Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

The guy actually thinks gestation can be a result of oral sex.
I don’t think that. You are a liar Saint HeyNorm. You have lying down as the basis of your arguments just like Saint Bobblaylock:

But in POST ck.23.11.15 #610 Saint Bobblaylock fraudulently revised my argument to be me saying that protected personhood is dependent on government recognition, and on the issuance of a government paper. Saint Bobblaylock Is a liar because I absolutely do not believe such an absurd statement as that could possibly be true.

nf.23.11.24 #261
Who are you to make a ‘moral’ decision for a law abiding woman who becomes pregnant and does not want to go through childbirth for the government of state?

Can you make the argument for your desire to deprive a law abiding woman of her liberty to pursue happiness according to her sense of morality.

nf.23.21.24 #259 to vktxs.23.11.24 #257

So you're saying you are fine with people killing living human beings? With any luck, the next immoral person you meet will apply that concept on you. Then we'll have two fewer immoral people in society.

So you're saying you are fine with people killing living human beings? With any luck, the next immoral person you meet will apply that concept on you. Then we'll have two fewer immoral people in society.

This is best left in the hands of the voters. Do you want an authoritarian to create a ban?
This is best left in the hands of the voters. Do you want an authoritarian to create a ban?

I'm just making an irrefutable argument. Your argument can be beat with a simple reply, you can't vote away the rights of others.

I don’t think that. You are a liar Saint HeyNorm. You have lying down as the basis of your arguments just like Saint Bobblaylock:

But in POST ck.23.11.15 #610 Saint Bobblaylock fraudulently revised my argument to be me saying that protected personhood is dependent on government recognition, and on the issuance of a government paper. Saint Bobblaylock Is a liar because I absolutely do not believe such an absurd statement as that could possibly be true.

nf.23.11.24 #261

Nope, we were talking about the only forced gestation was by rape. You brought other forms of rape into the discussion.

Ever wonder why nobody gives a rip about your opinion? It’s because you never seem to know what you’re talking about.
Who are you to make a ‘moral’ decision for a law abiding woman who becomes pregnant and does not want to go through childbirth for the government of state?

Can you make the argument for your desire to deprive a law abiding woman of her liberty to pursue happiness according to her sense of morality.

nf.23.21.24 #259 to vktxs.23.11.24 #257

Same way men are now forced to become fathers.
I don’t think that. You are a liar Saint HeyNorm. You have lying down as the basis of your arguments just like Saint Bobblaylock:

But in POST ck.23.11.15 #610 Saint Bobblaylock fraudulently revised my argument to be me saying that protected personhood is dependent on government recognition, and on the issuance of a government paper. Saint Bobblaylock Is a liar because I absolutely do not believe such an absurd statement as that could possibly be true.

nf.23.11.24 #261

And again, even with your diatribe, it didn’t change the FACT that the only gestation EVER done by force, is through rape.
NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. nf.23.11.21 #1

HeyNorm said: And again, even with your diatribe, it didn’t change the FACT that the only gestation EVER done by force, is through rape. hynrm.23.11.24 #269

It is an absurd statement if the phrase “full term gestation” were used as per the original POST of this thread nf.23.11.21 #1 .

What Saint Heynorm wants to say is that the only FULL TERM GESTATION EVER done by force, is through rape that lasts from conception for up to nine months until a baby is born or stillborn when full term gestation is complete.

To backup the absurdity used in this specific argument, Saint Heynorm will not only be required to cite a case where a rape victim suffers an eight to nine month duration of rape, he will have to verify with irrefutable data that never has there ever been a case where a woman was impregnated by a repost and she could not get away from him to end gestation by obtaining the medical or pharmaceutical procedure of induced abortion.

nf.23.11.25 #275 to hynrm.23.11.24 #269
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Mac-7 said: From the moment of conception every unborn child is a unique human with its own DNA mvc-n.23.11.25 #274

When does it become a “protected” life?

nf.23.11.25 #277 to mvc-n.23.11.25 #274
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Before viabilty, it's just a clump of cells that has the potential of growing into a human being.

Ah, so you're a science denier as well as a liar. GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about the lifespan and make a list of what you would consider the basic periods of development. How many periods or stages are on your list? Perhaps you have three: childhood, adulthood, and old age. Or maybe four: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Developmentalists often break the lifespan into eight stages:

  1. Prenatal Development
  2. Infancy and Toddlerhood
  3. Early Childhood
  4. Middle Childhood
  5. Adolescence
  6. Early Adulthood
  7. Middle Adulthood
  8. Late Adulthood

Little human
At 12 weeks, a baby looks like a little human with all the physical features and body parts in place12. The baby is about 2.5 to 3 inches long and weighs about one ounce134. The baby can make a fist, has closed eyelids, fingernails, and teeth buds32. The baby's muscles and nerves are coordinated and the organs are growing

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Questions for Saint OKTexas and Saint Mac-7 :

Mac-7 said: If the child has a heartbeat it should be protected mvc-n.23.06.26 #31

OKTexas said: Think about the lifespan and make a list of what you would consider the basic periods of development. vktxs.23.11.25 #278

What is your position Saint Oktexas on the exact legal point where civil protections begin when a human being’ starts life on the full life continuum from conception until any cause of death?

Do you agree with Saint Macseven in POST mvc-n.23.06.26 #31 in which he states “when the child has a heartbeat it should be protected” ?

nf.23.11.25 to vktxs.23.11.25 #278
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