Republicans kick some Democrat butt

You really need to learn how to read what is actually said rather than reading how you think.

When one has no brain, and one is relegated to cutting and pasting from KOS or the other hate sites, there is BOUND to be some disconnect to the actual conversation. :thup:

CC scours the hate sites to find out what he thinks in response to your posts, but often that kind of crap is the best he can do!
The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

Do you want VA type healthcare for everyone? waiting 6 months for an MRI? Dying before you can get an appointment?-----------then national healthcare is for you-------------------idiot.

Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

me too, you do realize that obozo took 700 million out of medicare to fund obozocare, don't you?
Echo Echo Echo...........chamber..................

America rejected Obama and you Dad.................yell in the Grand Canyon and you might get a response............take your daddy Obomb with you............and you can cry and get drunk.....


Really? Near record low turnouts in almost EVERY state means the Prez who was the first in 50+ years to win with 52%+ of popular vote in 2008 and 2012, was means rejection? lol

ONLY in right wing 'reality' Bubba

GOPers won because of turnout more than anything else

That's a good point. If the ideas put forth by your party are so great, why couldn't you even get people from your own side to support them at the ballot box?

Turnout was low among typical Democrat bases. Turnout was high among typical Republican voting bases.
The 2014 electorate wasn 8217 t just older and whiter than 2012. It also voted more Republican. - The Washington Post


Deal with it

It was estimated at 37% pops....2006 was 37.1.

AGAIN, lowest since WW2

So the dems and libs stayed home. What does teill you? They either don't give a shit, or they are fed up with being lied to by obama. Either way YOU LOST, OBAMA LOST, HILLARY LOST. The american people told you dems and libs to STFU
Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

The problem with Medicare is that the coverage isn't very good. Unless you join an supplemental HMO, you will pay a LOT out of pocket.
Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

The problem with Medicare is that the coverage isn't very good. Unless you join an supplemental HMO, you will pay a LOT out of pocket.

medicare advantage is a great program, you get very good coverage, very low premiums, and very low co-pays. Its such a good program that obama tried to kill it.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
WTH does this have to do with the tea party? You think the republicans who won all ran against the issues that they ran with in 2010? WTF are you talking about the tea party for, you think the republicans are the tea party? WTF is wrong with you libs?
Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

The problem with Medicare is that the coverage isn't very good. Unless you join an supplemental HMO, you will pay a LOT out of pocket.

medicare advantage is a great program, you get very good coverage, very low premiums, and very low co-pays. Its such a good program that obama tried to kill it.

That would be a supplemental HMO, correct? I put my parents on Senior Choice from Blue Cross.
Medicare itself is full of holes.

A 65 year old non-smoker female can get a supplement that ZEROES out her of pocket totally for $115.30 here in Nebraska.
Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

The problem with Medicare is that the coverage isn't very good. Unless you join an supplemental HMO, you will pay a LOT out of pocket.

The same is happing with the new health care bill also, you need to join a supplemental insurance.
Both programs are set up to help the supplemental insurance industry not us the people.
No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

Well done.

And your point is the key: Do they see the importance of the quality of their candidates, or will too many of them twist it into some kind of Tea Party mandate?

I'm looking forward to hearing Mark Levin's reaction this afternoon. He's hardcore Tea Party, so it will be interesting to see how happy he is.


the Teabaggers are going to pat themselves on the back and dismiss the fact that the Establishment saved them from themselves.

The only question is, will the Establishment be able to govern. That would mean passing responsible bills Obama can sign or would have a very hard time rationalizing vetoing.

Meh. Maybe.

The GOP's best hope in 2016 really does still lie with the governors - Walker, Kasich, Pence - if one of them can break out nationally.
You're a looser.
Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

The problem with Medicare is that the coverage isn't very good. Unless you join an supplemental HMO, you will pay a LOT out of pocket.

medicare advantage is a great program, you get very good coverage, very low premiums, and very low co-pays. Its such a good program that obama tried to kill it.

That would be a supplemental HMO, correct? I put my parents on Senior Choice from Blue Cross.

No, medicare advantage is a program administered by insurance companies like Humana. They get a fixed annual amount from the medicare fund each year for each subscriber, then they disperse the payments to docs, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. If there is anything left they get to keep it as profit.

I pay $29/mo for each of us, GP co-pay is $5 and specialist co-pay is $40. The max for any hospital stay is $175. most Rx generics are free. The provisions vary from state to state but they are in the same ranges.
Well Barry's approval rating is in the toilet and he was pretty toxic to any Dem running for office.

Guess thats a start.

The approval rating of Congress is even lower. Now that Republicans own congress they can own that approval. Will it be another "Do nothing" Congress that runs in 2016?
Dumb ass thinks the republicans own congress before they have even been sworn in.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
WTH does this have to do with the tea party? You think the republicans who won all ran against the issues that they ran with in 2010? WTF are you talking about the tea party for, you think the republicans are the tea party? WTF is wrong with you libs?

What it has to do with the Tea Party is that in 2010 and 2012 (both years in which Republicans could have taken the Senate) the Tea Party ran candidates who defeated more moderate Republicans in the primaries. These Tea Party candidates (Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Carl Palodino) blew Republican chances to take seats that were up for the taking.
That did not happen this year
No, medicare advantage is a program administered by insurance companies like Humana. They get a fixed annual amount from the medicare fund each year for each subscriber, then they disperse the payments to docs, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. If there is anything left they get to keep it as profit.

I pay $29/mo for each of us, GP co-pay is $5 and specialist co-pay is $40. The max for any hospital stay is $175. most Rx generics are free. The provisions vary from state to state but they are in the same ranges.

It's the same thing. I pay a little more on my parents to up some of the coverage. but the principle is the same - the medicare money goes to the insurance company and they put the patient in an HMO. One of the nice things for my parents is they see the same doctors my wife and I do. I get Blue Cross through work - very expensive.
No, medicare advantage is a program administered by insurance companies like Humana. They get a fixed annual amount from the medicare fund each year for each subscriber, then they disperse the payments to docs, hospitals, pharmacies, etc. If there is anything left they get to keep it as profit.

I pay $29/mo for each of us, GP co-pay is $5 and specialist co-pay is $40. The max for any hospital stay is $175. most Rx generics are free. The provisions vary from state to state but they are in the same ranges.

It's the same thing. I pay a little more on my parents to up some of the coverage. but the principle is the same - the medicare money goes to the insurance company and they put the patient in an HMO. One of the nice things for my parents is they see the same doctors my wife and I do. I get Blue Cross through work - very expensive.

OK, thats good, BCBS does not offer a medicare advantage plan here.
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
WTH does this have to do with the tea party? You think the republicans who won all ran against the issues that they ran with in 2010? WTF are you talking about the tea party for, you think the republicans are the tea party? WTF is wrong with you libs?

Perhaps Mia Love who is very much a Tea Party favorite?
Most Republicans are not part of the Tea Party but they do agree with much of their ideology. It demands a reduction in the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing government spending and taxes and wanting a smaller more manageable government.
WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

Do you want VA type healthcare for everyone? waiting 6 months for an MRI? Dying before you can get an appointment?-----------then national healthcare is for you-------------------idiot.

Actually, I have had "national health insurance" for 5 years now, and I have never had to wait more than 10 days for any specialist, primary care visit, or operation in all that time. It is called, "Medicare".

me too, you do realize that obozo took 700 million out of medicare to fund obozocare, don't you?

When it sounds too crazy to be true it usually is: Medicare 8217 s 8216 Piggy Bank 8217
Results are in and Republicans have won major victories at all levels

Should I blame?

Low information voters?
Republican cheating?
Voter suppression?
Right wing media?

No, I'll just chalk it up to Republicans running some good candidates who kept their mouths shut and avoided shooting themselves in the foot. Republicans avoided the Tea Party nonsense and ran some candidates who appealed to their constituents.

My congratulations to the Republicans
WTH does this have to do with the tea party? You think the republicans who won all ran against the issues that they ran with in 2010? WTF are you talking about the tea party for, you think the republicans are the tea party? WTF is wrong with you libs?

What it has to do with the Tea Party is that in 2010 and 2012 (both years in which Republicans could have taken the Senate) the Tea Party ran candidates who defeated more moderate Republicans in the primaries. These Tea Party candidates (Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Carl Palodino) blew Republican chances to take seats that were up for the taking.
That did not happen this year

Tea Party - a temporary movement of a loose group of people formed to discuss and report on the misgivings of a government run amok.

Democrat definition of Tea Party - Republicans that democrats classify as radicals right wing nut jobs that want to tea bag the American population.


The republicans won because more people came out to vote for them. Why?

Dunno, maybe the blacks are starting to get wise to the Democrats? Who knows..
Perhaps Mia Love who is very much a Tea Party favorite?
Most Republicans are not part of the Tea Party but they do agree with much of their ideology. It demands a reduction in the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing government spending and taxes and wanting a smaller more manageable government.

From my perspective, Tea Party Republicans focus on economics, ergo are much closer to Libertarians such as myself.

Traditional Republicans are more concerned with social issues such as gay marriage and marijuana use.

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