didn't create.

would make more sense to me to be better neighbors with mexico and help them have jobs there so less come over and a better work program here for those that choose to. those who want to stay, we have a process. if it doesn't work, fix it don't ignore it. if you're a criminal you are out. period. end of story.

I think the money could be better spent on fixing the problem, not walling it off.

besides i think if we told mexico we'd give them $500 million a year to guard their own border, but we take back $5k for every illegal we catch on our side for "processing fees", they'd take care of it. :)

You have one side, the GOP, who has the unenviable task of pretending to want border security.

In reality, both sides are corporate globalists that want us all working for food only, a return to the plantation.

And that is what this is all about, really, cheap labor.
Actually Obama did, you stupid fuck!!!

What do you call the following:

  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Removing freedom of speech on social media
  • Working to infringe on our right to gun ownership
  • Using the IRS to punish political opponents
  • Fanning the flames of sedition
  • Committed treason and espionage on numerous occasions
  • Committed numerous counts of fraud
  • Refused to enforce all laws equally thus breaking his oath of office
  • Refused to defend the constitution
  • Refused to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
nope. they want to win the arguments, not fix the problems.

i had hopes for sanders. he was the rebel. i didn't like many of his socialist policies but again - we have a system of checks and balances so he'd not be able to do a lot of what he wanted to do. obama said the same on a PBS interview - the constitution kept him from doing a lot of things. so if he wanted something the country didn't, the system would kick in and limit his wild ambitions.

but when he knew hillary was screwing him over and he gave her support, i lost hope in his challenging the status quo as a leader should.
"A source inside the US Senate has reported that Republicans and Democrats are teaming up and using the recent tragedy in Texas as the impetus to push through a massive federal gun control bill.

In an email Tuesday night, former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul released an ominous statement claiming that a source they have in the Senate revealed Democrats are teaming up with Republicans to push through a massive gun control bill.

According to their source, as Paul explained, “Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are teaming up with Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to ram through one of the worst nationwide gun confiscation schemes ever devised.”

Ron Paul: Republicans, Democrats Teaming Up for Federal Gun Confiscation Bill - The Daily Coin

Two sides of the same coin.
A source inside the US Senate:cuckoo: A Page, a security guard, a congressional aid, or maybe a custodian? We can't call this false news because it's not news.
Possibility, an unsubstantiated rumor from an anonymous source?
It's rightwing idiocy and demogogery.
Last post to you.
I understand obama was shitty. He was also a pacifist. I understand he shit on the constitution all the time. BUT he didnt imprison journalists, have people murdered, send people to rape women and kill their livestock and burn down their homes.
He also didnt imprison tens of thousands of american citizens for simply having a certain nationality.

1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
nope. they want to win the arguments, not fix the problems.

i had hopes for sanders. he was the rebel. i didn't like many of his socialist policies but again - we have a system of checks and balances so he'd not be able to do a lot of what he wanted to do. obama said the same on a PBS interview - the constitution kept him from doing a lot of things. so if he wanted something the country didn't, the system would kick in and limit his wild ambitions.

but when he knew hillary was screwing him over and he gave her support, i lost hope in his challenging the status quo as a leader should.

Sanders was no rebel. He was merely the beginning of Dims openly embracing socialism

He is the same hypocritical peace of poo that you see every day in the DNC.
The Daily Coin-

and RW hack Trumpdrones bitch about fake news 24/7 ?

a gob of snot has more credibility .......
Finally, something you consider fake news you won't post or defend

nothing to defend - 50% of Congress could vote to come TAKE YOUR guns, and they STILL WOULDNT HAVE ENOUGH VOTES TO DO IT.


Exactly how F'n stupid are RW's ?
Shiny object theory.

But the question remains for local and state jurisdictions. What happens if a court can order a temporary surrender of guns subject to a future full blown competency hearing?
That's not "confiscation."
1. trump has not put anyone in prison yet, has he? and obama stifled quite a few that were critical of him. look up sharyl attkisson to start.
2. define "have people murdered" and give me an example of trump doing this if that is our comparison. he droned the shit out of a lot of people and i'm pretty sure they felt it was murder.
3. who did trump put in prison? i saw some kids in cages the other day from 2014...
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
nope. they want to win the arguments, not fix the problems.

i had hopes for sanders. he was the rebel. i didn't like many of his socialist policies but again - we have a system of checks and balances so he'd not be able to do a lot of what he wanted to do. obama said the same on a PBS interview - the constitution kept him from doing a lot of things. so if he wanted something the country didn't, the system would kick in and limit his wild ambitions.

but when he knew hillary was screwing him over and he gave her support, i lost hope in his challenging the status quo as a leader should.

Sanders was no rebel. He was merely the beginning of Dims openly embracing socialism

He is the same hypocritical peace of poo that you see every day in the DNC.
maybe. but i do think he was the most honest person running in that election.
I was referring to Lincoln and FDR. They are my worst 2.
Trump hasnt really actually done anything yet to irk me. Just some of his words have done that. So far.
I like trumps policies. I think he is a dipshit but i havent ever seen policies like his. I love most of them. And thats awesome.
I am glad the bitch lost too. I would have been happier with sanders retarded, two faced ass over her.
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
nope. they want to win the arguments, not fix the problems.

i had hopes for sanders. he was the rebel. i didn't like many of his socialist policies but again - we have a system of checks and balances so he'd not be able to do a lot of what he wanted to do. obama said the same on a PBS interview - the constitution kept him from doing a lot of things. so if he wanted something the country didn't, the system would kick in and limit his wild ambitions.

but when he knew hillary was screwing him over and he gave her support, i lost hope in his challenging the status quo as a leader should.

Sanders was no rebel. He was merely the beginning of Dims openly embracing socialism

He is the same hypocritical peace of poo that you see every day in the DNC.
maybe. but i do think he was the most honest person running in that election.

This is a lie.

Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes

Bernie was packaged as a honest and harmless little socialist that was to lose to Hillary, so that the seeds of Socialism would be planted in order to turn the US into Venezuela

After the election, this little socialist bought a million dollar house by a lake.

Nice pay out for a redistributionist, eh?
trump is just annoying. it's painful to watch him talk like an animated claymation doll left in the oven too long. i hate the wall policy as i think it's an expensive band aid and taking the entire problem in the wrong direction. i like what he's done for businesses and in turn, unemployment. he's done some good things and some bad. where it all ends up we'll see but i'm not unhappy with his job as president.

sanders got screwed and he sat there and took it.
He sure did, and then turned around and threw away 30 years of rhetoric to cast support for her. I was sick when he did that.
The wall is needless. NOBODY in our govt seems to want to fix the issues that actually cause this illegal mess.
nope. they want to win the arguments, not fix the problems.

i had hopes for sanders. he was the rebel. i didn't like many of his socialist policies but again - we have a system of checks and balances so he'd not be able to do a lot of what he wanted to do. obama said the same on a PBS interview - the constitution kept him from doing a lot of things. so if he wanted something the country didn't, the system would kick in and limit his wild ambitions.

but when he knew hillary was screwing him over and he gave her support, i lost hope in his challenging the status quo as a leader should.

Sanders was no rebel. He was merely the beginning of Dims openly embracing socialism

He is the same hypocritical peace of poo that you see every day in the DNC.
maybe. but i do think he was the most honest person running in that election.

This is a lie.

Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes

Bernie was packaged as a honest and harmless little socialist that was to lose to Hillary, so that the seeds of Socialism would be planted in order to turn the US into Venezuela

After the election, this little socialist bought a million dollar house by a lake.

Nice pay out for a redistributionist, eh?
i'd not call it a lie if this is how i saw/see it. i could be wrong but being wrong isn't being a liar.

anyway - this has drifted way off topic so we need to reel it back in.
Isn't that 'special' - a bi-partisan assault on the Constitution / Constitutional Rights....
Isn't that 'special' - a bi-partisan assault on the Constitution / Constitutional Rights....
i don't think it can or will go very far.

i think the biggest reason we never get anywhere on gun issues is it's always - ALWAYS - political. senators and congressmen/women who have zero gun knowledge speak out against an evil that is consuming this country and go for emo-based vote getting.

except their "facts" are usually wrong and being in a position of power/influence as they are - its' critical they KNOW the facts before yapping on.

biggest example i can think of:
Colorado gun control lawmaker doesn't realize magazines can be reloaded

didn't know mags are reloadable. thought they were disposable. this isn't a crime no, but shut the fuck up when it comes to passing laws when you don't know what you're talking about.

anyone who wishes to sit on a committee to establish / review gun laws needs to go to school and learn about guns, laws, how they work, history, go to a range and shoot them all with a professional instructor and when you pass a "gun literacy" test you can now speak to what needs to be done.

until then, the emo-political crap is killing us and causing a huge divide as well.
Isn't that 'special' - a bi-partisan assault on the Constitution / Constitutional Rights....
i don't think it can or will go very far.

i think the biggest reason we never get anywhere on gun issues is it's always - ALWAYS - political. senators and congressmen/women who have zero gun knowledge speak out against an evil that is consuming this country and go for emo-based vote getting.

except their "facts" are usually wrong and being in a position of power/influence as they are - its' critical they KNOW the facts before yapping on.

biggest example i can think of:
Colorado gun control lawmaker doesn't realize magazines can be reloaded

didn't know mags are reloadable. thought they were disposable. this isn't a crime no, but shut the fuck up when it comes to passing laws when you don't know what you're talking about.

anyone who wishes to sit on a committee to establish / review gun laws needs to go to school and learn about guns, laws, how they work, history, go to a range and shoot them all with a professional instructor and when you pass a "gun literacy" test you can now speak to what needs to be done.

until then, the emo-political crap is killing us and causing a huge divide as well.

Go do a few tactical reloads with 10-round magazines. See how easy it is. See how it won't stop shit to ban 30-round magazines. Learn the difference between auto and semi-auto, for Odin's sake.
Isn't that 'special' - a bi-partisan assault on the Constitution / Constitutional Rights....
The crux of the matter is that the Bill of Rights does not restrict the people's inalienable rights but restricts the government from infringing upon those rights. The Bill of Rights does not grant rights but acknowledges rights and again, restricts the government abusing those rights.

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