Republicans, here's your chance.

Good point. "Fair" is hopelessly vague. Maybe you can clarify.

In my experience "fair" is generally invoked when someone wants to justify state interference in the free market, because freedom produced a result that they don't like.

Fair Trade would be trade that is mutually beneficial to both sides. ie NOT a massive and ever growing trade deficit.

It is a general position, but clear enough.

What problem do you have with that position?
Fair Trade would be trade that is mutually beneficial to both sides. ie NOT a massive and ever growing trade deficit.

It is a general position, but clear enough.

What problem do you have with that position?

Do you want "fair" trade or "free" trade?
We should make the govt do without. They're always screwing the populace. Cut their funding, decrease taxes by 50 percent for everyone, demand they slash their budget by 40 percent. Let's hear a big amen from the other fellow libertarians in the thread!! Lol.
Let's just do both at first. Cut the spending, lower the taxes. Make congress pay the debt on limited tax revenues coming in. Force them into responsibility and accountability. I have to be accountable. Im sure you are too.
That's the point of the thread. Run in 2022 and 2024 on cutting spending. Tell us what you would cut, and by how much, so we all know what we're voting on.

Cut the spending, then cut the taxes.
That's the point of the thread. Run in 2022 and 2024 on cutting spending. Tell us what you would cut, and by how much, so we all know what we're voting on.

Cut the spending, then cut the taxes.

The welfare state and the military complex would receive 30 percent cuts and then each agency within the depts would take 20 percent cuts. Audits and reviews every two years on the federal govt. Yeah, it would be difficult but it could be done. Do I think it will happen? Lol, of course not. We're about to blow out the treasury and end the dollar to a world currency.
We should make the govt do without. They're always screwing the populace. Cut their funding, decrease taxes by 50 percent for everyone, demand they slash their budget by 40 percent. Let's hear a big amen from the other fellow libertarians in the thread!! Lol.
You seem to think that money is shot into outer space. You are talking about jobs and public services. You wont be denying the government anything, because "the gubmint" is an abstract concept that is just a pass through.

In case you haven't noticed, that's the hidden point of the thread. That is also why exactly ZERO people in the thread have stepped up to meet the challenge. Once actual, concrete programs that exist in what we like to call "reality" are considered, it becomes apparent that there is a human (and a vote) on the other end of them.

So we get treated to overly general declarations of "just slash the budget!" and deflections and little tap dances.
Sure, the trillions the Fed has pumped into the markets mean nothing. Odd how those like yourself get upset over people getting help to make enough to eat during a month but say nothing about the trillions going to Wall Street.
/——-/ Who is sending trillions to Wall Street? How does that work? Who endorses the check, or is it delivered in cash? Help us understand your fake outrage.
/——-/ Who is sending trillions to Wall Street? How does that work? Who endorses the check, or is it delivered in cash? Help us understand your fake outrage.
One way is to lower interest rates and increase credit access. This sends money to Wall Street, both from financial institutions (who predict they can make more investing than in lending, for at least a portion of their portfolio) and individuals who will borrow money and invest it, predicting the return is higher than interest paid.

That's one reason a crash can be even worse, after such measures. This can cause sweeping defaults on debt and failures of huge institutions.

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