Republicans deserve what they get

Because we aren't managing it like a public service, dummy.

We are managing it like a business. And we are getting those kinds of results... mostly bad one.

We pay more than anyone else, and we get the worst results.

Oh yes, government does so much better than the private market. What kind of mail service do you get? How about those bus drivers? Amtrak? How many state road workers do you see standing around in a construction site?

Government is a failure at most anything they are involved in. Talk to somebody who has to totally rely on the VA for healthcare services. Look up at how terrible of a program Medicaid is. Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem.

Ed Hanaway alone got 99,000,000 to STOP working. Multiply that by hundreds of companies, and hundreds of executives, and um, yeah, you get lots of money being pissed away.

55 billion spent to make sure you get it right is a pretty good deal.

It has little to do with getting it right and everything to do with protecting yourself from ambulance chasers in this country.

Really? Never been charged $3500 for a earache. Usually, they just give me something for it and that's it. If it doesn't go away in a week, then MAYBE they send you to a specialist, but if it doesn't go away in a week, there's probably something more seriously wrong.

I see plenty of doctors, and trust me, they all do the same thing.

Years ago an insurance company would only pay for a specialist if your doctor recommended one. In more recent years, insurance companies will pay for specialists by your own choice because it saves them the money for a doctors visit which they know will end up with you seeing a specialist anyway.

If your doctor does decide to treat you, he or she will run you through every test imaginable even if those tests have nothing to do with the condition you came in for. So why run those tests? For liability protection.

No, because it's being paid into a trust fund that is still running surpluses, or at least it was until fairly recently.

Yes, and you can thank Ears for that.

Medicare will be broke in ten years from today. In the meantime, the program is partially funded with our tax dollars not in the Medicare system, and again, they've been able to keep their heads above water by not paying the full price of medical procedures. If our private insurance agencies could get away doing that, our healthcare premiums would be a third less today than they were ten years ago.
Oh yes, government does so much better than the private market. What kind of mail service do you get? How about those bus drivers? Amtrak? How many state road workers do you see standing around in a construction site?

Government is a failure at most anything they are involved in. Talk to somebody who has to totally rely on the VA for healthcare services. Look up at how terrible of a program Medicaid is. Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem.

Guy, I realize that you fall for Battered Republican Housewife thinking... while you sit their in your crappy job that doesn't pay health insurance.

But you know what, I've worked for both government and private sector,a nd pretty much saw the same level of good and bad in both. The difference is the Government doesn't spend billions on propaganda like the big corporations do.

I see plenty of doctors, and trust me, they all do the same thing.

Years ago an insurance company would only pay for a specialist if your doctor recommended one. In more recent years, insurance companies will pay for specialists by your own choice because it saves them the money for a doctors visit which they know will end up with you seeing a specialist anyway.

If your doctor does decide to treat you, he or she will run you through every test imaginable even if those tests have nothing to do with the condition you came in for. So why run those tests? For liability protection.

I'm getting the feeling your boss dropped your insurance because you were costing him too much money. Sorry, man, rarely have I had a doctor send me for endless tests, except for that surgery I had 10 years ago, and all those tests were needed.

Yes, and you can thank Ears for that.

Medicare will be broke in ten years from today. In the meantime, the program is partially funded with our tax dollars not in the Medicare system, and again, they've been able to keep their heads above water by not paying the full price of medical procedures. If our private insurance agencies could get away doing that, our healthcare premiums would be a third less today than they were ten years ago.

Again, good argument to put everyone on Medicare... if they can control costs without killing people like Cigna does.
But you know what, I've worked for both government and private sector,a nd pretty much saw the same level of good and bad in both. The difference is the Government doesn't spend billions on propaganda like the big corporations do.

Well they must be doing something right because if government was a private entity, it would have gone out of business decades ago.

Again, good argument to put everyone on Medicare... if they can control costs without killing people like Cigna does.

You don't control costs by not paying for services; you only put those services out of business.

The bottom line is that private insurance can do fine without government, in fact even better. But if all health insurance went out of business tomorrow, government would be screwed because they could no longer cheat the providers.
Well they must be doing something right because if government was a private entity, it would have gone out of business decades ago.

Not sure how you think that is true.

If it wasn't for the government bailing them out in 2009, the Banks and Auto Industry would have gone out of business.

You don't control costs by not paying for services; you only put those services out of business.

Yeah, guy, the Hospitals charged me $100.00 for a liquid tylanol. That's the kind of costs you can control.

The bottom line is that private insurance can do fine without government, in fact even better. But if all health insurance went out of business tomorrow, government would be screwed because they could no longer cheat the providers.

It's not about the providers, it's about the patients. If you became a doctor to get a six figure income and a mansion and a boat, you did it for the wrong reasons.
Not sure how you think that is true.

If it wasn't for the government bailing them out in 2009, the Banks and Auto Industry would have gone out of business.

No, they would have likely filed for legal bankruptcy and a judge would have reorganized their business dealings.

GM couldn't bring any money back to the states thanks to our stupid tax code at the time that says government will tax them out the ass if they do so. Besides, the auto bailout was a gift from DumBama to his union buddies; more vote buying.

Government is responsible for the bank failures since it's government that writes the standards for providing loans. No money down and no credit checks did the banks in. If government just got out of the way and allowed banks to do their own business, none of those bad loans would have ever been processed. It's a prime example of what I said how government would be out of business decades ago.

Yeah, guy, the Hospitals charged me $100.00 for a liquid tylanol. That's the kind of costs you can control.

Why do you think they charged you so much? If you guessed to recoup their losses from government programs, then you are absolutely correct. I told you this is what providers have to do to stay afloat.

It's not about the providers, it's about the patients. If you became a doctor to get a six figure income and a mansion and a boat, you did it for the wrong reasons.

No, it is about the providers because without providers, there is nowhere for patients to go.

Years ago when I was in medical we had meetings every week. Many of those meetings included all the new government changes that are going to take place. I could never understand how the officer girls could possibly keep up.

Some of the changes were so radical they had to have training sessions for half of the day. Government doesn't just make regulations for government programs, they make regulations for private insurance as well. Do you know how government did much of their billing for Medicare? Prudential Insurance. Private insurance is much more efficient than government, so they farmed out the work.
No, they would have likely filed for legal bankruptcy and a judge would have reorganized their business dealings.

They didn't file for bankruptcy, though. They asked for a government bailout... they BEGGED for a government bailout, and they got one. And then when Obama made s ure the unions guys who were going the actual work got taken care of before the investors, you guys threw a fit.

What? The money going to the people who ACTUALLY DID THE FUCKING WORK!!! That's horrible to Battered Housewife Republicans like yourself.

Government is responsible for the bank failures since it's government that writes the standards for providing loans. No money down and no credit checks did the banks in. If government just got out of the way and allowed banks to do their own business, none of those bad loans would have ever been processed. It's a prime example of what I said how government would be out of business decades ago.

Um, guy, that would be a valid argument if this happened at a time when banks were heavily regulated, instead of a FEC run by George Bush's cronies.

Funny how these collapses ONLY seem to happen when Republicans are in charge.

Some of the changes were so radical they had to have training sessions for half of the day. Government doesn't just make regulations for government programs, they make regulations for private insurance as well. Do you know how government did much of their billing for Medicare? Prudential Insurance. Private insurance is much more efficient than government, so they farmed out the work.

Yes, Private INsurance is super effiicient. Just ask Nataline Sarkisyan... oh, wait, no, she's dead because they cheated her out treatment after her dad paid the premiums.
They didn't file for bankruptcy, though. They asked for a government bailout... they BEGGED for a government bailout, and they got one. And then when Obama made s ure the unions guys who were going the actual work got taken care of before the investors, you guys threw a fit.

What? The money going to the people who ACTUALLY DID THE FUCKING WORK!!! That's horrible to Battered Housewife Republicans like yourself.

Not really. In fact Ford didn't want anything to do with it as did some banks. But they were threatened by government to take the money or else.

I can't believe you take such an interest in politics yet can't see the politics in most situations.

Um, guy, that would be a valid argument if this happened at a time when banks were heavily regulated, instead of a FEC run by George Bush's cronies.

Funny how these collapses ONLY seem to happen when Republicans are in charge.

Since this started long before Bush came along, it's hard to blame just him. Yes, he allowed the Clinton policies to continue, but he didn't start them.

Of course if you read any of the links I posted when we discussed this before, you would better understand what actually started all this and why it ended the way it did. But by your own admission, you refuse to read the links or watch the videos because you know it would prove you wrong.

Yes, Private INsurance is super effiicient. Just ask Nataline Sarkisyan... oh, wait, no, she's dead because they cheated her out treatment after her dad paid the premiums.

Which of course is utter BS. If any insurance company doesn't live up to their contract, they could be sued out of business.

Yes, insurance companies are much more efficient than government. Why? Because unlike government that has no competition, insurance companies do have to compete against each other, so keeping costs low and having investigative departments finding fraud is essential for a successful business. When people ripoff government, government doesn't care because it's not their money.

So when DumBama started Commie Care, one of the stipulations were how insurance companies were allowed to spend their own if that big-eared creep knew better. He forced insurance companies to use at least 80% of their premium collections to pay bills alone. A successful insurance company doesn't work that way, but DumBama knew it because he was trying to destroy them.

Insurance companies take our premiums and make investments. When those investments produce profit, that money is used to help offset the claims. When DumBama stuck his nose into it, they could no longer do that so they became less efficient.
Not really. In fact Ford didn't want anything to do with it as did some banks. But they were threatened by government to take the money or else.

I can't believe you take such an interest in politics yet can't see the politics in most situations.

I see the politics just fine. The right wing is all for capitalizing profit and socializing risk.

Of course if you read any of the links I posted when we discussed this before, you would better understand what actually started all this and why it ended the way it did. But by your own admission, you refuse to read the links or watch the videos because you know it would prove you wrong.

I refuse to watch Republican propaganda.

The recession had one cause... the banks knew no one was going to hold them to account and they'd get a bailout. That happened under Bush, not Clinton.

Which of course is utter BS. If any insurance company doesn't live up to their contract, they could be sued out of business.

Nataline's father sued Cigna. The courts ruled that their contract was with his employer, not him.

This is the problem with employer based insurance... there's just a certain point where they get rid of you if you are costing them too much money. But you know all about that, don't you?

You just blame the black guy.
I refuse to watch Republican propaganda.

The recession had one cause... the banks knew no one was going to hold them to account and they'd get a bailout. That happened under Bush, not Clinton.

Congressional debate is propaganda? Actually it's a recording of who said what during a debate. Actual people saying actual things. Not Fox, not Rush, not Hannity, just a simple recording of what was said.

Yes, the recession had one cause, and that was the brilliant idea of lowering bank standards so blacks could buy homes.

Nataline's father sued Cigna. The courts ruled that their contract was with his employer, not him.

This is the problem with employer based insurance... there's just a certain point where they get rid of you if you are costing them too much money. But you know all about that, don't you?

You just blame the black guy.

I blame him for my (and millions of others) situation that he created. If somebody drives a bus on the sidewalk and hits me, yes, I blame the bus driver. Hussein was the bus driver.

So now not only is Cigna wrong, but the courts are wrong as well? Seems to me you're the only one who is right here; battered wife syndrome.

Again, insurance companies don't cover everything. They only cover what their contract with the individual (or employer) says they cover. If my house insurance does not include flood insurance, and I happen to have a flood, the insurance company will not cover the damages because the policy didn't include flood insurance.

On my policy I have special coverage for my musical instruments. I have special coverage for rental loss if a unit that I've been collecting rent on has to be unoccupied during the rebuilding process. I make sure that I have all (and more) coverage I need for any unexpected event. If one of my rentals has a fire, and the tenants cannot live there for five months, I can't go to the insurance company and make a claim without that insurance that I PAY FOR to cover such a loss. That's the way insurance works.
So when DumBama started Commie Care, one of the stipulations were how insurance companies were allowed to spend their own if that big-eared creep knew better. He forced insurance companies to use at least 80% of their premium collections to pay bills alone.

That sounds like a pretty good requirement. Not sure why you see this is a problem. If more than 20% is going to pay CEO Salaries and stockholders, that's kind of fucked up.

I blame him for my (and millions of others) situation that he created. If somebody drives a bus on the sidewalk and hits me, yes, I blame the bus driver. Hussein was the bus driver.

So now not only is Cigna wrong, but the courts are wrong as well? Seems to me you're the only one who is right here; battered wife syndrome.

Wow, guy, don't try to repeat insults if YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THEM.

Second, Nataline was murdered by Cigna before Obama came to office. ANd no, it's not unreasonable to think that if you are chucking out or working for $10,000 a year or more to pay for insurance, that when your little girl needs a liver transplant, she'd better get a fucking liver transplant.
That sounds like a pretty good requirement. Not sure why you see this is a problem. If more than 20% is going to pay CEO Salaries and stockholders, that's kind of fucked up.

Because that big-eared clown never ran a hotdog stand in his life yet along be able to tell an insurance company how to run their business. But that's how dictators are. They tell the banks how to run their business the government way, how insurance companies should run their business the government way, how energy providers run their business the government way, all while government doesn't know shit about any of them.

Trust me, any company knows what's best for them because they are business people. What makes you think that some bureaucrats or politicians know more about business than business themselves?

Wow, guy, don't try to repeat insults if YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THEM.

Second, Nataline was murdered by Cigna before Obama came to office. ANd no, it's not unreasonable to think that if you are chucking out or working for $10,000 a year or more to pay for insurance, that when your little girl needs a liver transplant, she'd better get a fucking liver transplant.

I never said anything about Ears and this situation. Again, the providers of her care did not hinge on the insurance company. They could have done that transplant themselves if they wanted to and accept the cost of doing experimental procedures. But they didn't. Why? Because the insurance company said they wouldn't pay for it?

Even they knew that such a procedure for a person in this bad of shape would be a waste of time and a good organ. This was all about money and not saving a persons life. Sure, if the insurance company paid them, they'll do it because they are getting paid for a likely failed operation. If it works--great. If it doesn't as they expected--great because they all made insurance money off of it.
Because that big-eared clown never ran a hotdog stand in his life yet along be able to tell an insurance company how to run their business. But that's how dictators are. They tell the banks how to run their business the government way, how insurance companies should run their business the government way, how energy providers run their business the government way, all while government doesn't know shit about any of them.

Again, there's a reason why people demanded the government regulated them to start with. This has been cleverly hidden from you in things called "History Books".
I refuse to watch Republican propaganda.

The recession had one cause... the banks knew no one was going to hold them to account and they'd get a bailout. That happened under Bush, not Clinton.

Congressional debate is propaganda? Actually it's a recording of who said what during a debate. Actual people saying actual things. Not Fox, not Rush, not Hannity, just a simple recording of what was said.

Yes, the recession had one cause, and that was the brilliant idea of lowering bank standards so blacks could buy homes.

Nataline's father sued Cigna. The courts ruled that their contract was with his employer, not him.

This is the problem with employer based insurance... there's just a certain point where they get rid of you if you are costing them too much money. But you know all about that, don't you?

You just blame the black guy.

I blame him for my (and millions of others) situation that he created. If somebody drives a bus on the sidewalk and hits me, yes, I blame the bus driver. Hussein was the bus driver.

So now not only is Cigna wrong, but the courts are wrong as well? Seems to me you're the only one who is right here; battered wife syndrome.

Again, insurance companies don't cover everything. They only cover what their contract with the individual (or employer) says they cover. If my house insurance does not include flood insurance, and I happen to have a flood, the insurance company will not cover the damages because the policy didn't include flood insurance.

On my policy I have special coverage for my musical instruments. I have special coverage for rental loss if a unit that I've been collecting rent on has to be unoccupied during the rebuilding process. I make sure that I have all (and more) coverage I need for any unexpected event. If one of my rentals has a fire, and the tenants cannot live there for five months, I can't go to the insurance company and make a claim without that insurance that I PAY FOR to cover such a loss. That's the way insurance works.

Show one bank that was forced to make a loan.
Because that big-eared clown never ran a hotdog stand in his life yet along be able to tell an insurance company how to run their business. But that's how dictators are. They tell the banks how to run their business the government way, how insurance companies should run their business the government way, how energy providers run their business the government way, all while government doesn't know shit about any of them.

Again, there's a reason why people demanded the government regulated them to start with. This has been cleverly hidden from you in things called "History Books".

Regulation is one thing and running the business for the business is another. Because of my excellent credit score, I always got 0% interest on my credit cards and no transfer fees. The commie instituted laws that said credit card companies and banks could no longer assess fees and interest rate hikes on irresponsible borrowers who were late with payments or didn't pay at all.

Now I have to pay a transfer fee when I switch cards because the banks made money on those penalties they assessed to lowlifes and they needed to make up that loss somewhere else. So they went to the responsible borrowers for the money.

This is running the banks for the banks because it's all about politics. Irresponsible people generally vote Democrat and responsible people generally vote Republican. So what Hussein did was force the banks to give likely Democrat voters a break and penalize the responsible likely Republican voters.

I still don't pay any interest, but paying those transfer fees is something that never happened to me until DumBama stuck his big fat ugly nose where it didn't belong.
Regulation is one thing and running the business for the business is another. Because of my excellent credit score, I always got 0% interest on my credit cards and no transfer fees. The commie instituted laws that said credit card companies and banks could no longer assess fees and interest rate hikes on irresponsible borrowers who were late with payments or didn't pay at all.

Now I have to pay a transfer fee when I switch cards because the banks made money on those penalties they assessed to lowlifes and they needed to make up that loss somewhere else. So they went to the responsible borrowers for the money.

Guy, if you were constantly using cards to pay off other cards, you weren't a responsible borrower. Most credit advisors will tell you that is a horrible idea.
Regulation is one thing and running the business for the business is another. Because of my excellent credit score, I always got 0% interest on my credit cards and no transfer fees. The commie instituted laws that said credit card companies and banks could no longer assess fees and interest rate hikes on irresponsible borrowers who were late with payments or didn't pay at all.

Now I have to pay a transfer fee when I switch cards because the banks made money on those penalties they assessed to lowlifes and they needed to make up that loss somewhere else. So they went to the responsible borrowers for the money.

Guy, if you were constantly using cards to pay off other cards, you weren't a responsible borrower. Most credit advisors will tell you that is a horrible idea.

For one, that has nothing to do with my point. Two, using borrowed money at 0% interest is the best thing you can do if you carry a balance.
The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add). It has been the Republican Congress that has done nothing.

They talked such a big game in 2010. They promised they would repeal Obamacare (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would pass a budget (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would restore fiscal sanity (they’ve done no such thing). They promised the world and they delivered absolutely nothing.
“Just a few years ago, Speaker Ryan was viewed as the individual in our party, in our country, who was focused on fiscal responsibility, and then you saw what happened last week,” Jordan said, referring to the budget.

“So all I’m saying is we need legislation in every policy area that is consistent with that we told them we were going to do and what they elected us to do,” he continued. “That did not happen last week, but I certainly hope it happens on immigration.”
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

Freedom Caucus issues a stern warning to Paul Ryan on immigration – here’s what they said
Republicans in 2018...deserve victory.
I refuse to watch Republican propaganda.

The recession had one cause... the banks knew no one was going to hold them to account and they'd get a bailout. That happened under Bush, not Clinton.

Congressional debate is propaganda? Actually it's a recording of who said what during a debate. Actual people saying actual things. Not Fox, not Rush, not Hannity, just a simple recording of what was said.

Yes, the recession had one cause, and that was the brilliant idea of lowering bank standards so blacks could buy homes.

Nataline's father sued Cigna. The courts ruled that their contract was with his employer, not him.

This is the problem with employer based insurance... there's just a certain point where they get rid of you if you are costing them too much money. But you know all about that, don't you?

You just blame the black guy.

I blame him for my (and millions of others) situation that he created. If somebody drives a bus on the sidewalk and hits me, yes, I blame the bus driver. Hussein was the bus driver.

So now not only is Cigna wrong, but the courts are wrong as well? Seems to me you're the only one who is right here; battered wife syndrome.

Again, insurance companies don't cover everything. They only cover what their contract with the individual (or employer) says they cover. If my house insurance does not include flood insurance, and I happen to have a flood, the insurance company will not cover the damages because the policy didn't include flood insurance.

On my policy I have special coverage for my musical instruments. I have special coverage for rental loss if a unit that I've been collecting rent on has to be unoccupied during the rebuilding process. I make sure that I have all (and more) coverage I need for any unexpected event. If one of my rentals has a fire, and the tenants cannot live there for five months, I can't go to the insurance company and make a claim without that insurance that I PAY FOR to cover such a loss. That's the way insurance works.

Show one bank that was forced to make a loan.

A Government-Mandated Housing Bubble
For one, that has nothing to do with my point. Two, using borrowed money at 0% interest is the best thing you can do if you carry a balance.

except this is how they get you, they have fees to move that money...

Look, I realize you like being abused by the Banksters...

Being a Battered Housewife Republican, you probably get all upset when the cops take away your abuser...

"Officer Obama put my old man in the can after he beat me! Now what am I going to do!"

except this is how they get you, they have fees to move that money...

Yes, that's the point. If not for DumBama, I wouldn't have those transfer fees to deal with. Until he invaded the White House, I never had to pay interests or transfer fees.

Out of all the Presidents I've lived through, DumBama cost me more than all the others combined.

Oh, but that can't be true. Obama was a black guy, and I'm just looking to blame a minority. It can't be his fault. It must be something I did wrong.

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