Republicans, here's your chance.

It's not a one-for-one exchange. Each manufacturing job lost is not replaced with a robot-related job. Otherwise, it would be pointless to switch to automation.

I'm with you on building the bots in the US. However, this comes back to my original point. There will be no room for 8th grade dropouts in the field of automation.

Our future absolutely depends on training our workforce for the highly technical jobs of tomorrow.
Meanwhile adults are all over social media saying we should be teaching how to balance a checkbook instead of algebra in high school.
Meanwhile adults are all over social media saying we should be teaching how to balance a checkbook instead of algebra in high school.

What the heck is a checkbook?
Right. And...hey dumbasses... We DID teach you how to balance your checking account. In 3rd grade, when we taught you addition and subtraction.
When I was a volunteer for an adult literacy program in the Deep South, I soon realized that in addition to learning how to read, these people really did need to know how to read a bus schedule, use a checkbook, and a whole lot of other things we take for granted in day to day life.

So I got a Life Skills class off the ground at a local college campus that donated the space.
When I was a volunteer for an adult literacy program in the Deep South, I soon realized that in addition to learning how to read, these people really did need to know how to read a bus schedule, use a checkbook, and a whole lot of other things we take for granted in day to day life.

So I got a Life Skills class off the ground at a local college campus that donated the space.
That's very cool. But that is remedial help for those who need it. I engage in something similar, as i conduct quarterly seminars for personal finance issues that touch on everything from buying cars to investment. Remedial help, for those who need it.

You don't have to look hard to find an otherwise normal adult who will say we don't need to teach science or math in high school. Try it yourself. It is surprising how many people will agree.

Where do these people think scientists, mathematicians, and engineers come from? India, i guess.
Do you know who submitted the first trillion dollar budget in history?

Ronald Reagan.

There you go! You're welcome.

Ummmmmmmmm, the economy grows. Do you not know that? Please link to a specific multi-trillion dollar spending bill Republicans proposed that Democrats were against.
That's very cool. But that is remedial help for those who need it. I engage in something similar, as i conduct quarterly seminars for personal finance issues that touch on everything from buying cars to investment. Remedial help, for those who need it.

You don't have to look hard to find an otherwise normal adult who will say we don't need to teach science or math in high school. Try it yourself. It is surprising how many people will agree.

Where do these people think scientists, mathematicians, and engineers come from? India, i guess.
Beats me. There is definitely an anti-education dogma in the modern day pseudoconservative movement. Just look how much they wailed about Common Core, which was specifically designed to educate our students to be prepared for the business world.

So it's no surprise they think Bill Gates put a microchip in the Trump Vaccine...
Please link to a specific multi-trillion dollar spending bill Republicans proposed that Democrats were against.
Just for you:

That was a $1.3 trillion spending bill proposed by Trump.

The Senate Democrats blocked it:

Just for you:

That was a $1.3 trillion spending bill proposed by Trump.

The Senate Democrats blocked it:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, do you have any of those 3.5 trillion dollar packages?
It's not a one-for-one exchange. Each manufacturing job lost is not replaced with a robot-related job. Otherwise, it would be pointless to switch to automation.
I never said a one-for-one exchange

No improvement we make will solve every problem all at once

But why turn our nose up at bringing production back to America based on robots?

There is no downside to that no matter what else we do
There will be no room for 8th grade dropouts in the field of automation.
There will always be jobs that low education workers can do

Considering our piss poor education system maybe not enough jobs for all the low skill workers

But it would help if we stop importing peons from latin America
There will always be jobs that low education workers can do

Considering our piss poor education system maybe not enough jobs for all the low skill workers

But it would help if we stop importing peons from latin America
We have full employment, remember? Trump bragged about it.

I don't remember if it was this topic or another one, but I have pointed out our birth rate has declined below a replacement level. The white birth rate is 1.8. The national birth rate is 1.7.

To grow an economy, the population has to grow. Immigrants have always been the lifeblood of America. We need them.

The nativist arguments today are the exact same arguments of the nativists of the 19th century who only wanted White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) allowed to emigrate here. They wanted only the British. They called the Poles, Germans, Italians, Catholics, French, and Eastern Europeans job-stealing, violently criminal, election-stealing, diseased vermin.

Same bullshit, different century.
The question has been, as jobs move to service sector how can wages grow without inflation. The gop never cared until Trump and he just sold coolaid that all the washing machine and garment union jobs were coming back. As the workforce shrinks, wages may go up, but...... inflation.

The dems tried making educ, daycare, healthcare free to affordable for workers. I thought that overall was a good move for society (not Obamacare and mandates) but it didn't get them anywhere in red states.
In 2016, washing machines were saved by Haier buying GE's appliance division. The factory in my home town keeps expanding as demand goes up. Before Haier took over, GE was losing tons of money and laying off employees. The products are built in the US by American workers.
To grow an economy, the population has to grow
Grow how?

By adding illiterate foreigners who dont own a pot to piss in?

We already have plenty of Americans like that

I agree that our birth rate is below the min replacement rate needed

But so is every other advanced country that I am aware of

Its a problem that I dont have an easy answer for

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