Republicans fear Trump will lead to a ‘lost generation’ of talent

This appears to be what the party wants: The arrogant ignorance of Greene and Boebert and Gaetz, running around the country spouting talk radio platitudes, shallow talking points and all the latest conspiracy theories.

Get rid of anyone who soils the party with dignity or respect or maturity or nuance.

Hell, maybe it'll work. Maybe this is how far we've fallen. If so, the country gets what it deserves.
This flirtation with authoritarianism will pass if we can just hold on to democracy a couple of more election cycles. I have to believe these political vandals that do nothing except blow shit up will go out of fashion.
Yikes, I just made a similar point in another thread about a minute ago while you were typing that. Agreed. We're not going to know if our system held for at least a few years. It's mind-blowing that we're even talking about this.
I knew years ago that the Republicans would end up just like this. After every election loss they go further right. Open racism and anti democracy authoritarianism was always at the end of the conservative road. They made it here faster than I expected though.
So, according to Mac, occupied and other leftists, "authoritarianism" means anything not supporting the taking and redistributing of wealth or some brand of socialism.
This appears to be what the party wants: The arrogant ignorance of Greene and Boebert and Gaetz, running around the country spouting talk radio platitudes, shallow talking points and all the latest conspiracy theories.

Get rid of anyone who soils the party with dignity or respect or maturity or nuance.

Hell, maybe it'll work. Maybe this is how far we've fallen. If so, the country gets what it deserves.
This flirtation with authoritarianism will pass if we can just hold on to democracy a couple of more election cycles. I have to believe these political vandals that do nothing except blow shit up will go out of fashion.
Yikes, I just made a similar point in another thread about a minute ago while you were typing that. Agreed. We're not going to know if our system held for at least a few years. It's mind-blowing that we're even talking about this.
I knew years ago that the Republicans would end up just like this. After every election loss they go further right. Open racism and anti democracy authoritarianism was always at the end of the conservative road. They made it here faster than I expected though.
Turns out the house was full of gas. It just needed a spark.
From the link:

"If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we're not going anywhere,” former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who left Washington for Wisconsin two years ago, said last week on the first night of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum’s "Time for Choosing" series. “Voters looking for Republican leaders want to see independence and mettle. They will not be impressed by the sight of yes-men and flatterers flocking to Mar-a-Lago."

The GTP could care less what RINO Ryan thinks, but he makes a valid point…
I think the 'lost generation of talent' will return to the GOP once Trump's time in the spotlight is over. He ain't going to live forever, you know. And I don't see any of his offspring taking over with any degree of success, and I believe the party will coalesce behind new leadership that primarily advances many of Trump's policies but without the buffoonery. Trump's last hurrah is the 2024 election; if he wins then he's gone in 2028, and if he loses then he's gone in 2024. And IMHO if he doesn't run in 2024 then it's over then.
From the link:

"If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we're not going anywhere,” former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who left Washington for Wisconsin two years ago, said last week on the first night of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum’s "Time for Choosing" series. “Voters looking for Republican leaders want to see independence and mettle. They will not be impressed by the sight of yes-men and flatterers flocking to Mar-a-Lago."

The GTP could care less what RINO Ryan thinks, but he makes a valid point…
It’s all part of the new and improved GOP strategy.


The hats should be available next election.
I think the 'lost generation of talent' will return to the GOP once Trump's time in the spotlight is over. He ain't going to live forever, you know. And I don't see any of his offspring taking over with any degree of success, and I believe the party will coalesce behind new leadership that primarily advances many of Trump's policies but without the buffoonery. Trump's last hurrah is the 2024 election; if he wins then he's gone in 2028, and if he loses then he's gone in 2024. And IMHO if he doesn't run in 2024 then it's over then.
Plenty more amoral opportunists out there. There is a strong possibility the 2024 republican presidential nominee will be someone we have never heard of. These fickle dumbasses will dump Trump in a second if someone "better" comes along with less baggage.
People like Trump, Gaetz, & Greene who are trying to blow up Democracy are the ones who won't be affected when it all goes down the tubes. They with their millions will avoid the worst of it because they'll have the cash to do whatever the hell they want. And the rest of us (on both sides) will be left holding the bag as Trump etc. hide out in their Ivory Towers watching the show & the chaos that they wrought.

Wake up people because those power mad self serving oppurtunistic fucks ain't worth it.
Senate Republicans were foolish to kill the bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection. They forced the Democrats to investigate this matter on their terms. It is logical to infer that Trump told the Senate Republican leadership to kill the commission. It pretty much smacks like his king of thinking. Consistently he has sacrificed the future for the present.

There will be no bipartisan committee to investigate Jan. 6. Great!

There will be a committee run by Pelosi to investigate Jan. 6. Uh-oh!

CNN reports, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is already making plans to find a new path to investigate the January 6 Capitol insurrection, after Republicans in the Senate blocked the legislation to form an independent bipartisan commission.

"In her first virtual meeting with her fellow members of the House Democratic Caucus since the Senate vote Friday, Pelosi prepared to initiate a House-led investigation despite the stiff GOP resistance, promising her colleagues she would keeping going until they find the truth.

"According to multiple sources on the call, Pelosi outlined possible options to investigate the insurrection. Those options included:

  1. Giving the Senate a chance for another vote on the legislation to create an independent bipartisan commission.
  2. Creating a new select committee in the House to do the investigation.
  3. Allowing the standing committees to continue their existing probes into the January 6 riot.
  4. Designating one preexisting committee, such as Homeland Security, to take charge of an investigation.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ruling out a presidential commission to study the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, telling House Democrats on Tuesday that having President Joe Biden appoint a panel is unworkable even after the Senate blocked an independent probe last week," the Associated Press.
There will be no bipartisan committee to investigate Jan. 6. Great!

There will be a committee run by Pelosi to investigate Jan. 6. Uh-oh!
Like a bad dream, Trump will not go away. The primary reason, the Republican Party keeps propping him up as the leader of the party.

Why is anyone's guess. The Republican Party lost the House, Senate, and the Presidency during the four years of the Trump administration.
Michael Flynn was Trump's National Security Advisor, but he got in trouble with law and he didn't last a month. A few years later, Trump pardoned him.

The Dallas Morning News reports, "A former national security adviser for Donald Trump told attendees at a weekend conference in Dallas linked to the QAnon conspiracy that what happened in Myanmar — where the military overthrew the government — “should happen” in the United States.

"Michael Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, was among the keynote speakers at the For God & Country Patriot Roundup, which took place Friday to Monday at the city-owned Omni Dallas Hotel and Eddie Deen’s Ranch.

"During a question-and-answer session that CNN reported took place Sunday, an audience member asked Flynn, while mispronouncing the Southeast Asian nation’s name: “I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?'"

“No reason,” Flynn responded as the crowd cheered. “I mean, it should happen here.”

More than 700 people have been killed by security forces since Myanmar's military grabbed power in a coup on 1 February, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma).

Republicans fear Trump will lead to a ‘lost generation’ of talent​

Reading the article, it sounds more like ANTI-TRUMP Republicans fear blah-blah-blah.

All I need to ask is WHERE WAS THIS LOST GENERATION of talent just four years ago? Of the 17 GOP who ran then, not one of them was a "new talent."

And whatever their "new talent" is now, which if any of them stands a gnat's chance in hell of actually winning the primary and carrying the nation?

This sounds like just more sour dregs over the prospect of a continuation of Trump in office.

Meantime, where is the DNC's new talent and why are they not in any hurry to get it in office?

Seems the RINO/Never-Trumpers are more concerned with keeping Trump out of office than they are advancing all the good his administration would do the country!

How can I tell any of them from the Democrats???
Senate Republicans were foolish to kill the bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection. They forced the Democrats to investigate this matter on their terms.

  • It was ALWAYS about investigating the matter on THEIR terms! Name me an investigation that was ever conducted solely on the GOP's terms?
  • After already spending WEEKS investigating and documenting it for the impeachment hearing and the months since, there is nothing left to investigate. Just the democrats still looking to use 1/6 to:
  1. Keep attacking Trump with now that the impeachment itself failed and he can run again.
  2. Keep driving the false agenda that somehow overnight, this terrible white supremacist threat came out of nowhere, is commanded by Trump and dooms the nation.
  3. Keep using it all to steer focus off the democrats so people forget it was actually the stolen/rigged election which caused 1/6, not Trump or anyone else.

Republicans fear Trump will lead to a ‘lost generation’ of talent​

Reading the article, it sounds more like ANTI-TRUMP Republicans fear blah-blah-blah.

All I need to ask is WHERE WAS THIS LOST GENERATION of talent just four years ago? Of the 17 GOP who ran then, not one of them was a "new talent."

And whatever their "new talent" is now, which if any of them stands a gnat's chance in hell of actually winning the primary and carrying the nation?

This sounds like just more sour dregs over the prospect of a continuation of Trump in office.

Meantime, where is the DNC's new talent and why are they not in any hurry to get it in office?

Seems the RINO/Never-Trumpers are more concerned with keeping Trump out of office than they are advancing all the good his administration would do the country!

How can I tell any of them from the Democrats???
To those in a cult there are only two kinds of people. If you are so far gone that you can't tell who is who anymore well that's just sad.

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