Republicans for Harris


What is telling is that you do not even understand why your sentence here makes no sense. And you never will.
Of course it doesn't make sense to you,'re a progressive! You're the idiot that doesn't understand that inflation is still increasing.
The Judge that even mentions Democracy and the US in the same sentence should never been appointed to the bench. . Mouth breathing morons always fall for this shit, if you don't vote the way the elite tell you, you are going to lose something the US has never been.
You are paranoid. The rich have too much power. But they are not an evil cabal, like you think.
Republicans for Harris, official group.
A number of prominent current and former Republicans have emerged as some of Vice President Kamala Harris' most ardent supporters.
Most recent was prominent retired Republican judge, J. Michael Luttig endorsed Harris saying Trump is a threat to Democracy.

There are not ant Democrats for Trump, group.

/----/ Trade Union fails to endorse Commie Harris.
"Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before big business," O’Brien said in a statement.
/----/ Trade Union fails to endorse Commie Harris.
"Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before big business," O’Brien said in a statement.
Auto Workers endorsed Harris. Regional teamster Teamster's have endorsed Harris.
And all the unions below have endorsed Harris. Another case of you don't know what you are talking about.
I don't like Trump because he is immoral, unethical, lying, self absorb POS, who is not fit to lead anything.
Your problem is he already led the nation for 4 years, and the nation was doing just fine until a worldwide pandemic crushed all countries for awhile (but Democrats pretended only America was negatively effected)

Overall, you have nothing to be afraid of. Yet, you pretend like it’s doomsday.
Auto Workers endorsed Harris. Regional teamster Teamster's have endorsed Harris.
And all the unions below have endorsed Harris. Another case of you don't know what you are talking about.
/—-/ Union thug bosses do, but not the rank and file.
/—-/ Union thug bosses do, but not the rank and file.
Obviously not all but I would guess a majority.
Union bosses don't want to make their members mad. They want to please them. They feel they can please their workers more if Harris is President.
If there was union for billionaires, they would support Trump.
Obviously not all but I would guess a majority.
Union bosses don't want to make their members mad. They want to please them. They feel they can please their workers more if Harris is President.
If there was union for billionaires, they would support Trump.
Yet Blue Collar union workers are moving to Trump in numbers we haven't seen in decades, Elmer? It's obvious that the rank and file members don't care what the union bosses tell them...they've paid out over $40,000 over the last three and a half years because of inflation caused by the progressive agenda (money they'll have to work for years to regain!) and they remember how much better it was under Trump before Covid. In the words of James Carville? "It's the economy, Stupid!" Those rank and file members can't take another four years of Biden/Harris economic policy. They're going to vote for Trump.
Obviously not all but I would guess a majority.
Union bosses don't want to make their members mad. They want to please them. They feel they can please their workers more if Harris is President.
If there was union for billionaires, they would support Trump.
/—-/ Of course you “guess.” It’s what you want to believe.

Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump​

Yet Blue Collar union workers are moving to Trump in numbers we haven't seen in decades, Elmer? It's obvious that the rank and file members don't care what the union bosses tell them...they've paid out over $40,000 over the last three and a half years because of inflation caused by the progressive agenda (money they'll have to work for years to regain!) and they remember how much better it was under Trump before Covid. In the words of James Carville? "It's the economy, Stupid!" Those rank and file members can't take another four years of Biden/Harris economic policy. They're going to vote for Trump.
We will not know how the union member vote until November. Why are there not unions endorsing Trump. Because his policies will hurt unions. If the rank and file cannot see that, that is on them.
/—-/ Of course you “guess.” It’s what you want to believe.

Teamsters won’t endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump​

Let me remind you of the unions endorsing Harris. Tough for MAGA to accept.

Auto Workers endorsed Harris. Regional teamster Teamster's have endorsed Harris.
And all the unions below have endorsed Harris. Another case of you don't know what you are talking about.
We will not know how the union member vote until November. Why are there not unions endorsing Trump. Because his policies will hurt unions. If the rank and file cannot see that, that is on them.
The rank and file aren't idiots, Elmer! They know that things were much better for them under Trump than they've been under Biden/Harris. It's estimated that the average family has had to spend over $40,000 more over the last 3 1/2 years to buy the things they normally purchase. Do you really think they don't know that? The union bosses aren't struggling to pay their bills but the rank and file members of the unions ARE!
What Trump policy is it that you think is going to hurt the rank and file of unions?
The rank and file aren't idiots, Elmer! They know that things were much better for them under Trump than they've been under Biden/Harris. It's estimated that the average family has had to spend over $40,000 more over the last 3 1/2 years to buy the things they normally purchase. Do you really think they don't know that? The union bosses aren't struggling to pay their bills but the rank and file members of the unions ARE!
What Trump policy is it that you think is going to hurt the rank and file of unions?
You don't know what you don't know.
COVID caused many union workers to not work. Was that Trump's fault? No.
Every country in the world suffered high inflation after COVID. It was factors of supply chain and raw material costs worldwide. The USA WAS IN THE MIDDLE AS FAR AS HOW HIGH INFLATION WENT AND LED THE WORLD IN RECOVERY.
You are clueless about the big picture of economics.
Plus you are a Trump minion that will justify every wrong thing he does.


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