Republicans, here's your chance.

One thing is certain. Whatever the future holds, it ill have no room for 8th grade dropouts.

We are going to need advanced technical and engineering know-how.

Useless stereotype.

8th grade dropouts. Tech jobs take the place of multiple jobs. We will need jobs for 10's of millions. The guy selling Verizon phones is not making a living like the person who used to manufacture phones here once did.
8th grade dropouts. Tech jobs take the place of multiple jobs. We will need jobs for 10's of millions. The guy selling Verizon phones is not making a living like the person who used to manufacture phones here once did.
I was alluding to a post by Mac-7 made a few pages back.

8th grade dropouts are too good to work on an assembly line for $20 an hour?
8th grade dropouts. Tech jobs take the place of multiple jobs. We will need jobs for 10's of millions. The guy selling Verizon phones is not making a living like the person who used to manufacture phones here once did.
Both my sons are 8th grade dropouts (well, one made it to 9th). I'll have to inform them that they have no place in the future.
Both my sons are 8th grade dropouts (well, one made it to 9th). I'll have to inform them that they have no place in the future.
They can always mow lawns.

We will always need landscapers. That is one job that can't be outsourced to another country.
Why don't you want to back up your words?

If you don't want to cut spending, fine. Just say so.

You keep trying to change the subject.
It's total and complete hypocrisy to want to know where Republicans would cut when you have no intention of cutting anything yourselves and, in fact, want to spend mega trillions more.
It's total and complete hypocrisy to want to know where Republicans would cut when you have no intention of cutting anything yourselves and, in fact, want to spend mega trillions more.
No it isn't. That's stupid and just a desperate ploy to avoid the question. Not sure who you think you are fooling.
It's total and complete hypocrisy to want to know where Republicans would cut when you have no intention of cutting anything yourselves and, in fact, want to spend mega trillions more.
You're obviously not going to address the topic of the thread in which you are posting.

You obviously don't want to.

That says plenty.
But they actually propose ways of paying for things.
LOL. OK, then tell us how you plan on paying off the 30 trillion dollar debt. Every dime in new taxes you want to collect goes right back out the door. By the way, I've got some oceanfront property in Iowa I'd like to sell you. It's a great deal. By the way again, your way of paying for spending is to make the rich pay more, who pass the costs on to the little guy so that the one percenters wind up paying for your spending increases.
LOL. OK, then tell us how you plan on paying off the 30 trillion dollar debt. Every dime in new taxes you want to collect goes right back out the door. By the way, I've got some oceanfront property in Iowa I'd like to sell you. It's a great deal.
That is a non sequitur that doesn't follow from anything i said or implied, and is just you having a little fit to avoid the question.
It's total and complete hypocrisy to want to know where Republicans would cut when you have no intention of cutting anything yourselves and, in fact, want to spend mega trillions more.
Democrats are honest about wanting big government.

Republicans, though, claim to be all about small government, but their actions reveal they love big spending and big government as much as the Democrats.

At least the Democrats are honest about it.

So when Republicans say they will cut spending, it is entirely reasonable to ask them how.

HUCKSTER: I'm going to cut spending and pay off the debt in 8 years.
HUCKSTER: Unfair question!
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Trump also offered a “Penny Plan” for cutting federal spending. He said he would shrink government programs outside of defense by 1 percent each year.
May as well quote the whole paragraph:

Trump also offered a “Penny Plan” for cutting federal spending. He said he would shrink government programs outside of defense by 1 percent each year. But entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare would be shielded from any cuts.

You know what that means? That means Trump didn't offer any meaningful cuts. We are talking about a small slice out of the 12% spending slice that is not defense, entitlements, veterans affairs or interest.

I was alluding to a post by Mac-7 made a few pages back.
I’m not totally sure but I think we agree that American needs to restore factory jobs that were given away to china
You're obviously not going to address the topic of the thread in which you are posting.

You obviously don't want to.

That says plenty.
It doesn't make sense that you want to know how Republicans would cut spending when you have absolutely no plan to cut spending yourself. Maybe you could post all of the spending plans they have wanted that cost trillions and trillions of dollars, one after another after another after another. And don't give me any crap about their tax plan adding money to the debt because tax revenues have increased since the tax cuts, exactly what the tax cuts were designed to do.
Democrats are honest about wanting big government.

Republicans, though, claim to be all about small government, but their actions reveal they love big spending and big government as much as the Democrats.

At least the Democrats are honest about it.

So when Republicans say they will cut spending, it is entirely reasonable to ask them how.

HUCKSTER: I'm going to cut spending and pay off the debt in 8 years.
HUCKSTER: Unfair question!
Maybe you could post links to all of the multi-trillion dollar spending bills Republicans favored, one after another after another. I will be waiting but I won't be holding my breath.

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