Republicans: Obama must defend Christian values

2 cor 3:14:

17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Liberty is a Christian precept.

As is equality.

Progressivism = slavery, dishonor, theft, murder.

The end.
" It takes up the weightier matters of the law that Christianity has profoundly shaped - justice and mercy, rule and equity, discipline and love - as well as more technical topics of canon law, natural law, and state law. Some of these legal creations were wholly original to Christianity. Others were converted from Jewish and classical traditions. Still others were reformed by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenment philosophers. But whether original or reformed, these Christian teachings on law, politics and society have made and can continue to make fundamental contributions to modern law in the West and beyond."

Christianity And Law Introduction | Religion: general interest | Cambridge University Press

Thank goodness for the judeo-christian tradition, or we'd have no laws at all.

We'd be a big progressive ball of hatred and crime.
Liberty is a Christian precept.

As is equality.

Progressivism = slavery, dishonor, theft, murder.

The end.

It absolutely is not.

Christianity is Slavery, Theft and Murder.

Even the founders took land that belong to other people. Then killed those people.

And enslaved people.

So..if you call them Christians?

Those..are Christian values.
" It takes up the weightier matters of the law that Christianity has profoundly shaped - justice and mercy, rule and equity, discipline and love - as well as more technical topics of canon law, natural law, and state law. Some of these legal creations were wholly original to Christianity. Others were converted from Jewish and classical traditions. Still others were reformed by Renaissance humanists and Enlightenment philosophers. But whether original or reformed, these Christian teachings on law, politics and society have made and can continue to make fundamental contributions to modern law in the West and beyond."

Christianity And Law Introduction | Religion: general interest | Cambridge University Press

Thank goodness for the judeo-christian tradition, or we'd have no laws at all.

We'd be a big progressive ball of hatred and crime.

There was law before Christianity.

And once Christianity became Law?

We had the dark ages.
Poor sallow, so criminal, so dishonest, and so wrong. The dark ages were the period between the fall of the Roman empire and the spread of christianity.

Followed by the Renaissance...which was a direct result of the widespread acceptance of Christianity and the establishment of the church and the subsequent education and education of the people.

If it wasn't for the church, there would have been no law, no education, no hospitals. Thank goodness Christians reached out to the poor scrabbling, heathen masses of the dark ages, or they might have died completely out.
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Maybe they want a "Christian Values" board in the government.. :doubt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading Republicans on Thursday insisted that America's leaders must do more to defend Christian values at home and abroad, blaming President Barack Obama for attacks on religious freedom as they courted social conservatives expected to play a critical role in the next presidential contest.

"Those of us inspired by Judeo-Christian values...have an obligation to our country and to our fellow man to use our positions of influence to highlight those values," Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio said at a conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by long-time Christian political activist Ralph Reed.

There not even hiding the calls for Theocracy anymore..

Take a gander at the Constitution, folks:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The VERY first amendment PROHIBITS the President from advocating for Christian, Hindi, Muslim, Buddhist or any other religion's "values".

It's funny because while I agree with you I also know you support welfare, that's not supported by the constitution in the way that you support us doing it today but it does not stop you.

So again while I agree, it's hard to care what a trolling homophobic hypocrite thinks. Hell, you have shifted to a full necon war loving position just because the President is a Democrat. All you care about is that Obama says "no boots on the ground" before he starts killing people.
Poor sallow, so criminal, so dishonest, and so wrong. The dark ages were the period between the fall of the Roman empire and the spread of christianity.

Followed by the Renaissance...which was a direct result of the widespread acceptance of Christianity and the establishment of the church and the subsequent education and education of the people.

If it wasn't for the church, there would have been no law, no education, no hospitals. Thank goodness Christians reached out to the poor scrabbling, heathen masses of the dark ages, or they might have died completely out.

The dark ages WERE the spread of Christianity.
the only real difference between Islam and Christianity is Islam does more of the whole killing thing. The end goal of both is to make everyone "insert religion here".

Bar none, there is no religion more violent, more bloody, more intolerant then Christianity.

From burning heretics at the stake to gassing Jews, Christianity has wrought more misery on humanity then any other religion.

i disagree. Both of the two are rather bloody.

i agree.....both have twisted and perverted the things.....
Dark Ages = fall of the Roman Empire.

Renaissance = establishment of Christianity.

It's quite simple, and nobody with any understanding of history questions it. Poor sallow, you were an ignorant laughingstock before you dropped out of junior high, weren't you?
The only "Christian Value" the founders defended was slavery.

That's it.

Slavery was never a Christian value. Nice try, asshole.

This country was founded on judeo/christian values and understandings of right and wrong. Our founding documents make that very clear.

Obama is much more supportive of muslim sharia values than judeo christian values. That is also very clear.

Expecting a president to support the constitution and the laws of our nation is not extreme or radical. Expecting a president to fulfull his oath of office is not extreme or radical.

No one needs religion to know right from wrong.

Nor has any religion ever gotten it all right.
Poor sallow, so criminal, so dishonest, and so wrong. The dark ages were the period between the fall of the Roman empire and the spread of christianity.

Followed by the Renaissance...which was a direct result of the widespread acceptance of Christianity and the establishment of the church and the subsequent education and education of the people.

If it wasn't for the church, there would have been no law, no education, no hospitals. Thank goodness Christians reached out to the poor scrabbling, heathen masses of the dark ages, or they might have died completely out.

The dark ages WERE the spread of Christianity.

Nope. The dark ages were the years after the Roman Empire fell. The people were pagans and heathens, without a centralizing influence.

Then Christianity got a foothold, started to educate and enlighten the masses...and the world bloomed. Laws and hospitals were established, the people learned to read, they gained teachers in the form of priests, who shared their knowledge with the locals...thank goodness, or Europe would have taken on the characteristics of modern day Afghanistan.
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Liberalism is all the rage that's why Obama's and his parties disapprovals are nearly 60% DISSAPROVES OF him AND the party he comes from

these people are frikken hoot who won't ever face reality

Steph i know a good many Liberals who are Liberal but just dont like their Party at the moment and like many of us dont see Obama as a very good doesnt mean they are not Liberal.....lots of Conservatives dont care for the Republicans at this time.....thats reality....
And equality.

Equality is NOT a Christian value.

Never was.

Never will be.

Of course it is. The founding fathers took the concept of equality and liberty directly from the bible.

Time to go get your estrogen shot and check in with your parole officer, progressive. We'll talk when you get back.

Democracy places the power in the hands of the people; Christianity places the power in the hands of God.

Christianity is not democratic.
Poor sallow, so criminal, so dishonest, and so wrong. The dark ages were the period between the fall of the Roman empire and the spread of christianity.

Followed by the Renaissance...which was a direct result of the widespread acceptance of Christianity and the establishment of the church and the subsequent education and education of the people.

If it wasn't for the church, there would have been no law, no education, no hospitals. Thank goodness Christians reached out to the poor scrabbling, heathen masses of the dark ages, or they might have died completely out.

The dark ages WERE the spread of Christianity.

Nope. The dark ages were the years after the Roman Empire fell. The people were pagans and heathens, without a centralizing influence.

Then Christianity got a foothold, started to educate and enlighten the masses...and the world bloomed. Laws and hospitals were established, the people learned to read, they gained hospitals...thank goodness, or Europe would have taken on the characteristics of modern day Afghanistan.

You're kidding right?

During the dark ages you had kings like Charlemagne who instantly killed people who weren't his type of Christian.

The Renaissance happened for several reasons. First, people were tired of kings telling them what religion they should follow.

Second the Crusaders came back after learning the code of Saladin (Chivalry) where they learned it was wrong to kill women and children and roast them and eat them, like they did at Constantinople.

Third the Crusaders got exposed to the glory of the Roman Empire.

And forth because the churches wanted to survive, they thought it best they get out of the political realm and just use influence instead.
Back in the 1950's in Georgia, the protestant religion and Georgia State law were so intertwined that one could not tell when one stopped and the other began. Only gas stations and drug stores were allowed to be open on Sunday. No package stores allowed in my county. No alcohol served in Atlanta after 11;45 PM on Saturday. The KKK was actively persecuting Jews and Catholics. Somebody bombed the Jewish Temple on Peachtree Street in Atlanta., and nobody looked real hard to find out who did it.

Thank us atheists for putting a stop to this kind of idiocy.

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