Republicans erase history

DAMN we needed all the help we could get after gwb and republicans f-ed up our country

Link to specific legislation Bush signed that did this? Can you back up your wild claim? No you can't but its been a while since I saw a good BOOOOOOOOOOOSH deflection.
WHO was in the WH blues? You trying to blame dems is insipid
You're giving Obama all the credit for the economy over the last year?

WHO was in the WH blues?
certainly not ,,,but to give trump credit that's undeserved is as big an error How do you think the trump loudmouth would have done given what gwb gave obama?
Well will ,can't answer the question??
I did answer, ed

This is the part that Republicans are having a hard time with right now. They think that the past year's stock market performance is strictly due to Trump.

No one in their right mind thinks that. That's another media construct.

The markets did well simply because Trump's election raised the level of business confidence. That event does get the credit.
Confidence??? Naaaa it was his BS tax reform that helped a little

Tax reform was two weeks ago. The market climbed all year.

No, the market has climbed for 9 years.

Recovery is not gain.
What was high under GWB and what was high under obama? Recovery in my estimation is getting back to starting point All above that is gain Obama gained and not seeing that means you're looking at it with only republican eyes
DAMN we needed all the help we could get after gwb and republicans f-ed up our country

Link to specific legislation Bush signed that did this? Can you back up your wild claim? No you can't but its been a while since I saw a good BOOOOOOOOOOOSH deflection.
WHO was in the WH blues? You trying to blame dems is insipid
You're giving Obama all the credit for the economy over the last year?

WHO was in the WH blues?
certainly not ,,,but to give trump credit that's undeserved is as big an error How do you think the trump loudmouth would have done given what gwb gave obama?
Against a dem congress?

Not as well as Obama, obviously.

But not too badly

(at that point, the only direction was UP)

But we wouldn't have had the ObamaCare boondoggle either.
SO can't you say that in this past year THE ONLY direction was up?
This is the part that Republicans are having a hard time with right now. They think that the past year's stock market performance is strictly due to Trump. They have erased history, which means that for the previous 8 years, the markets were stagnant. Then the savior showed up and saved the day. Angels flew out of his butt to bless everyone with more paper wealth.

But we all know that markets go up, and they also go down. It's a two-edged sword. I'm pretty sure though that when they do go down, Repubs will be ready with some Democrats to blame. Republicans are the lowest of the low

Typical, build a strawman, then beat it up all the while pointing out how easily it’s done.

Lefties are the dumbest of the dumb.
Link to specific legislation Bush signed that did this? Can you back up your wild claim? No you can't but its been a while since I saw a good BOOOOOOOOOOOSH deflection.
WHO was in the WH blues? You trying to blame dems is insipid
You're giving Obama all the credit for the economy over the last year?

WHO was in the WH blues?
certainly not ,,,but to give trump credit that's undeserved is as big an error How do you think the trump loudmouth would have done given what gwb gave obama?
Against a dem congress?

Not as well as Obama, obviously.

But not too badly

(at that point, the only direction was UP)

But we wouldn't have had the ObamaCare boondoggle either.
SO can't you say that in this past year THE ONLY direction was up?

Why would I say that?

had a long way to fall.

it didn't
GDP is a positive indicator and it has gone up and stayed up.

depotoo- FYI, the gdp is generally considered a lagging or perhaps coincidental indicator.

Eddie and ScienceRocksinhead- you guys are tied for the most idiotic liberal partisans hacks on this forum. Keep up the great work.
yes bucky but there are no conservative partisans here ?? Name one who isn't Yes Name names

Conservative or liberal partisan is one thing, but you guys have been posting broad generalizations lumping all Conservatives. You are devoted to the DNC, not liberal ideas.

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