Republicans kick some Democrat butt

Regardless of the minimum wage scale, McDonalds will install modern technology. The idea of threatening employees that they will be replaced by robots if they won't acept low wages is ridiculous

Leftists like you have no concept of how a business runs. Terms like ROCE have utterly no meaning to you. In your mind business owners are just greedy and don't give workers their "fair share." The idea that capital equipment has a cost and must be justified with a payback is a mystery to you.
LMAO......Dad you (and I want to go on the record here) are an imbecile.

Says the Klown voting for the GOP and 'believing in' the free markets and myths and fairy tales
Echo Echo Echo...........chamber..................

America rejected Obama and you Dad.................yell in the Grand Canyon and you might get a response............take your daddy Obomb with you............and you can cry and get drunk.....


Really? Near record low turnouts in almost EVERY state means the Prez who was the first in 50+ years to win with 52%+ of popular vote in 2008 and 2012, was means rejection? lol

ONLY in right wing 'reality' Bubba

GOPers won because of turnout more than anything else

That's a good point. If the ideas put forth by your party are so great, why couldn't you even get people from your own side to support them at the ballot box?

Turnout was low among typical Democrat bases. Turnout was high among typical Republican voting bases.
The 2014 electorate wasn 8217 t just older and whiter than 2012. It also voted more Republican. - The Washington Post
Regardless of the minimum wage scale, McDonalds will install modern technology. The idea of threatening employees that they will be replaced by robots if they won't acept low wages is ridiculous

Leftists like you have no concept of how a business runs. Terms like ROCE have utterly no meaning to you. In your mind business owners are just greedy and don't give workers their "fair share." The idea that capital equipment has a cost and must be justified with a payback is a mystery to you.
Mitch came out with a statement today. It started off with a paragraph about "compromise" and "effective government". It quickly moved from there to, "we can not repeal ACA, of course, because "he" is still president". It then ended with their "new" strategy, which is to defund anything that Obama wants, that they do not, from immigration reform, to ACA.

"Compromise" seems to have an evolving definition, since the last Webster's definition.

Do you think Tuesday was about "compromise"?
Mitch came out with a statement today. It started off with a paragraph about "compromise" and "effective government". It quickly moved from there to, "we can not repeal ACA, of course, because "he" is still president". It then ended with their "new" strategy, which is to defund anything that Obama wants, that they do not, from immigration reform, to ACA.

"Compromise" seems to have an evolving definition, since the last Webster's definition.

Do you think Tuesday was about "compromise"?

Not at all. You might want to Email Mitch, because he hasn't gotten the memo, apparently. Either that, or he is just mouthing platitudes for those that are gullible enough to swallow them.
That's what makes it so much better, the liberal media was neutralized by reality this election.

I know they were neutralized by the "low information voters"
Well, you can't stop you from voting and you seem as low as they go.

Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.
I know they were neutralized by the "low information voters"
Well, you can't stop you from voting and you seem as low as they go.

Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

The low information voters have high information?
I know they were neutralized by the "low information voters"
Well, you can't stop you from voting and you seem as low as they go.

Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!
Tell me you think your Marxist Democrats are the moderates, that would be hysterical.
As NYC said

"Half of Americans consider themselves moderates, and yet Libertarian candidates rarely win more than single digit support in elections."

Libertarians Are The True Political Moderates US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Who is "NYC?" That quote turns up nothing in Google. I'm not a butt lazy liberal who wants other people to do my job for me, I always do my own searching before asking.

That quote also contradicts nothing. Politicians promise free shit, particularly the Democrats. That free shit comes from someone else. There's absolutely nothing moderate about voting for politicians to take other people's property and give it to you. It's a crime, it's called armed robbery. The mob voting for it in no way makes it right.

Libertarians are pretty much the definition of moderate. We respect the property of others, and we expect to have our property respected. We believe in charity, and that it's our job to do it, not someone else's like you do. We do on the other hand realize that we need a way to resolve differences (civil courts), defend our homes (police, criminal courts) defend our country (military), recognize and protect property rights so we can utilize our own assets and manage limited resources like water and build and maintain roads.

There is nothing that is not moderate about us. There is nothing moderate about you. You openly advocate armed robbery, the destruction of anyone who opposes you and kicking in the teeth of your victims and blaming them for your crime.

That's reality, deal with it.
Cato is not a valid source. It is a right wing think tank that likes to bullshit. They repeatedly get nailed.
They are libertarian, so fiscally conservative. As far as the content, it isn't right or wrong just because it comes from them. Reading helps.

CATO is one of the most accurate sources anywhere.

Vastly more accurate than the NY Times or any other party controlled source.
Well, you can't stop you from voting and you seem as low as they go.

Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.
Cato is not a valid source. It is a right wing think tank that likes to bullshit. They repeatedly get nailed.
They are libertarian, so fiscally conservative. As far as the content, it isn't right or wrong just because it comes from them. Reading helps.

CATO is one of the most accurate sources anywhere.

Vastly more accurate than the NY Times or any other party controlled source.

Liberals only recognize sources who tell them what they want to hear as valid. They consider the village idiot valid if he does that. People who research with an open mind and are driven by the data? Not valid at all.
Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?
Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

Do you want VA type healthcare for everyone? waiting 6 months for an MRI? Dying before you can get an appointment?-----------then national healthcare is for you-------------------idiot.
OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

Do you want VA type healthcare for everyone? waiting 6 months for an MRI? Dying before you can get an appointment?-----------then national healthcare is for you-------------------idiot.

Well no but I'm wondering why you blame Obama for the prices not going to where he said when thats a separate private business.

And stfu the VA has great healthcare all your boo-hoo paranoid cry babyism doesnt mean your nightmares are true. Heres a blanky

This is why we call you "shitflinger."

Naturally you don't grasp basic business or economic questions, you're a looter, not a producer.

McDonald's will not make a capital investment until such time as the payback is attractive. When you Communists push for doubling wages - then you vastly alter the ROCE on capital equipment to replace unskilled labor. Essentially, you are putting the workers you claim to help out of work.

Naturally, your intent (rather the intent of your masters) is not to help anyone. The massive increase in wages for the least skilled and valuable is designed to break the back of the middle, the ever-persistent goal of leftism.

You don't understand economics, nor do you care, so this is not intended for you.

Arbitrary markers of fiat currency do not alter the value proposition. Menial labor does not gain value simply because a government dictates that more fiat currency is given in exchange for that labor. Instead the value of the fiat currency is reduced to the level of the value it is exchanged for. The purchasing power of the dollar declines until equilibrium is established.

Who gets fucked by all of this is exactly who the left are targeting, the lower middle class. This is nothing more or less than democrats putting a boot to the face of workers struggling to rise out of poverty and into the middle. A person works hard and proves his value, obtaining a series of raises, from $7.25 to $9, then up to $13. Then along come you communists and kick him in the face repeatedly until he is right back to minimum wage where he started

Of course this is the whole idea, what Lenin called "leveling," paying the street sweeper the same as a doctor or craftsman. The left seeks to crush the middle, the bourgeoisie, you always have. 3 years after an arbitrary mandate to pay $15 instead of $8, the purchasing power of $15 will be the same as $8 today. So what was accomplished? Simply the act of kicking those climbing out of poverty right back down to the bottom.

This is why we call you "shitflinger."

Naturally you don't grasp basic business or economic questions, you're a looter, not a producer.

McDonald's will not make a capital investment until such time as the payback is attractive. When you Communists push for doubling wages - then you vastly alter the ROCE on capital equipment to replace unskilled labor. Essentially, you are putting the workers you claim to help out of work.

Naturally, your intent (rather the intent of your masters) is not to help anyone. The massive increase in wages for the least skilled and valuable is designed to break the back of the middle, the ever-persistent goal of leftism.

You don't understand economics, nor do you care, so this is not intended for you.

Arbitrary markers of fiat currency do not alter the value proposition. Menial labor does not gain value simply because a government dictates that more fiat currency is given in exchange for that labor. Instead the value of the fiat currency is reduced to the level of the value it is exchanged for. The purchasing power of the dollar declines until equilibrium is established.

Who gets fucked by all of this is exactly who the left are targeting, the lower middle class. This is nothing more or less than democrats putting a boot to the face of workers struggling to rise out of poverty and into the middle. A person works hard and proves his value, obtaining a series of raises, from $7.25 to $9, then up to $13. Then along come you communists and kick him in the face repeatedly until he is right back to minimum wage where he started

Of course this is the whole idea, what Lenin called "leveling," paying the street sweeper the same as a doctor or craftsman. The left seeks to crush the middle, the bourgeoisie, you always have. 3 years after an arbitrary mandate to pay $15 instead of $8, the purchasing power of $15 will be the same as $8 today. So what was accomplished? Simply the act of kicking those climbing out of poverty right back down to the bottom.


You are obviously some type of Luddite who thinks you could stop the flow of progress by rolling back a few bucks on wages. Your silly threats to workers......You better accept lower wages or we will get robots to replace you is ridiculous

Awwww all you want, you used the low information voter excuse. And the reality is you lost the war on women in Colorado. It's a tired old game and you lost.

OH so NOW the "low information voter" excuse is an excuse?? Well hells bells why didnt you say that for the past 6 years. I guess its a coincidence that the day after the GOP wins that THAT SAME DAY all the "low information voters" vanished!!. lol

Obama campaigned for the Illinois governor and lost. The Democrats had the Clinton's visit states and all lost.

It happens at the end of the last 3 or 4 Presidents cycles...but you're right...THIS one is extraordinary!!

Three female Republican Governors, have done well and were re-elected.

Biden goes out on the trail a leaves a trail of losses.

The fact is Obama has blamed everyone else for the countries troubles and the voters are a lot smarter than you and can see through the smoke. The Democrats ran from Obama and the GOP tied the Democrats to Obama and they lost big.

Duly noted the voters are NOW the day after winning "smarter" and the day before were "low information voters" according to the GOP. No excuses thats really what happened

The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

No it is because of Government that they went up.
Feds should not be in Health Care, Housing or Education.
The Low information voters voted against the Dems because of high food prices and higher Health Insurance Premiums and higher college tuition.

WOW! All those things went up in price? Price increases have NEVER happened under a republican congress!

Sure they have but not by such a large margin and so quickly.
Obama promised that the health insurance would go down and they didn't.

Then govt should take full control of it then? No?

Do you want VA type healthcare for everyone? waiting 6 months for an MRI? Dying before you can get an appointment?-----------then national healthcare is for you-------------------idiot.

Well no but I'm wondering why you blame Obama for the prices not going to where he said when thats a separate private business.

And stfu the VA has great healthcare all your boo-hoo paranoid cry babyism doesnt mean your nightmares are true. Heres a blanky

I blame obama and the dems for that terrible piece of legislation and the way it was passed. Prices for insurance are up BECAUSE OF ACA. People have lost coverage BECAUSE OF ACA, deductibles are up BECAUSE OF ACA.
and worst of all, there are just as many uninsured after this fiasco as there were before it.

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