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Republicans Dump McCarthy For Speaker!

none of your old White Progressive candidates excite or inspire you; so you left-wing losers come here to rant about all things Republican

idiots and hypocrites
Now, had Representative McCarthy gone on TV with a message like this below, (posted above). . . . .
Pelosi knows how govern. what does it take to be a rat who challenges NOTHING that thug President wants and just RUBBER STAMPS it all
and then threatens all their other comrades if they don't rubber stamp what he want too. and then she'll get in front of a microphone and spew lies
and calls nasty names at the other party if they don't bow to her and that thugs demands. this is why these Democrats just steamroll over us now.
their base acts like their shit doesn't stink like the rest of us and they are G-d.

Then McCarthy would have had the Republican Conservatives on board, seconds after Boehner had announced he was leaving. One of their Senators got the Republican
Conservatives all cheering when Boehner did just that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There are candidates among them: Who think these people should have control of the nuclear weapons(?), like Putin has control over some!)

Republicans should ask Nancy Pelosi to take back the job

They obviously don't know what to do with the position

The problem is that republicans think for themselves, they are not sheep that march in lockstep to the call of their masters like the dems.

They will get this done, sorry libs. The botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo will not ever be speaker again. the country is not that stupid.

Republicans have formed a circular firing squad and Boehner knew enough to get out of the circle

Republicans have managed to get nothing done since they took Congress. The main reason is they can't get agreement in their own party let alone with the Democrats in Congress or the President

No wonder they can't even agree on a speaker

Boehner is being kicked out because he did not have the balls to take on obozo. He was, and is, scared shitless of the corrupt media and what they might say about him.

They should have sent a budget bill up to obozo with zero for PP and let the fool veto it, then he would be shutting down the govt.

We need a GOP leader with balls who is not afraid to do what needs to be done. I don't know who that is, but he or she will be found.

In the absence of a coherent Republican Party, Obama is kicking your ass

Your current Civil War will get worse before it gets better
Great news!!!!
All of these center right progressives should be driven out... They are worthless corrupt career politicians who get kickbacks for passing on more taxes a regulations all of us....

Kick out every one of them...
none of your old White Progressive candidates excite or inspire you; so you left-wing losers come here to rant about all things Republican

idiots and hypocrites
This is the worst excuse for a Republican party in my lifetime.....worse than Nixon

They have no understanding or inclination of what it takes to govern. They are more concerned with getting a guest spot on Hannity or Fox than they are at getting anything done

Even behind closed doors they cannot reach any agreement. They have no understanding of what being a Republican is and are unwilling to listen to anyone elses opinion

They all pray at the altar of St Reagan...but Reagan would not recognize his party.
This is the worst excuse for a Republican party in my lifetime.....worse than Nixon

They have no understanding or inclination of what it takes to govern. They are more concerned with getting a guest spot on Hannity or Fox than they are at getting anything done

Even behind closed doors they cannot reach any agreement. They have no understanding of what being a Republican is and are unwilling to listen to anyone elses opinion

and that is a good thing for the country. We do not need a congress made up of mindless sheep who all bleet the same bullshit over and over and over.
on obozo. He was, and is, scared shitless of the corrupt media and what they might say about him.

They should have sent a budget bill up to obozo with zero for PP and let the fool veto it, then he would be shutting down the govt.

We need a GOP leader with balls who is not afraid to do what needs to be done. I don't know who that is, but he or she will be found.
Click to expand...
In the absence of a coherent Republican Party, Obama is kicking your ass

Your current Civil War will get worse before it gets better


you want to talk about a Civil War? you mean like obama himself and hillary had? the one where obama's surrogates called both the Clinton's RACISTS??/

of the one right now where it appears to be obama himself torpedoing HILLARY'S CANDIDACY?????
Now, had Representative McCarthy gone on TV with a message like this below, (posted above). . . . .
Pelosi knows how govern. what does it take to be a rat who challenges NOTHING that thug President wants and just RUBBER STAMPS it all
and then threatens all their other comrades if they don't rubber stamp what he want too. and then she'll get in front of a microphone and spew lies
and calls nasty names at the other party if they don't bow to her and that thugs demands. this is why these Democrats just steamroll over us now.
their base acts like their shit doesn't stink like the rest of us and they are G-d.

Then McCarthy would have had the Republican Conservatives on board, seconds after Boehner had announced he was leaving. One of their Senators got the Republican
Conservatives all cheering when Boehner did just that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There are candidates among them: Who think these people should have control of the nuclear weapons(?), like Putin has control over some!)

Republicans should ask Nancy Pelosi to take back the job

They obviously don't know what to do with the position

The problem is that republicans think for themselves, they are not sheep that march in lockstep to the call of their masters like the dems.

They will get this done, sorry libs. The botoxed bitch from sanfrangayo will not ever be speaker again. the country is not that stupid.

Republicans have formed a circular firing squad and Boehner knew enough to get out of the circle

Republicans have managed to get nothing done since they took Congress. The main reason is they can't get agreement in their own party let alone with the Democrats in Congress or the President

No wonder they can't even agree on a speaker

Boehner is being kicked out because he did not have the balls to take on obozo. He was, and is, scared shitless of the corrupt media and what they might say about him.

They should have sent a budget bill up to obozo with zero for PP and let the fool veto it, then he would be shutting down the govt.

We need a GOP leader with balls who is not afraid to do what needs to be done. I don't know who that is, but he or she will be found.

In the absence of a coherent Republican Party, Obama is kicking your ass

Your current Civil War will get worse before it gets better

thats really funny, obama is not kicking anyone's ass. he is getting his kicked by Putin, ISIS, China, Europe, Israel, and his fellow muslims world wide.
"America needs a Speaker that can be a reliable partner to Mitch McConnell like John Boehner and get things done for the country."

Joke, right?

If not, please post link to all that they have done for the country - education, infrastructure, jobs, veterans, children ...

Lyin'Ryan? Another RW joke who does nothing. Well, I take that back. He DID pretend to wash dishes at a homeless shelter.

Remember a few months ago when he said the Rs had a complete plan to replace ObamaCare and said "we'll have the details for you in two weeks"?

Still waiting.

OTOH, he and the other Repub liars have been saying the same thing for the past 7 years.

Still waiting.
You have Clinton. We have Boehner. You lose.
This is the worst excuse for a Republican party in my lifetime.....worse than Nixon

They have no understanding or inclination of what it takes to govern. They are more concerned with getting a guest spot on Hannity or Fox than they are at getting anything done

Even behind closed doors they cannot reach any agreement. They have no understanding of what being a Republican is and are unwilling to listen to anyone elses opinion

They all pray at the altar of St Reagan...but Reagan would not recognize his party.

At least Reagan knew how to deal with Tip O'Neil to get things done

This bunch of Republicans would rather die than deal with Obama
you see how they are all ranting and spewing how the Republican kick out the people they don't see doing the jobs they pay for and was elected to do.

why is that so upsetting and something to joke about?

because. they NEVER kick out their garbage. when was the last time you ever see them KICK out one of their nasty people they elect? they just vote them in and let them run all over them. if that's what they like which it seems to be. but Republicans still care enough to keep an eye on who they HIRE and they still know they are the BOSS and can do the Firing. Keeps them on their toes to do the right thing that is being asked of them.

those elected Democrats just act like they are their Masters because they KNOW they don't have anything to worry about. That is why our government has become a tyrant
the Left concern over who is our Majority Speaker of the House is so endearing!!

This is the worst excuse for a Republican party in my lifetime.....worse than Nixon

They have no understanding or inclination of what it takes to govern. They are more concerned with getting a guest spot on Hannity or Fox than they are at getting anything done

Even behind closed doors they cannot reach any agreement. They have no understanding of what being a Republican is and are unwilling to listen to anyone elses opinion

They all pray at the altar of St Reagan...but Reagan would not recognize his party.

At least Reagan knew how to deal with Tip O'Neil to get things done

This bunch of Republicans would rather die than deal with Obama

ya got it backwards, winger. but you knew that

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