Republicans, here's your chance.

I’m not totally sure but I think we agree that American needs to restore factory jobs that were given away to china
Manufacturing is not the future of jobs. It takes less and less people to make more and more stuff.

Just like with agriculture. That's where manufacturing is going. It has very little to do with China.

Blaming China is what lazy politicians do. They don't want to, or don't know how to, do the hard work necessary to move our country forward.
Manufacturing is not the future of jobs. It takes less and less people to make more and more stuff.

Just like with agriculture. That's where manufacturing is going. It has very little to do with China.

Blaming China is what lazy politicians do. They don't want to, or don't know how to, do the hard work necessary to move our country forward.
The question has been, as jobs move to service sector how can wages grow without inflation. The gop never cared until Trump and he just sold coolaid that all the washing machine and garment union jobs were coming back. As the workforce shrinks, wages may go up, but...... inflation.

The dems tried making educ, daycare, healthcare free to affordable for workers. I thought that overall was a good move for society (not Obamacare and mandates) but it didn't get them anywhere in red states.
Iraq, Afghan, Welfare for Farmers in Trade War, Tariffs ... I'm sure there are more. And that doesn't include tax expenditures
I don't think those really qualify as spending bills. And, both Democrats and Republicans have their hands dirty with the items you mentioned.
I’m not totally sure but I think we agree that American needs to restore factory jobs that were given away to china
Most of our lost manufacturing jobs did not go to China or anywhere else.

They were automated out of existence.

Auto manufacturing 40 years ago. You can see at least a dozen humans in the photo working on four cars:


Auto manufacturing today. Spot the two humans in this photo. What are they doing?

Maybe you could post links to all of the multi-trillion dollar spending bills Republicans favored, one after another after another. I will be waiting but I won't be holding my breath.
Do you know who submitted the first trillion dollar budget in history?

Ronald Reagan.

There you go! You're welcome.
Manufacturing is not the future of jobs. It takes less and less people to make more and more stuff.

If robots are going to take over production I want those bots to be designed, manufactured and operated in America

Which will produce more jobs than they are given credit for

Disney 'made US workers train their Indian replacements' lawsuit says.

That we do not have qualified people is a lie to bring in cheap workers.
Sorry, your one-company incident from 5 years ago does not make or prove your point.

We have a shortage of tech workers. It is a fact.

The democrats have deals in place that pay for both the infrastructure and the spending. The republicans are busy threatening default on Trump's debt. They are not the same.

If robots are going to take over production I want those bots to be designed, manufactured and operated in America

Which will produce more jobs than they are given credit for
It's not a one-for-one exchange. Each manufacturing job lost is not replaced with a robot-related job. Otherwise, it would be pointless to switch to automation.

I'm with you on building the bots in the US. However, this comes back to my original point. There will be no room for 8th grade dropouts in the field of automation.

Our future absolutely depends on training our workforce for the highly technical jobs of tomorrow.

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