Republicans, here's your chance.

Oh dayum, dude! I thought your were retired, my mistake.
Me too. Got about 6 years to go and I'm done with the rat race.

It is all good. I have been working from home all but 3 or 4 days a month since last March, and now there is talk of the job becoming 100% remote.
It is all good. I have been working from home all but 3 or 4 days a month since last March, and now there is talk of the job becoming 100% remote.
Because of covid?
I worked from home and found myself wathcing Jerry Springer and driking bourban on the couch. F that. I'm in the house.
Because of covid?

Yep. And then we proved we could do our jobs remotely without missing a beat so they are looking at making it permanent. It is happening all over. ATT in St Louis gave 50% of their workforce the option to work remotely. Think of the money they can save on renting office space.

My brother is an architect who was working from home since last March, he even moved 1.5 hours away from his office. They told them all they had to be back in the office by 1 Aug and my brother told them he would quit before coming back to the office, so now he works from home for them full time.

This, in my opinion, will be the lasting legacy of COIVD, work will forever be changed. I am really glad I am not in commercial real estate right now
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

They're trying to cut Biden's so-called "infrastructure" bill.

How does any Dim get off blaming Republicans for deficits when they are trying to pass $5 trillion in new spending?
They're trying to cut Biden's so-called "infrastructure" bill.

How does any Dim get off blaming Republicans for deficits when they are trying to pass $5 trillion in new spending?
Perhaps you aren't told about this in your universe, but they're trying to fund it with higher taxes on higher-earning and higher-net worth Americans. If they are successful with that, the damage to the deficit would be mitigated.

Unlike Trump, who signed (and applauded) a massive spending increase, and who told a fundraising crowd, "Who CARES about the budget? We're gonna have a COUNTRY".

Clean your own house first. That's the topic of the thread, the one from which you are transparently trying to deflect.
Perhaps you aren't told about this in your universe, but they're trying to fund it with higher taxes on higher-earning and higher-net worth Americans. If they are successful with that, the damage to the deficit would be mitigated.

Unlike Trump, who signed (and applauded) a massive spending increase, and who told a fundraising crowd, "Who CARES about the budget? We're gonna have a COUNTRY".

Clean your own house first. That's the topic of the thread, the one from which you are transparently trying to deflect.
Its amazing the things people will tell themselves in order to support their party.
Perhaps you aren't told about this in your universe, but they're trying to fund it with higher taxes on higher-earning and higher-net worth Americans. If they are successful with that, the damage to the deficit would be mitigated.

ROFL! And you believe it? Would the deficit be much lower if we simply didnt spend the money? Dim prognostications about how much revenue a tax increase will produce have always been way high. Furthermore, tax increases harm the economy and every taxpayer.
Unlike Trump, who signed (and applauded) a massive spending increase, and who told a fundraising crowd, "Who CARES about the budget? We're gonna have a COUNTRY".

Clean your own house first. That's the topic of the thread, the one from which you are transparently trying to deflect.

Biden's spending increase will be five times all of Trump's increases for his entire administration, and that doesn't even include the last stimulus bill Biden signed.

Your theory seems to be that if a Republican approves one dime of additional spending, then the sky is the limit for Democrats. Only a tool would buy that argument.

At best you're a tax and spend NAZI prog. In reality you're far worse than that.
ROFL! And you believe it? Would the deficit be much lower if we simply didnt spend the money? Dim prognostications about how much revenue a tax increase will produce have always been way high. Furthermore, tax increases harm the economy and every taxpayer.

Biden's spending increase will be five times all of Trump's increases for his entire administration, and that doesn't even include the last stimulus bill Biden signed.

Your theory seems to be that if a Republican approves one dime of additional spending, then the sky is the limit for Democrats. Only a tool would buy that argument.

At best you're a tax and spend NAZI prog. In reality you're far worse than that.
I was just kidding. I know you're not going to clean your own house. You don't have the balls.
we have not had a fiscal responsible Govt for longer than any of us have been alive
That's a function of a political system that incentivizes fiscal irresponsibility. A system we don't care enough about to change.

I handed these folks a clear and simple way to demonstrate how "fiscally responsible" they are. To show us how much smarter fiscally they are than the Democrats. They want none of it. So, they change the subject and attack. Not exactly a shock.
The same bullshit was hurled at the Irish, Germans, Poles, French, Italians, and Catholics in the 19th century.

They were blamed for every disease, every job loss, every "stolen" election, etc.

Which makes sense. Any large wave of additional users, especially poor and desperate, will strain systems and services.

I mean. THat's like a truism, right?

I'm open to hearing your...counter argument that more users DON'T do that, or an explanation of why you make that point about history.
Just don't pretend you are for "free trade" or really that you are even a "capitalist". If you want the government to protect your interests fine, but don't pretend that is anything but a government controlled economy.

Your words are structured as though they make a claim and then make a supporting argument.

But, they don't.

1. I am not claiming I am for "Free Trade".

2. I am a capitalist. I support the idea that the person who puts for the capital, thus assuming the risk, should be the person primarily in control of the commercial operating he founds.

3. That statement does NOT mean that I do not support a well regulated market for that capitalist to operate in, or for the interests of the larger society to NOT be considered at all.

4. I do want government to protect my interests. And the interests of society as a whole. I realize that there are conflicting interests in that society and that means compromises. That you state this as though it is wrong?, is just you... being weird. And NOT a supporting point for your argument.

5. A well regulated market for capitalists to operate in, is not a "government controlled economy. Socialists like to try to conflate any and all government regulate as being socialism, but that is because they know they have to lie, to make socialism look like a good answer.
Your words are structured as though they make a claim and then make a supporting argument.

But, they don't.

1. I am not claiming I am for "Free Trade".

2. I am a capitalist. I support the idea that the person who puts for the capital, thus assuming the risk, should be the person primarily in control of the commercial operating he founds.

The government/Fed is the one putting up the capital.

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